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Flight Attendants' union files discrimination complaint against company

The sick policy is not, nor has it ever been, part of the CBA. (That I know of. I was a flight attendant only from 2000 until 2017.) The company has modified the existing policy to cause flight attendants to progress through the system faster and be eligible to be terminated. Where the CBA comes in is at the end. The CBA says that a Flight attendant must be given an arbitrated hearing before termination regardless of reason. The company and the union have agreed to binding arbitration. Regardless of what the arbitrator decides, the other side can not contest it.

The union is objecting to the policy on the basis of sex discrimination because the pilots, who are predominantly male, were not put under the new policy; just the flight attendants, who are predominantly female. This will also end up in binding arbitration.

I agree it's kind of a thin argument, but it might work. You just never know what the arbitrator will decide.
The sick policy is part of our contract( mechanics). That is why I get half pay for a sick day as fleet negotiated it for us. I read your contract and sick days are in there.
The sick policy is not, nor has it ever been, part of the CBA. (That I know of. I was a flight attendant only from 2000 until 2017.) The company has modified the existing policy to cause flight attendants to progress through the system faster and be eligible to be terminated. Where the CBA comes in is at the end. The CBA says that a Flight attendant must be given an arbitrated hearing before termination regardless of reason. The company and the union have agreed to binding arbitration. Regardless of what the arbitrator decides, the other side can not contest it.

The union is objecting to the policy on the basis of sex discrimination because the pilots, who are predominantly male, were not put under the new policy; just the flight attendants, who are predominantly female. This will also end up in binding arbitration.

I agree it's kind of a thin argument, but it might work. You just never know what the arbitrator will decide.
Your attendance policy is not in the contract, that is your sick time and pay, not the attendance control policy.
You sound like management. Anything can be negotiated in a contract.
You sound like management. Anything can be negotiated in a contract.

People who provide you factual information sound like Management to you?

Guess you relate better to people who lie to you then.
Optimus Primus, Leely Lally (or whatever) has his mind made up. Please do not attempt to confuse him with facts.
Similar to customer service and fleet service which as you know has its share of females.It might suck but i doubt its discriminatory. Saw a crew news once the dude said their are over 400,000 applicants for flight attendant job at AA, think any will pull their applications now ?
Customs & Border Patrol Bag Search/Questioning:

We have received several reports from Flight Attendants arriving into the United States from foreign ports, stating they are being subjected to bag searches. Additionally, several are reporting that the Customs Officers are stating the company has asked them to perform these searches, and report their findings to American Airlines.

If you have a similar experience, please contact us at safety@apfa.org with as much information as possible.

Details should include:
  • Flight number & date
  • Arrival station
  • Officer’s name & badge number
  • Officer’s comments regarding search

In Unity,

Jeffrey Ewing
APFA National Safety & Security Chairperson
Customs & Border Patrol Bag Search/Questioning:

We have received several reports from Flight Attendants arriving into the United States from foreign ports, stating they are being subjected to bag searches. Additionally, several are reporting that the Customs Officers are stating the company has asked them to perform these searches, and report their findings to American Airlines.

If you have a similar experience, please contact us at safety@apfa.org with as much information as possible.

Details should include:
  • Flight number & date
  • Arrival station
  • Officer’s name & badge number
  • Officer’s comments regarding search

In Unity,

Jeffrey Ewing
APFA National Safety & Security Chairperson
Yeah right
So I guess the Company can do no wrong Al?
Yeah they called up the head of homeland security said we are trying to get even with our flight attendants please make their lives miserable Looks similar to our sick with points you really.got to abuse and when you reach a discipline level you go on family leave. Weez look at the logo.on your paycheck once in a while thats who you work for..Let me ask you if you were forced to leave your union would you quit your AA job lets say it was voted out somehow
Weez saw your name quite prominently on social media an anti company petition of some sort, guess you are going to be subject to a full cavity search or maybe some of that "Silkwood" harassment chit
Actually it is, the TWU contract references the use of a 1969 agreement for sick time use.

The sick policy is not, nor has it ever been, part of the CBA. (That I know of. I was a flight attendant only from 2000 until 2017.) The company has modified the existing policy to cause flight attendants to progress through the system faster and be eligible to be terminated. Where the CBA comes in is at the end. The CBA says that a Flight attendant must be given an arbitrated hearing before termination regardless of reason. The company and the union have agreed to binding arbitration. Regardless of what the arbitrator decides, the other side can not contest it.

The union is objecting to the policy on the basis of sex discrimination because the pilots, who are predominantly male, were not put under the new policy; just the flight attendants, who are predominantly female. This will also end up in binding arbitration.

I agree it's kind of a thin argument, but it might work. You just never know what the arbitrator will decide.

It’s a bad argument, the union is weakening its position by saying because they are mostly women. All the company will do is show how much FAs call in sick compared to everyone else. When anFA calls in sick, it’s not for one day, it’s for several days at a shot.

Unfortunately they seem to get sick mostly over Christmas until after New Years. That would suck always being sick over the holidays, poor girls.

I know there are plenty of men, but their own union says gender discrimination. Seems like the APFA President is being confrontational to be confrontational. Does she have a side business?
Was that directed toward me?

I am not bitter. I was in Fleet Service. I had the better sick policy.

I don't have a UNION now. However I do have 9 holidays and 5 weeks of vacation. I don't have to work my holidays and I don't have to bid vacation time. I actually get to use my vacation when I please, not get the crumbs left over due to being low/mid seniority. On top of all that I get to work from home. Not to mention I make more money than I ever did at American Airlines.

Why would I be bitter?

It sounds to me like the flight attendants are the ones who are bitter.

Before you accuse someone of being bitter maybe you should know their situation.

Where did you work and what do you do for work now?
Optimus Primus, Leely Lally (or whatever) has his mind made up. Please do not attempt to confuse him with facts.

Fact: Flight attendants are using gender politics to push an agenda that has no basis in reality.

Fact: Calling me Leely Lally in an effort to minimize me and debase my opinion does not make the flight attendants claim of victimization any less absurd.
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