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Flight Attendant Jobs At Risk

All unionized airline employees at each airline should walk out for 1 day and stick it to Management!! :lol:
robbedagain said:
will the FAA allow the airline to have foreigners to be F/As on domestic flts with 100 or fewer seats? As for the passengers, if this does come true, better prepare to speak a foreign language!

Have you ever actually flown an foreign airline before? Whenever I've flown a non-US carrier, the majority of the flight attendants spoke English better than some of our US born and bred employees do...

Plus, they fully understand the concept of being in a service role far better than most Americans do. They're always polite, don't scowl at you if you ask for a drink refill or to have your jacket hung up in the closet. Then again, few carriers outside of North America see being a flight attendant as a career position...
Former ModerAAtor said:
Have you ever actually flown an foreign airline before?  Whenever I've flown a non-US carrier, the majority of the flight attendants spoke English better than some of our US born and bred employees do...

Plus, they fully understand the concept of being in a service role far better than most Americans do.  They're always polite, don't scowl at you if you ask for a drink refill or to have your jacket hung up in the closet.  Then again, few carriers outside of North America see being a flight attendant as a career position...
<_< Example: The flight attendants of Singapor airlines are only allowed to fly tell their 23 or 24 years old! Are you suggesting American companies due the same??? 😉
A pilot was asking me last week if I thought Northwest would go after the flight attendants. I told him no that there were just a bunch of rumors going around. I think Northwest should have waited if they are really going to pull this stunt. I know they are pressured to get everything established for this bankruptcy but they might be getting a little cocky. I know they are beginning to feel their oats out there on the line. They were somewhat wary of us out there but now they are beginning to realize there really isn't a union there anymore. I think they are really liking the idea of it but the problem is contractors don't put up with cocky BS. Three guys from my line have quit and others are visiting Aviation employment.com on a more and more regular basis. A new company called Aeroframe Services has opened its doors. It is a very hot topic among the guys. They really do not want to leave this job but if Northwest does not improve the working conditions here soon, they will do just that. They had better start with their etiquette skills for a cocky little prick wont run one or two mechanics off they create a domino effect where mechanics will begin to leave in larger and larger numbers. They also really need to quit saying “I don’t knowâ€￾ “ I can’tâ€￾ and “I will get back with you.â€￾ Then not do it. These three phrases with a little cockiness thrown in will run contractors off before you know what is going on.
<_< My! My! My! Having problems are you? Sounds to me like you need a Union!!! 😛
Former ModerAAtor said:
Have you ever actually flown an foreign airline before? Whenever I've flown a non-US carrier, the majority of the flight attendants spoke English better than some of our US born and bred employees do...
Plus, they fully understand the concept of being in a service role far better than most Americans do. They're always polite, don't scowl at you if you ask for a drink refill or to have your jacket hung up in the closet. Then again, few carriers outside of North America see being a flight attendant as a career position...
I guess if you judge by airlines from countries where woman are not liberated or emancipated. Where they are regulated to second class status. Then perhaps they are just grateful enough to smile at anything.

I see you were careful to say non-US carrier. Because you likely know the horrors of our AA, FN's. Those fun and crazy kids who sell our FC dishware, Do a for-sale sundae cart through coach. (think any of those proceeds make in to the deposit envelope?) My fav was a friend seeing a tip jar on the bev cart.
FA Mikey said:
I guess if you judge by airlines from countries where woman are not liberated or emancipated. Where they are regulated to second class status. Then perhaps they are just grateful enough to smile at anything.

