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Fleet Service Transition Agreement

:down: Its time now with these talks that the IAM take back every city that was contracted out. These people
deserve there jobs back. As long as the CWA and the IBT is on the Inside the jobs should go back to THe IAM on
the fleet service side. The IAM should demand this happen
as soon as possible. Then they can talk about snapback,
lets get the jobs back for about 700 enployees who have
anywhere form 1 yr to 30 yrs back to work.

Doesnt management know that this is where they get all the new workers
on the ramp side to work in there hubs. They get part time in the small cities and tranfer to the hubs for full time positions
already trained and ready to make this there job for a long time.
This people want to work and will show up for work. This is the
way it worked for years and the airline ran smooth.
:down: Its time now with these talks that the IAM take back every city that was contracted out. These people
deserve there jobs back. As long as the CWA and the IBT is on the Inside the jobs should go back to THe IAM on
the fleet service side. The IAM should demand this happen
as soon as possible. Then they can talk about snapback,
lets get the jobs back for about 700 enployees who have
anywhere form 1 yr to 30 yrs back to work.

Doesnt management know that this is where they get all the new workers
on the ramp side to work in there hubs. They get part time in the small cities and tranfer to the hubs for full time positions
already trained and ready to make this there job for a long time.
This people want to work and will show up for work. This is the
way it worked for years and the airline ran smooth.

I wouldn't put much stock in what the IAM does. One of the problems is that many IAM officials, and probably you're entire negotiations committee got where they did by sucking up butt and getting organizing cards signed. Little to no education, and an inability to know the 'word' has always limited successful IAM negotiations.

Funny story, years ago, I remember going to one meeting where the entire negotiations team thought the newly created IAM pension for fleet service was a benefit. They presented this to a committee I was sitting on. I was actually excited myself until I read the material.
After I reviewed the documents it became clear that the IAM Pension was a 'deep and painful' concession. I asked some of the negotiations committee about it and they just kinda scratched their head and said something like 'what do you mean, we fought like hell for this pension and its awesome."
Unfortunately, it became apparent to me that we had morons on our team negotiating for us. These guys couldn't put 4 words together if their life depended upon it.
I clarified this with one of only two post high school diploma educated IAM officials at the meeting, IAM's accountant,[other was the very tough Sharon Levine] who confirmed that, yes, the IAM pension was a $48 million concession.

If your negotiations team can't do the math and figure out that a 'deep concession' is NOT a benefit then there is little hope that your current negotiations team will do anything other than try to bring back the '22', which would probably cost waiving the change of control grievance.


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