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For Sale 757's

USA320Pilot said:

DorkDriver asked: Two questions A320. 1. What do you mean 30 Large RJ positions were lost? 2. Any idea when delivery's will resume?

USA320Pilot comments: The loss of new aircraft delivery's because uninon leadership failed to voluntarily participate in the new business plan will prevent asset reallocation to permit other mainline growth opportunities at LGA & DCA.

It's too bad this has occurred, but it's another example of failed union leadership by not participating in the TP before bankruptcy and now having "imposition", which is something nobody likes.



Oh, for Pete's sake. 🙄 "It's your fault we can't get any new airplanes, meanie- face!"

There are no more RJs or SJs coming because THE COMPANY CAN"T AFFORD THEM, and Embraer and Bombardier are not stupid. I wouldn't loan US Airways a cup of sugar, why would anyone give them 200 multimillion dollar airplanes?

As great as the aircraft could be (more so the EMBs in my opinion), an airline in bankrupcy protection simply cannot buy a whole new fleet of shiney new planes. And why on earth would the employees want to make huge sacrifices to pay for them, only for them to flown by someone else?

The planes would have stopped coming even if the employees had started paying the company to work there rather than the opposite.

As for Mesa or whoever, if US can't afford to buy planes or even pay industry standard wages, then how can they afford to pay lucrative contracts to all of these crap airlines? Now that they have the worst labor contracts in the industry, they'll just have to make do with what they have.
Light Years said:
There are no more RJs or SJs coming because THE COMPANY CAN"T AFFORD THEM, and Embraer and Bombardier are not stupid. I wouldn't loan US Airways a cup of sugar, why would anyone give them 200 multimillion dollar airplanes?

edited by moderator away at the rumors and other excuses, and anyone pretending to be an airline analyst will still see that this had nothing to do with labor. Or, you can look at the 10Q filed in August on Edgar and read it for yourself...

When UAIR's credit rating was downgraded in May, they no longer met the conditions that the RJ financing was contingent on. GE and the manufacturers renegotiated some of the terms, with the ability to pull the plug if UAIR didn't meet certain criteria, i.e. monthly EBITAR hurdles, unrestricted cash balances. This should sound familiar -- it's the same conditions that RSA and BOFA are using to hold off the ATSB backed loans from being called in default.

When they filed for Ch.11, they no longer met the terms of the renegotiated contract, so the financing was revoked.
a320av8r said:
🙁 I was duped by an e-mail when I posted the "for sale" post.
I am unable to delete that post.
My sincerest apologies to all and to US Airways.
It will not happen again.

Look at it this way: You (and others spreading the false rumor) actually caused the company to issue a press release over the weekend to quash the rumor. I can't take credit for anything like that, ever. 😛 😀
WorldTraveler said:
The Feb schedule change was loaded last night.

ISP - DTW will still have 4 mainline flights a day in Feb.

A320Pilot is correct. New markets out of DCA include DTW, IAH, DFW, ATL and ORD!
Look for a few new flights in US backyard from other airlines in the next few days. Who do you think US management is kidding putting in a bunch of flights into other carrier hubs? US is not the dominant carrier in a single market into another airlines hub today. Why does US management think they will succeed against the onslaught that is sure to come their way?

Sorry folks, but I have to call it the way I see it.

I agree.

Today's press release mentions increased flights from DCA to cities including: ATL, CLE, DTW and ORD. It make no sense to me.


We're bleeding money so we've decided to pull the tails of all our competitors by increasing flights into their hubs.

What the hell are they thinking? B)
Is anyone reallly interested in increasing flights to Charlotte, Pittsburgh, or Philly? Our hubs are kind of crappy, that's why they are generally left alone.
Remember, this is the February schedule. I am sure the company expects one of two things to happen by then. The first, and preferable one, is to have a competitive across-the-board cost structure in place with a rationalized fare structure to allow them to compete vigoursly with any LCC carrier, and make the other big airlines bleed some for a change. The other thing is a liquidation before the schedule can take affect. Either way, you can't compare the current cost structure with these route announcements and say they wont work.
Light Years said:
Is anyone reallly interested in increasing flights to Charlotte, Pittsburgh, or Philly? Our hubs are kind of crappy, that's why they are generally left alone.

