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Force Majeure


Jul 9, 2003
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It has just been announced that the Force Majeure I at NWA has been lost.

To quote the arbitrator himself. . ."There was no basis to support. . ."
"There was no basis to support, there was no basis to support"

AMFA is to blame!!!! They made empty promisess to the emloyees that they were unable to keep (and that they knew they were unable to keep). They "didn't want to work with the company"
AMFA is to blame!!!!

Out hearts go out to all of those laid off employees who received all of empty promises from the AMFA leaders and supporters.
twuer said:
It has just been announced that the Force Majeure I at NWA has been lost.

To quote the arbitrator himself. . ."There was no basis to support. . ."
"There was no basis to support, there was no basis to support"

AMFA is to blame!!!! They made empty promisess to the emloyees that they were unable to keep (and that they knew they were unable to keep). They "didn't want to work with the company"
AMFA is to blame!!!!

Out hearts go out to all of those laid off employees who received all of empty promises from the AMFA leaders and supporters.
Out hearts go out to all of those laid off employees who received all of empty promises from the AMFA leaders and supporters.

How do you think they would have felt if their union sat back and did nothing. Probably the same way I feel about the twu. You still don't get it. AMFA is fighting for the membership. It's easy to roll over and die. You being a twu advocate you should know this first hand. You are happy about the judge ruling in NWA's favor. I don't believe you are a union man at all, more like a company rat!! Your support for the twu is nothing more than self-serving in nature. It's obvious by your post. True unionist care about the profession, not themselves. It's people like you that turn real unionist against the twu. Another obvious fact since we are on the eve of our filing.
Here's to the twu..........
Where even a rat can find a home........
Stop the Bus..I Want Off! said:
twuer said:
It has just been announced that the Force Majeure I at NWA has been lost.

To quote the arbitrator himself. . ."There was no basis to support. . ."
"There was no basis to support, there was no basis to support"

AMFA is to blame!!!! They made empty promisess to the emloyees that they were unable to keep (and that they knew they were unable to keep). They "didn't want to work with the company"
AMFA is to blame!!!!

Out hearts go out to all of those laid off employees who received all of empty promises from the AMFA leaders and supporters.
Out hearts go out to all of those laid off employees who received all of empty promises from the AMFA leaders and supporters.

How do you think they would have felt if their union sat back and did nothing. Probably the same way I feel about the twu. You still don't get it. AMFA is fighting for the membership. It's easy to roll over and die. You being a twu advocate you should know this first hand. You are happy about the judge ruling in NWA's favor. I don't believe you are a union man at all, more like a company rat!! Your support for the twu is nothing more than self-serving in nature. It's obvious by your post. True unionist care about the profession, not themselves. It's people like you that turn real unionist against the twu. Another obvious fact since we are on the eve of our filing.
Here's to the twu..........
Where even a rat can find a home........
No "Bus" I am afraid you are missing the point. AMFA made promises that THEY KNEW THEY COULDN'T KEEP!!!! Bottom line!!!! There was no hope for that arbitration and they knew it. Heck everyone knew that. AMFA sold it and sold it and sold it and made it look so promising. They refused to do it any other way and look where it got them.

Set back and did nothing. . .HMMM. Let's think about that. How many laid off and AA and how many laid off at NWA and UAL???? You are barking up the wrong tree when you talk of unionism.

Your support for the twu is nothing more than self-serving in nature.

And that is why I voted yes for the concessions. Get a grip Bus. It's not all about the money!!!!!!!!!! That's just the AMFA way.

You are happy about the judge ruling in NWA's favor.

You would like to believe that to make yourself look that much better. Nice try!!

AMFA has no credibility when it comes to unionism and protecting the profession. If they did then it would be all over these boards and IT IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No "Bus" I am afraid you are missing the point.

Have you stopped and noticed how there are AMFA drives going on everywhere in the industry?? There are no mechanics groups organizing the twu, only organizing to get rid of them. Are you sure it's me who's missing the point?? I don't think so. twuer, you use to be pathetic at best, now I'm not even sure about that one. Go to work and find some AMFA guys to rat out.
Here's to the twu...........
Trying to figure out how to become more like AMFA........
Stop the Bus..I Want Off! said:
No "Bus" I am afraid you are missing the point.

Have you stopped and noticed how there are AMFA drives going on everywhere in the industry?? There are no mechanics groups organizing the twu, only organizing to get rid of them. Are you sure it's me who's missing the point?? I don't think so. twuer, you use to be pathetic at best, now I'm not even sure about that one. Go to work and find some AMFA guys to rat out.
Here's to the twu...........
Trying to figure out how to become more like AMFA........
Trying to figure out how to become more like AMFA........

No thanks. . .I want to keep my job!!

I have to admit that the name calling (by you and others) has increased. I must be pushing all the right buttons!!