That might hold true for some of the Asian carriers, but it doesn't explain the quality of service I've received on Swissair, Air France, SAS, and Lufthansa, where again, they know what it's like to be service professionals who know how to evacuate an aircraft, as opposed to safety professionals too busy to do a second service on a three hour flight because they're glued to their jumpseat reading People or Redbook...
No, I have never flown on any carrier except for UAL EXP, CO EXP, and USAIRWAYS and the Express. My brother has flown Air France and he said that their service was exellent. I just wasnt sure if the FAA would actually allow the nationals of other countries to actually be in charge of pax on a domestice flight with 100 or fewer seats and the intl flts. thats all
MCI transplant said:
<_< Example: The flight attendants of Singapor airlines are only allowed to fly tell their 23 or 24 years old! Are you suggesting American companies due the same??? 😉

That is completely FALSE! They even have some that are MOMS!!! Imagine that! Although the mom's are only allowed to do turns.
robbedagain said:
I just wasnt sure if the FAA would actually allow the nationals of other countries to actually be in charge of pax on a domestice flight with 100 or fewer seats and the intl flts. thats all

Robbedagain, AFAIK, a U.S. domestic flight attendant must be either a U.S. citizen or a resident alien with permanent residence status. Because legally, no matter what the job, to hire off the street without special permits from the U.S. Labor Dept., the candidates must be either citizens or resident aliens. To hire someone who does not fit either of those categories, a company must be able to certify that there are no U.S. citizens or resident aliens with the qualifications necessary--useful when someone wants to hire a particular foreign physician or nuclear scientist with a specific skill set/background/etc--OR, the company has to prove that they have tried to hire U.S. citizens/resident aliens and there were no qualified applicants available. That would be hard to do for flight attendant. No matter how low the advertised starting salary, every time an airline has an open house for flight attendants, they are usually deluged with applicants. People looking for a glamorous job in the airline industry, don't you know. :lol:

Outsourcing does NOT necessarily mean foreign nationals. If NWA domestic flight attendants are currently working on a/c with less than 100 seats, outsourcing may only mean that this flying will be "outsourced" to a regional--such as Mesa, Republic, Chatauqua, etc--who will fly the routes as NW Express or some such.
MCI transplant said:
<_< Example: The flight attendants of Singapor airlines are only allowed to fly tell their 23 or 24 years old! Are you suggesting American companies due the same??? 😉

SQ f/a's can fly until the ripe old age of 35. The men have no age restrictions. The f/a's that must leave the line are offered management jobs.

Now the SQ f/a makes very good money. Having been in Singapore I have seen the diamonds and Mercedes that these ladies wear and drive. I have flown on them several times and safety is a big prioity. The difference is that their motto is safety and service go hand in hand. They are well trained in both. SQ, is not a cattle carrier like most of the majors have become.

For several consecutive years SQ has been voted the best airline in the world.
No doubt about it, it is a wonderful airline. But make no mistake, there is a big difference between 23 and 35.
Former ModerAAtor said:
Have you ever actually flown an foreign airline before? Whenever I've flown a non-US carrier, the majority of the flight attendants spoke English better than some of our US born and bred employees do...

Plus, they fully understand the concept of being in a service role far better than most Americans do. They're always polite, don't scowl at you if you ask for a drink refill or to have your jacket hung up in the closet. Then again, few carriers outside of North America see being a flight attendant as a career position...
And ask any flight attendant and they probably will tell you Americans are the most unpolite passengers.
Former ModerAAtor said:
That might hold true for some of the Asian carriers, but it doesn't explain the quality of service I've received on Swissair, Air France, SAS, and Lufthansa, where again, they know what it's like to be service professionals who know how to evacuate an aircraft, as opposed to safety professionals too busy to do a second service on a three hour flight because they're glued to their jumpseat reading People or Redbook...
I have to admit it is all to often true. I am amazed the number of FA/s who only hand out heaping cups of ice with an un opened can of soda. Lately even seen the, cannot bother to take the foil of the entree in MC.

Its frustrating to see the number of people who make anouncements of their job as a saftey professional on board. I would love one time to see one of them actually checking the emergency eq before a flight, or Doing a seatbelt check, when the sign comes on. Medical emergency and had some one ask where the O2 was stashed on the plane.

Its like being at the DMV being treated like a dog and having to endure there stories of bad service they recieved some place else. Service people Airlines or retail where ever its just bad every where you go. Isn't that a shame?