Yes, WN is very eager to take over US's domestic presence in PHL if they liquidate. PHL is not a crappy market.
Yes, but we are jumping onto legacy carrier routes. What they want they've kind of done already. Pretty much all of the US hubs already have service to each legacy carrier hub from that hub. None of them are going to waste aircraft increasing service to the U hubs.

WN is already doing thier thing, thier whole business plan is p*ssing in other people's pools. The Big 5 have already had thier way with US, now they are having a go.
"Yes, but we are jumping onto legacy carrier routes. What they want they've kind of done already. Pretty much all of the US hubs already have service to each legacy carrier hub from that hub. None of them are going to waste aircraft increasing service to the U hubs."

What do you call Delta's addition of CLT-LGA and JFK service? Every other legacy airline has more mainline and RJ aircraft than US has and isn't running on the financial fumes. They have plenty of resources to fight where they need to fight.

It's nice to say that US will have a competitive cost structure to make these things work but 5 other airlines aren't going to wait to initiate their responses; they'll be starting very soon.
That was before this announcement, and I thiught that was a situation of DL doing that and then US responding.

Even if they do anything, it would be increasing flights from thier hubs. It's not like anyone's going to start doing SEA-CLT or SAN-PHL (except WN- but again, it's the legacies we're annoying here). It would only be an increase in service that they already offer. They've been doing that for years, particularly recently in Airways weakened state.

It's called competition! It's what US is supposed to do. And they are doing it out of the first choice airport in the DC market, where they are the largest carrier, the hometown carrier, with a huge FF base from thier existing mainline and Shuttle service. It only makes sense to offer service to the big business centers.

They can't run and hide in dinky regional routes forever, particularly when they have valuable slots and gate space all over the most lucrative area for air travel in the world. What they do now doesn't work. Whether we like it or not, US now has a lower cost structure than the other legacies, and it's time to try and get themsleves some good business.

What should they do instead? Put a bunch of 737s on PHL-ABE and hope for the best?
Light Years said:
It's called competition! It's what US is supposed to do. And they are doing it out of the first choice airport in the DC market, where they are the largest carrier, the hometown carrier, with a huge FF base from thier existing mainline and Shuttle service. It only makes sense to offer service to the big business centers.


And, it is interesting that UA is so conveniently decreasing their domestic flights and US is picking up potential slack.

The problem with CHQ assuming E-190 flying for US is that the E-190 will not be avail until late 2005.

More likely is that Mesa will buy and fly the CRJ-900 in the interim as they are avail now, and can be placed into the US network much faster than the still to be certified E-190's. While this would provide needed "large RJ" capacity, by the time the E-190 is avail, the option to send it off the property might not be the favored choice

IMHO the question of US or CHQ obtaining E-190's remains "in the air" in regards to what occurs through 2005. Profitability and plan success alone will determine if US is able to gain investment in 2005 and beyond for additonal aircraft.

MDA is cheaper than CHQ, and MDA has no need to factor in a profit margin on top of their costs like CHQ must. This fact kept the E-170 flying in house prior to BK, and it is a solid argument to keep it here in the future.

The one wild card is fragmentation of assets in BK, to compensate for the shortfall in emergency relief, and to raise additional capital. Either PSA/PDT or MDA being sold to Mesa or CHQ would alter the situation. While MDA falls directly under the loss of fragmentation rights from the mainline agreement, PSA and PDT do maintain their own CBA's and protections to date.

Basically, my point is that much remains to be seen, and Large RJ's are as big a question mark as the remainder of the operation.
Could MDA and or PDT and PSA be sold without being sold TO one of those airlines? Like spun off into it's own company like ExpressJet?
MDA is not a seperate company, it does not have its own certificate.
I know, but it could easily be put onto the PDT, PSA, or even the dormant ALG certificate.

What if there was a way to spin the three of them into a single company with it's own management etc, would that company then be allowed to continue to the SJ and RJ orders?

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