I have been to several AMFA meetings, and AMFA never promised victory in the force majure cases. AMFA did promise to fight for the membership as best they could, and they have kept their promises. Unlike the TWU which surrendered our wages,benefits, and jobs away without even a fight! Twuer why don't you quit and go to work for WALMART. They pay minimum wage and are non-union(the twu is not a union) just like AA. They never have layoffs at WALMART. You would fit in there well ,just like your friend CIO.
Sorry for your losses AMFA. The addage of "well at least they fought" is of no avail to those furloughed. The TWU also fought, but you saw it as a concession and a concession only. The TWU had previous experience and knowledge enough to realize what package or action they should present to the floor for a vote. AMFA did not. As stated before I do not revel in your loss, I just question your direction.
Seguro said:
Sorry for your losses AMFA. The addage of "well at least they fought" is of no avail to those furloughed. The TWU also fought, but you saw it as a concession and a concession only. The TWU had previous experience and knowledge enough to realize what package or action they should present to the floor for a vote. AMFA did not. As stated before I do not revel in your loss, I just question your direction.
Seguro, when you say presented with a vote do you mean my full revote?
Ken , you had your vote did you not? And Ken, I believe you know the truth over the revote, but do spin on for your admirers, you know..those that no longer have a job, the AMFA Revolution!!!!!!
UAL engine...buhbye.....FM1...buhbye....UAL retiree medical....buhbye....OAK/IND....buhbye....JOIN the REVOLUTION!!!!! Let the government support you...vote AMFA! Face adversity, poor representation, long unemployment lines...the chance to change your profession.!!!!
Your_Ex-Wife said:
UAL engine...buhbye.....FM1...buhbye....UAL retiree medical....buhbye....OAK/IND....buhbye....JOIN the REVOLUTION!!!!! Let the government support you...vote AMFA! Face adversity, poor representation, long unemployment lines...the chance to change your profession.!!!!
The sad fact is that despite the fact that UAL has AMFA they are still stuck with AFL-CIO affiliated IAM language. The only thing worse than that is TWU language.

So until we are all in AMFA, we will be fighting off the residual effects of 50 years of AFL-CIO affiliated representation.

Let me ask you something, do you blame the doctors for Cancer? They are trying to fight it but you went to them with the problem. He cant just change everything overnight.

The TWU, IAM and IBT are a malignant force in the airline industry. Our wages, benifits and working conditions have been severely eroded over the last twenty years. If we stay with these organizations it will continue to erode because despite twenty years of collecting our dues while endorsing concessions they still have no plan, other than more concessions.

It is time to eliminate the malignancy. It is time for airline workers to unite across corporate boundaries into one union for their profession. For mechanics we have that opportunity with AMFA. For all other ground workers you have that opportunity with the AGW. Unions for airline workers by airlines workers, not Bus drivers, machinists or truck drivers, but airline workers like us.
Seguro said:
Ken , you had your vote did you not? And Ken, I believe you know the truth over the revote, but do spin on for your admirers, you know..those that no longer have a job, the AMFA Revolution!!!!!!
Seguro, the truth over the revote is simple. The head of the twu's atd, the UNELECTED by the membership jim little, said that there would be a full revote because of the treachery of cAArty and the Gang Of Greed. You have read the letter just like everyone else. Then little went back on his word. Pure and simple. No spin here. I did vote. I voted NO. But only after calling several times and e-mailing several times to AAA to get my pin. There were many others who did not. jim little even claimed that not everyone received a pin. Also, this vote is the ONLY vote I ever heard of where someone could change their vote from NO to YES to NO to YES, etc. This was a ONE TIME change to the way we do voting. Why?
I have no admirers. Thanks for the compliment though. I merely post my beliefs by stating my name and location and standing behind what I post. It is a shame that you and cio can not. May I ask why you post behind an alias?
Ken MacTiernan said:
Seguro, the truth over the revote is simple. The head of the twu's atd, the UNELECTED by the membership jim little, said that there would be a full revote because of the treachery of cAArty and the Gang Of Greed. You have read the letter just like everyone else. Then little went back on his word. Pure and simple. No spin here. I did vote. I voted NO. But only after calling several times and e-mailing several times to AAA to get my pin. There were many others who did not. jim little even claimed that not everyone received a pin. Also, this vote is the ONLY vote I ever heard of where someone could change their vote from NO to YES to NO to YES, etc. This was a ONE TIME change to the way we do voting. Why?
I have no admirers. Thanks for the compliment though. I merely post my beliefs by stating my name and location and standing behind what I post. It is a shame that you and cio can not. May I ask why you post behind an alias?
Truth is it didn't matter how the vote turned out. The twu would have signed off on it anyway. That should be obvious since 3000+ people didn't get the chance to "participate". Don't forget about the PanAm guys who rejected their similiar proposal and the twu signed off on it anyway. By the way, where did the twu lead the PanAm guys to???
Here's to the twu.......
It's not about the members.........It's about the dues!!!!!!!!
How well did the TWU fight for my seniority? FM1 gives creedance to AMFA's determination. Did you hear that just now? AMFA just passed you, whhoooosh!

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