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Food For Thought: Lower Pay Or No Job?

A320 - why don't you be the first in line - when you report back to work, fill out your PE-IOU form and start flying for free. This would look great on your application for martyrdom.

You can post your arse off and the "Full Pay to the last Day" group is still going to be here. Everyone has a right to make up their own mind. And to be quite honest, you are pushing more of the over to that side everyday.
n711ac said:
Bush talks about the new jobs that he has made but what he not telling is that that person was making $20.00 now theyare making $6.50.

Not true.

Bush consistently says that the jobs this economy is creating are "good, high paying jobs."

This country is on the fast track to disaster and the majority of its citizens apparently are willing to drive it over the edge. Until the citizens of this country get the balls to face the realities of a violent world (it's always been that way, but we've been lucky the past 50 years in the US) and begin to look beyond their fears (that this administration has so effectively exploited) then there isn't going to be much attention paid to the realities of this economy. It's easier for the 'security moms' in their paralyzing fear to just buy the sound bites that this administration puts forward. Until people wake up and face reality, then we're all going to suffer.

What's going to happen when down the road this generation needs health care, social security, affordable housing, etc. It's not fun to contemplate.
spacewaitress said:
What's going to happen when down the road this generation needs health care, social security, affordable housing, etc. It's not fun to contemplate.
Look around real hard, I believe it's already here for many.

Kerry and his whacko wife will not save your hide, and neither will Bush, that little detail falls in your hands.
Planejane is a passenger worried about her "miles" who has some nerve to dole out advice. You want everyone to take pay cuts for you? How about when they get rid of the Dividend Miles program, which is too expensive and generous? Hey, its not the go-go 90's anymore, that model failed, time to be an LCC! We lost our pensions, lets take your miles! Cutting costs arent we?

If it bothers you how much the employees of your chosen airline make, go fly a lower paying airline. Not Southwest, they pay more. Have fun finding one that flies where you want to go.

I love how these people come on here with thier elitest attitudes trying to tell the lowly worker drones what thier lot in life is and what they deserve...

If I still worked there, in my current situation, my choice would be no job over the lower pay. What my seniority would get me (MAA) is insulting and and would be insuffiecient for me to even pay bills, even at my young, unemcumbered age.

So much has been lost now very few employees have any stake in the airline. Over 40% have lost thier job anyway with more to come, and the remaining cant survive anyway. So they have created a workforce that no longer cares if it lives or dies, or maybe even hopes it does die.

So it probably will. No one loves the airline enough to make $11000 a year to subsidize outrageous fuel prices and even more outrageous $29 airplane fares. Take Southwest as far as they'll take ya, or ride the train. Drive to JFK and take a government subsidized foriegn carrier for the fab service to Europe.

But hey, at least there's a lot fewer members of that pesky middle class and incredibly low fares, right!!! <_<
Light Years,

I hope you don't work in Customer Service! I could care less about dividend miles, frequent flyers miles, etc. Never worth much to me. Whenever I went to use whatever I had there were so many restriction attached to them, I couldn't be bothered. When I want to get somewhere, I research the internet, destination and price. I make no preference other than a reasonable fare and assessing my personal time involved. Luckly for me, I do have accessibility to more than one airline. I also don't mind driving the occasional route. I am your typical airline customer looking for no more than a good product for my money. The American public, in general, is not looking for frills. Just a reasonable way from A - B. U can become a great LCC carrier and keep it's once reputation for great customer service intact. It's possible. Whether you want it or not.

Like you I do not work for US Airways.

I was a F/A for them before I got laid off, and received numerous good letters and even awards for the service I provided in my time there, so keep your snide customer service comments to yourself. I hope YOU are not in the financial field, because you run your mouth about topics you dont have much of a grasp of.

Please explain to all of us how the full service network model US Airways wants to maintain can be low cost. No one can figure it out, but you must have the key. Enlighten everyone.

If the entire workforce worked for free, US would still lose money. Thats a fact. The employees have given over and over to subsidize business plans that either failed or were not follwed through on, while an endless parade of folks in charge walked off with millions.

And if the new model is the "get on the internet, no loyalty, just whoever wil fly me to LA for under $30" well then maybe no one wants to be a part of it anymore. The jobs are too saftety-sensitive, too time consuming, too encompassing of your life to make below minimum wage. So maybe they are just ready to let it go... let the 75 year old lady die with a bit of dignity, rather than put her on life support and try to give her an unwanted facelift.

