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Flying Away / It's Time To Stop Counting On Us Air

I love this article someone finally put in writing for some to see that USAir is a looser and treats us as such…..

Bad management, mismanaged no vision just a bunch of copy cats is all we ever had we used to make money in spite of our selves…… so this is it.

I have to say I like my job but won’t vote for 13.10 per hour nor any pay cut ….It is time to break the chains go back to school or get another job somewhere but not in this business we are always considered a liability…..
I just cancelled my subscription to this paper for this editorial. This region lives in the past, the roads suck, the taxes high. The only reason I am in this pig pen called Pittsburgh is because of this airline.
If UAir folds..so be it..Too bad the politicians dont realize that crap rolls down hill. If this was the "passenger gold mine" Oranado and King sez it is...the sky would be swarming with WN/JBLU aircraft..just diving in to pick up the gravey UAir is supposedly spilling. ITS THE OPERATING COSTS!!!!!!!. Its right up there with DEN and that is one hell of an expensive airport to operate at..ask UAL.
Wasnt for UAir..that airport woulld not have been built in the first place. When it was on the drawing board..the steel industry was colapsing..Colodny questioned the O@D traffic declines then but was talked into supporting this project and hence the high debt portion was responsibility of UAir.
That was then..this is now. Havnt seen anywhere that Allegheny County stepped up to the plate to help Uair in any matter other than to raise landing fees. This region is getting what it deserves. Too bad UAir employees and employees of the supporting businesses will pay the price of the local politicians' short sightedness. :down:
Bring on unemployment. Draw off as much as I.m entitled to and then move south away from this backassward region.
See ya Chief...don't let the door kick you in the....

Let the truth be told!

Let freedom ring....I love this paper. :up:
I just cancelled my subscription to this paper for this editorial.
knee jerk reaction to the truth there friend??
This region lives in the past, the roads suck, the taxes high. The only reason I am in this pig pen called Pittsburgh is because of this airline.
am i to take this as a much needed resignation?
If this was the "passenger gold mine" Oranado and King sez it is...the sky would be swarming with WN/JBLU aircraft..just diving in to pick up the gravey UAir is supposedly spilling. ITS THE OPERATING COSTS!!!!!!!. Its right up there with DEN and that is one hell of an expensive airport to operate at..ask UAL.
PIT'S operating costs are not totally what is killing this airline- look into poor management , costly short haul flying , some labor positions out of sink with the market.so don't blame it on your favorite city.
Wasnt for UAir..that airport woulld not have been built in the first place.
good point - u air and the county and state.
Havnt seen anywhere that Allegheny County stepped up to the plate to help Uair in any matter other than to raise landing fees. This region is getting what it deserves.
guess you were taking a nap when all the county people and state , fedearal and local pols' and the union labor coalition went to bat to secure U financing for new facilities...?? DUH ??
Bring on unemployment. Draw off as much as I.m entitled to and then move south away from this backassward region.
yeah , yall go down an tell goober 'un joe billy the 'dude say "hey now".
ohhh-kayyyyy. I repeat: If this was the O@D mecca the locals say it is...the sky would be swarming with JTBLU/WN aircraft. Air Tran would have a even bigger presence and HP would have more than 2 flts west.
And the others that have recently added flights are RJ equipment/not boeings or buses. For every bus UAir takes out of pit..the county needs at least 3 RJ fltts to make up the difference in the landing fee.
Do they seriously think that some other carrier is going to step in and provide PIT-Europe service? Are they nuts? The city would have to give tons of incentives to get that service, and even then probably only LH could make it work by using whats left of US' feed.
air chief said:
ohhh-kayyyyy. I repeat: If this was the O@D mecca the locals say it is...the sky would be swarming with JTBLU/WN aircraft. Air Tran would have a even bigger presence and HP would have more than 2 flts west.
And the others that have recently added flights are RJ equipment/not boeings or buses. For every bus UAir takes out of pit..the county needs at least 3 RJ fltts to make up the difference in the landing fee.

I worked/work with many guys from CLT and area, most were a great bunch of guys but we had the few like you that simply hated the Burgh, hated the frankness in your face attitude that is common here.

This region is made up of hard working men and women whose great grandparents came from Europe and had it tough and had to be tough to survive, and survive they did. You still see the tough minded attitude in the later generations.

