From the IAM/US Airways Mechanic and Related Contract:
Line Utility Functions.
Article 2 and 4, J of the Basic Agreement and other related articles and
provisions related to Line Utilitymen will be amended as follows:
• Utilitymen will continue to be used in BOS, DCA, LGA, CLT, PIT,
PHL, LAX and SFO. The scope of Line Utility work in these cities will
be limited to performance of RON, through and turn flight cleaning,
lavatory and potable water servicing and Line Utility cleaning as
required in the Basic Agreement.
In cities other than BOS, DCA, LGA, CLT, PIT, PHL, LAX and SFO,
Utility work may be performed by other US Airways employees or
vendors, except RON cleaning, which will continue to be performed by
ETOPS1 the reason you can't is because it is someone else's job. The Utility folks depend on their jobs to support their families. So it would be the equavilant of the Pilots putting the plane on autopilot and doing your job so they can lay off more F/As or we can have non-revs on the flight do your job, or why don't we just let Johnnie O, let his Mesa slaved waged F/A's do your job?
I mean get real, we have a thousand or more utility on layoff and by management not staffing the airline properly and then you having the gall to do someone else's job and you are not getting paid to do it means someone else is still on layoff.
Are you trained on biohazads, do you wear gloves when you clean a plane? What happens if you get hurt while doing someone else's job that you have no right to do? You know what happens? The company refuses your OI claim because you were doing something you were not suppose too.
Oh and if you think you are helping the companay you are not, because the IAM will file a grievance and the utility workers will get paid, so in reality you are costing the company money. So show your coworkers some respect and let them do their jobs! Maybe if you want to jump into a lav truck and dump the crappers they might let you! Becareful of the BLUE WATER!