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Fll Announcement On Monday At 10:30

gogogadget said:
FLL is a small airport with only one runway,

This is not true, FLL has 3 runways (actually 6). The short one is only 5276' and may present some takeoff issues, but landing should be OK and the other runways shouldn't be a problem.
algflyr said:
This is not true, FLL has 3 runways (actually 6). The short one is only 5276' and may present some takeoff issues, but landing should be OK and the other runways shouldn't be a problem.

Forgive me for my ignorance, I am only a A&P mechanic and not a pilot, but that is almost a complete mile, so what may I ask takes over a mile to become airborne? That is a lot of real estate.
Local news in West Palm announced FLL would be adding 20 destinations,and have heard rumored to be going to 60 flights. :
At the risk of sounding negative, it's a pretty sure bet that AMR will retaliate. They may simply add service to FLL, but their best bet might be to trash the yields out of PHL with a Labor Day to Thanksgiving sale. In any case, they WILL retaliate and it will be painful.

I'm sure Lakefield et al. are aware of the risk. A huge announcement six months ahead of time may be a mistake; maybe they should have crept up on the market a route at a time. OTOH, maybe it will be worth it for the cash that advance reservations will bring in during the slack fall season.

In any case, US will not fade quietly into the night.
Rob said:
but their best bet might be to trash the yields out of PHL with a Labor Day to Thanksgiving sale.

And how would this compare to US trashing the yields out of ORD (on US* flights)? Since we set our own prices on these flights, it could get interesting indeed.
5,276 feet is a very short runway for takeoff.

To be comfortable most aircraft need about 7,500 feet and more like 9,000 feet. There are a host of reasons why: contaminated runways (rain, snow, etc.), high temperatures reduce performance, heavy gross weight takeoffs with reduced takeoff performance, severe weather, and aircraft malfunctions, such as hydraulic failures, brake failures, engine failures on takeoff, and stopping distance if you have to do reject a takeoff at a high speed.

There are many reasons why longer runways are safer because runway behind you is "no good".

In regard to an AA retaliation for the FLL expansion, with a competitive cost structure who cares? AA would then not make as much money as US and considering the Ft. Worth-based carrier is losing a lot of money, are they going to lose more by depressing ticket prices?


Snow is a major concern in FLL.

Yea I know you have to land some where else, like PTY where it really snows hard.
cavalier said:
List them smart A-Z-Z...LIST THE POINTS

List all the positive points that clearly shows U has a bright and firm future, a place where employees can enjoy a long and bright future. Put on your happy face and explain to me and everyone why thinking U is doomed is illogical.

Come on smart fellow make me look the fool, here I am, I’m calling you out.
Yeah....ok cav! For the love of god! Its these type of idiotic sad replys that we dont need! Yes you have a right to your opinion, but we have read 1873 of your negative messages. Enough is enough. More and more employees want to see US go ahead and prosper. US Airways will, with or without you!
USA320Pilot said:
5,276 feet is a very short runway for takeoff.
In regard to an AA retaliation for the FLL expansion, with a competitive cost structure who cares? AA would then not make as much money as US and considering the Ft. Worth-based carrier is losing a lot of money, are they going to lose more by depressing ticket prices?



Are you kidding? AA would win. Firstly, they have a huge customer base in the Ft. Lauderdale area instantly. US Airways need to build theirs up. Secondly, of course they would make more money. It is ridiculous to think they wouldn't. They don't need to open up new stations or handle initial costs, just put a 738 on FLL-PTY, and, voilia, instant profit. AA made a profit last quarter (albeit, a small one), has more cash at hand (over $4B) than any other cartel carrier, and is considered to be the strongest of the Cartels financially, thanks to a turn around plan that worked wonders. If rumours are true, AA will be retaliting, first with FLL-SJO, later with FLL-GUA and FLL-DCA. They can afford the financial hit of "GoFares" on FLL-DCA much more than US Airways can. I wish US Airways the best of luck at FLL. I think they will do very, very well, but American Airlines is going to be responding, and they have the upper hand.
MAH4546, I agree with you that AA will have the upper hand and yes they are in a much better cash position. However there is one majoir advantage for US this time.. I have heard countless stories from the Latin community from many differnet Latin countries where AA has a large or dominant pressence in the US market that they HATE AA but fly them because they have to. If US offers a new option to get from the US to many of these countries many potiential customers will welcome US with open arms ! Also as Iberia is dismantling their MIA mini-hub that is one less carrier or flight per day in markets like MIA to SJO, GUA, PTY and CUN. I belive MIA-CUN is the only one IB cannot carrly local traffic between, so this should increase demand in the above markets with IB gone !
LGA777 said:
MAH4546, I agree with you that AA will have the upper hand and yes they are in a much better cash position. However there is one majoir advantage for US this time.. I have heard countless stories from the Latin community from many differnet Latin countries where AA has a large or dominant pressence in the US market that they HATE AA but fly them because they have to. If US offers a new option to get from the US to many of these countries many potiential customers will welcome US with open arms ! Also as Iberia is dismantling their MIA mini-hub that is one less carrier or flight per day in markets like MIA to SJO, GUA, PTY and CUN. I belive MIA-CUN is the only one IB cannot carrly local traffic between, so this should increase demand in the above markets with IB gone !
Very good observation. I lived in south florida for many years and know for certain that many Latinos, as well as others, are less then happy with the monopoly AA has. The ability to fly on another carrrier an have a choice will be welcomed by south floridians. In the past there were lots of options, EA, PA, AF, NA...now there is only one, AA...There is room for more, and this is the opportunity to capitalize on it before JB and Spirit do so. Hats off to marketing at US, for ONCE the saw on opportunity and seized it... :up:
MAH4546 said:
Eff. 22Feb05
US 603 FLL 1050-1347 PTY Daily 319
US 616 PTY 1450-1741 FLL Daily 319

My CRS system actually list US603 - FLL to PTY !
As of Sunday morning schedules and fares are now in Sabre and at usairways.com.
There are gofares in many of the domestic markets such as FLL-TPA and FLL-CLT and for those of you with sabre access if you flifo some of the new flights you can see the thru markets such as LGA-FLL-KIN rt and BOS-FLL-SDQ rt.

TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
Yeah....ok cav! For the love of god! Its these type of idiotic sad replys that we dont need! Yes you have a right to your opinion, but we have read 1873 of your negative messages. Enough is enough. More and more employees want to see US go ahead and prosper. US Airways will, with or without you!

I once had a man of much wisdom tell me that when you start thinking people ask dumb questions or people’s opinions are stupid and grate your nerves, this is a warning sign that you are not where you belong in life. It’s time to move on or you will become a bitter, mean and frustrated person.

Like I said without being snide, turn on the ignore button if you can't walk away. This is a free forum, take it or leave it.

I still have not heard one word of why putting on a happy face will save the day, the real world reasons why this company will surely live and prosper.

The only thing I read is what they intend to do. I have been intending on retiring since high school but here I am still working. You know what they say about intentions and hell.

Coming on here and telling union members of which there are more than not that they are lazy, stupid and their rules are destroying this airline will only assure that your prophecy comes true.

Without the people who make it work strongly united and on board no amount false pretence will matter and only make you feel better until you are forced to face your reality.


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