As you said, theres a plethora of people out there who want to do this, and maybe not as a career. I know there are plenty of white trash girls working at the Denny's who would love be a flight attendant and see what Buffalo and Syracuse look like. They'll do it for $900 a month- I cant compete with that. Let them do it. I'll stay home and dust my airplane models and fondly remember when it was a career that we cared about. There are plenty of airlines that will take our gates and fly thier LCC operations with them. Alot of smaller cities will lose service forever, but thats what you wanted- you're not willing to pay for the service, just like you're not willing to pay for meals or experienced people who know what thier doing.

You arent willing to pay for me. I was a great flight attendant, maybe I had you on a flight in Envoy Class. I loved my job and did it WELL. I dont do things unless I do them the right way. But I had to choose my dignity, health and well-being over the job I loved, and thats whats happening here with the general workforce.

Happy web-surfing... I'm glad I wont be flying the low-cost, understaffed and inexperienced skies of tomorrow... please dont ever complain about a poor product at a low price, just be happy if you get there.
Light Years,

And so you are in the financial field? We may have met!

And what would be so wrong with the girls @ Denny's trying to better themselves? Are you saying people who work at Denny's a low lifes, untrainable? Why must you put those who don't make 18.00/hr in catagories? Your prejudices really shine!

Don't attack - think more productively.
I'm only prejudiced against idiots. I apologize if that is showing in my responses to you.

You stop telling the airline folks what to do and I'll lay off the waitresses.

If the $18 you're referencing is flight attendant pay, if you divide it over hours worked, it comes out to $4.75 an hour, much lower if you include time away from home.

And if you think $900 a month is bettering oneself or our nation at large, I truly hope that starting tomorrow, that's what you make for the rest of your life. You can be like a Mother Teresa figure, poor, but full of dime store wisdom, making sandwiches for the "deserving" poor.

If you really support an economy where most are part of the "working poor" then there is no point in debating with you (particularly since you haven't made a valid point yet). I would recommend that you read "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America" by Barbara Ehrenreich (2001). It may enlighten you.

In with anger, out with love.
Light Years,

I resent your pun regarding idiots. This is a forum, not just for U employees. I will no longer waste my time with you. Your arrogance is apparent. It takes a lot to emulate Mother Teresa, something you obviously know nothing about. I will now continue my deposition summary reading regarding a man, severly injured, due to his own negligence yet, just happy to be alive. His life has changed dramatically but he preseveres in spite of many difficulties. He has adapted. May I offer an exchange of shoes? You may be enlightened. Life goes on and no, you need not worry about my pay. I have worked my a$$ off to get where I am today and if the bottom falls out, I'll be just fine.........
Well I think the original poster set his goals to low he/she did not tell what degree they went after .....I went for my first interview in 30 years and he offered me the job....and I said no ....there are plenty of jobs out there especially for customer service employees that is if you are confident and not a .........A hole......like some we have.. stop being bitter vote no let them shut it down and move on.......

Oh and by the way banks love to have people like us it doesn't start out at 20.00 per hour but the cream rises to the top.
and just think if you vote yes and stay for 15.00 it will always be 15.00 per hour.
This company doesn't value you or me.......

SHOW THEM YOU DON,T VALUE THEM VOTE NO..................................
There are jobs out there. You must be well prepared and networked though.
Regardless of the outcome of the BK, I personally will not stay at this company for the wages the managment thinks we're worth. I absolutely refuse to break my back and financial well being for the likes of those in CCY, only to pad their personal bank accounts. They are all going to have a fight on their hands with all labor groups and most of us are at the point where it's ok to shut this nickle and dime operation down and close the doors for good. This current regime will never turn this airline around with their so called, "business plan", and I think we all realize that. We've all given and given and given, and are sick and tired of not seeing results from those that are paid huge salary's to operate this company, but have no ideas or plans, other than to continue to return to labor for money.
planejane said:
I have worked my a$$ off to get where I am today and if the bottom falls out, I'll be just fine.........

As HAVE I, and as AM I, fine that is! So much so I need not meddle in others business or give uninformed advice!

Or, mind you, exploit other peoples misery when I've been trumped on a message board. How tacky! I know a man paralyzed from the neck down, not by his own fault... he dont even have shoes, he's got wheels! Ya wanna compare sad stories? Why? What's the point? It doesn't make you any more right, or any less deserving of your title! How silly! Are you nine?

So, no thanks sister, I'll keep my own shoes, I doubt they would look as nice on you. You just stop stepping on them and we'll be fine.

:bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

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