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Former Usair Chief Defends Airport Agreement


Where have you been, it has become "policy". F/as must do it with their announcements. It is in the booklet. If they are reading their announcements, they should be reading that as well.

My job is not to "police" people. That is what managment is for; god knows we have a "ton" of them.
thats the problem lindy .i think pitt just stayes home and stays on usaviation all day and night posting her negativity . someone should put o muffle on that dog.
and lindy i am a f/a and i make every effort to tell pax to pick up trash. especially when we have a short turn around so that the cleaners will have less to deal with and the flt can go out ontime. i also tell mommies with there kids to clean up after their children. i ma pretty sure other f/a do it to you must of been flying with a clt crew lol 😀

just kidding clt f/a's . B)
As I landed in LAX today.....

"Ladies and Gentleman...we have been cleared for approach & landing into LAX. Please bring your seat forward, stow your service trays and PASS ANY REMAINING SERVICE ITEMS AND UNWANTED READING MATERIAL TO THE F/A's"

Do you wants us to brow beat the PAX to hand over the stuff on the floor? Gees.
etops1 said:
thats the problem lindy .i think pitt just stayes home and stays on usaviation all day and night posting her negativity . someone should put o muffle on that dog.
and lindy i am a f/a and i make every effort to tell pax to pick up trash. especially when we have a short turn around so that the cleaners will have less to deal with and the flt can go out ontime. i also tell mommies with there kids to clean up after their children. i ma pretty sure other f/a do it to you must of been flying with a clt crew lol 😀

just kidding clt f/a's . B)
watch it dude or i let go the leash..............
etops1 said:
pitt the rumor about f/a being paid to clean a/c is not my rumor. i did not make it up. i heard it on the line. i found it very interesting that's why i shared it with you guys. and as far as cleaning goes . it was said that f/a will only clean the cabin. meaning pick up trash from seats and seat pockets only.things that we already do in some stations to help on turn around times. other trash pick up such as galley and lavatories are to be done by utility. i will tell you right now that if the company proposes this with a 4 dollar an hour increase in wages. the majority of the f/a group will go for it. it all comes down to money baby. and god knows we need it. so take your prozac and chill. B)
i got a rumor.....dave says he's going to qualify the utes for f/a slots and give them $4 an hour.....and f/a/utes will work part time too.
with this crowd your rumor could turn around just like this!
like i bet you and a bunch would jump on this?i hope not...what about our solidarity in the face of adversity?
this subject just makes me shudder.
for a few scheckles of silver.......pay raise for utes:$17.13 to $21.13.....
and doc bronner still saves money!
Every flight I have been on the flight attendants has passed thought the cabin on numerous occasions collecting trash. The fact remains that nature of the beast is to hang onto their papers and crap since in a few minutes they are getting up and leaving to get off their flight. Heck ever went house shopping? Allot people are pigs anyhow.

--Talk to people that clean up rental cars and hotel rooms. They will tell you the same thing.
PITbull Posted on Jan 4 2004, 06:35 PM
AFA can't be bought

:lol: 😀 😛 Ummmm, yes they can....what do you think happened with CWA? roflmaoooooo That's what happened! AFA is a joke. God forbid they open a contract to help the flight attendants.....that would mean they would actually have to work 😱 (gasp!)

Article Reads Pilot interviewed: If you don't have lift and airspeed, you can't defy the laws of nature. What they're doing defies the basic laws of economics. You never can cut your way to profitability. It's a recipe for disaster and they're doomed to fail."If he had it to do over again, Gabler says, he would have gone to a different carrier. "I would have paid more attention to the management of the company rather than location."

Smoke & Mirrors states:There was an excellent article today in the Post-Gazette with one of your fellow Reserve flight attendants and how she and her spouse are able to live on her salary alone. The new ACARS system is great (from what I hear) and will more accurately track block time.

And you said this was a positive ariticle???????? Soeone get a urine specimen bottle.
Just a few comments, Yes the PIT Terminal needed a major upgrade it was was not built for a Major Arilines Hub. Second, as far a uncle Ed being a great CEO, it couldn't be further from the truth. He made major blunders along the way but the BIGGEST fault of his was MIRROR IMAGE. It was the USAir way or the Highway. Both PSA and PI brought a lot of good things to the merged company only to see them go bye-bye. Enough is enough, the Dave twins need to REGAIN the employees trust before anything will ever get better. Just hope they wake up and smell the coffee soon!

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