Like you I do not work for US Airways.
I was a F/A for them before I got laid off, and received numerous good letters and even awards for the service I provided in my time there, so keep your snide customer service comments to yourself. I hope YOU are not in the financial field, because you run your mouth about topics you dont have much of a grasp of.
Please explain to all of us how the full service network model US Airways wants to maintain can be low cost. No one can figure it out, but you must have the key. Enlighten everyone.
If the entire workforce worked for free, US would still lose money. Thats a fact. The employees have given over and over to subsidize business plans that either failed or were not follwed through on, while an endless parade of folks in charge walked off with millions.
And if the new model is the "get on the internet, no loyalty, just whoever wil fly me to LA for under $30" well then maybe no one wants to be a part of it anymore. The jobs are too saftety-sensitive, too time consuming, too encompassing of your life to make below minimum wage. So maybe they are just ready to let it go... let the 75 year old lady die with a bit of dignity, rather than put her on life support and try to give her an unwanted facelift.
As you said, theres a plethora of people out there who want to do this, and maybe not as a career. I know there are plenty of white trash girls working at the Denny's who would love be a flight attendant and see what Buffalo and Syracuse look like. They'll do it for $900 a month- I cant compete with that. Let them do it. I'll stay home and dust my airplane models and fondly remember when it was a career that we cared about. There are plenty of airlines that will take our gates and fly thier LCC operations with them. Alot of smaller cities will lose service forever, but thats what you wanted- you're not willing to pay for the service, just like you're not willing to pay for meals or experienced people who know what thier doing.
You arent willing to pay for me. I was a great flight attendant, maybe I had you on a flight in Envoy Class. I loved my job and did it WELL. I dont do things unless I do them the right way. But I had to choose my dignity, health and well-being over the job I loved, and thats whats happening here with the general workforce.
Happy web-surfing... I'm glad I wont be flying the low-cost, understaffed and inexperienced skies of tomorrow... please dont ever complain about a poor product at a low price, just be happy if you get there.