Some people can't stand it and you are one of them, good luck my fellow co-worker, may the southern sun be kind to you.

Funny because the guys from California hated Pittsburgh even more, if that's possible. Here's the real kicker: All these people bitching about Pittsburgh came here on their own volition with no one holding a gun to their heads. I guess their attitude is money is everything therefore I MUST move to Pittsburgh and be miserable, brilliant isn‘t it? Hmmm
air chief

Go on...pack your bags and scram! Pittsburgh will be a much better place without you!
Can we lay off the personal attacks? Debate the article posted and the responses about the article or dont post.
I think what Airchief is trying to say is that PIT will need somebody in there after US is gone, and they remain at least somewhat unattractive to the LCC's, or else they would already have much greater presence there. Airlines like WN, B6, and such have no issues about taking on legacies or even eachother in a given market. PIT is just one they're not interested in. It's all about O&D.

So the Burgh can say to US go ahead we don't need you anyway all they want. The truth is, without US, they do. So who's it gonna be? :huh:
bobcat said:
air chief

Go on...pack your bags and scram! Pittsburgh will be a much better place without you!

take a good look around this region...it is dying..it was dying in the 80.s when I first came here from the steel mill colapse and it hasnt recovered...liberal politicans dont fix any problems/just keep raising up the taxes and raise taxes they will when those bonds are defaulted on from UAir for the airport. oh I forgot...state sanctioned gambling will fix all wrongs around here..
Its population continues to dwindle..young people continue to leave for other areas. The population left are mostly retired or near retirement.
So go get your Reberto Clemente bobblehead at the ballpark and relive 1979.
Hey..they can put a casino in -b- concourse soon
air chief said:
take a good look around this region...it is dying..it was dying in the 80.s when I first came here from the steel mill colapse and it hasnt recovered...liberal politicans dont fix any problems/just keep raising up the taxes and raise taxes they will when those bonds are defaulted on from UAir for the airport. oh I forgot...state sanctioned gambling will fix all wrongs around here..
Its population continues to dwindle..young people continue to leave for other areas. The population left are mostly retired or near retirement.
So go get your Reberto Clemente bobblehead at the ballpark and relive 1979.
Hey..they can put a casino in -b- concourse soon

Good God you must be living in Beaver County. Those that b*tch like you do proabably haven't been beyond Moon Township. When was the last time you went 'dahntahn' or over to Shady Side or Squirrel Hill (which looks like many NYC neighborhoods), or to the Carnegie, or a ball game? There's more to Pittsburgh than the airport. I was not born or raised in Pittsburgh and I've lived in a lot of places including the west coast and down south. I have to say the quality of life in Pittsburgh far exceeds most places that's because I make it a point to get out and enjoy the area and all it has to offer.
I don't live in PIT or fly US and I think US has a grim future but that kind of editorial is disgusting. There really is no excuse for a newspaper to be writing stuff of that nature. Yes, US hasn't delivered what they promised but it is very doubtful that any other carrier will come in and provide even the level of service US says they will provide after the announced round of cuts. If I were an exec at another airline, I would think twice about investing in a city that trashes its failing businesses they way this rag did.
Pittsburgh built a great airport. The only thing it needs to be successful is for the Western Pennsylvania population to grow from one to four million.

Pittsburgh's passenger processing fee is about $10 per passenger and in Charlotte it's about $1.50 per passenger.

Therefore, which airport has the highest profit potential for an airline struggling with high costs and rapidly deteriorating fundamentals?

I certainly do not want to see US Airways’ Pittsburgh operation reduced in scope or people lose their jobs. In fact, I live near Pittsburgh and I hate to see the Hub go. The ACAA had a chance to keep the airline by paying down the debt so US Airways could create another Cincinnati, but just like with the Penguins, the government has elected to not address a tough issue.

In fact, it would not surprise me if Mario sells the Penguins and they leave town too, then the Post-Gazette will say its the hockey club that is the "equivalent of a broken-down tractor trailer blocking a lane of a high-speed parkway."

By the way, for those new business plan naysayers, the Post Gazette said, "There is, of course, the important question of jobs, the 7,000 people that a shrunken US Airways still employs in this area. This is a critical factor in a job-tight American employment market, which is currently creating only a fraction -- in July, a fourth -- of the new jobs America needs just to keep pace with population increase."

Something to think about...



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