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FL Representative Ric Keller

Well, the letter to Keller was a nice review of the misery we've been through over the past decade. Thanks for reminding me.

But Keller NEVER compared USAirways to Courtney Love. He used Ms. Love's propensity to go to rehab as a comparison to USAirways' propensity to go Chapter 11. It was a bit of hyperbole, but if you actually take the time to READ what the congressman actually said (not what you THINK he said,) you may find you owe him an apology.

He was commenting about how many times USAirways went into bankruptcy and survived, not comparing USAirways to Courtney Love.
wow you really went off on him .....

you know it's highly unlikely he will ever read your letter .... i think we should just be happy he flies us weekly ..

Another point you should consider ,this man may not be the brightest intellectually ... it's a simple question for most people if you ask them if they would buy a new car from a company in BK .. and that answer is almost always no ... for self apparent facts .... if he thinks these companies can go BK and be OK ... well , i wouldn't be looking at him for any sort of economic guidance for the future ...


MOD NOTE: This poster now has 3 days to review the rules about namecalling and personal attacks.
So not funny to someone who had/has a loved one dealing with an addiction problem...

"I fly US Airways every week and US Airways has been to bankruptcy more times than Courtney Love has been to rehab" and they are doing OK. :shock:

The only fundamental difference in your analogy is this: Courtney Love is an individual of questionable moral character on a path of self destruction that provides entertainment fodder for the media masses, the other is an airline were 50 thousand (now 35 thousand) hard working employees that by no fault of their own were impacted by BAD management and then provided THEIR company a financial bailout through painful salary concessions and work rule changes.

I agree that Keller's comments are out of line. I can be an ex-US employee and still not like government boobs bad-mouthing the airline like that. Good for you for defending US and letting him know how you feel.

I take issue with your statement, Glucose, that "moral character" places one on a path of self-destruction. Courtney Love may be a tramp and a wacko and a lot of other stuff, but addiction is a disease and has nothing to do with moral fiber or will power. Taking the lead from your screen name, a diabetic cannot use will power or morals to regulate blood sugar any more than an addict or alcoholic can use those things to control his or her drug or alcohol use.

Fortunately for me, unlike Love or Cobain, things have turned around. But if it were as easy as using morals to keep things in check, I'd still be employed by US.

As far as writing Keller, though, it's a waste of time. The dude has been defeated at the polls. Let him take his caustic comments, his goverment pension and ride off into the Florida sunshine. At least someone has a pension.
Well, the letter to Keller was a nice review of the misery we've been through over the past decade. Thanks for reminding me.

But Keller NEVER compared USAirways to Courtney Love. He used Ms. Love's propensity to go to rehab as a comparison to USAirways' propensity to go Chapter 11. It was a bit of hyperbole, but if you actually take the time to READ what the congressman actually said (not what you THINK he said,) you may find you owe him an apology.

He was commenting about how many times USAirways went into bankruptcy and survived, not comparing USAirways to Courtney Love.
Wow the voice of reason. . . actually read before criticizing. Imagine that. I think some actually enjoy it the other way too much.
Wow the voice of reason. . . actually read before criticizing. Imagine that. I think some actually enjoy it the other way too much.

"Wow the voice of reason???" Read the transcript of what he said ???

It was an impromptu interview given at the airport with NO recorded transcript of the interview that I have been able to find to date. It was a sound byte that made the 6 o'clock news here locally. Maybe a little over zealous in my condemnation of his comments, and maybe even over the top to opine to a LAME "lame duck" senator - but any way you slice it was a total slam against the airline for which I and many others sacrificed a great deal to see succeed. So whatever context you may have taken it, Whatever side you might be on, a slam is still a slam. Quite frankly, whether you or others feel I was justified in doing so, it's still America and I have the right to call him on it........especially when my (although limited these days) tax dollars pay his salary.

Obviously you missed the point. :blink:

You know you have the right to criticize YOUR family, because they are YOUR family.
But it is entirely a different thing all together for someone else to do so - they don't have the right , even if you agree with them.
"Wow the voice of reason???" Read the transcript of what he said ???

It was an impromptu interview given at the airport with NO recorded transcript of the interview that I have been able to find to date. It was a sound byte that made the 6 o'clock news here locally. Maybe a little over zealous in my condemnation of his comments, and maybe even over the top to opine to a LAME "lame duck" senator - but any way you slice it was a total slam against the airline for which I and many others sacrificed a great deal to see succeed. So whatever context you may have taken it, Whatever side you might be on, a slam is still a slam. Quite frankly, whether you or others feel I was justified in doing so, it's still America and I have the right to call him on it........especially when my (although limited these days) tax dollars pay his salary.

Obviously you missed the point. :blink:

You know you have the right to criticize YOUR family, because they are YOUR family.
But it is entirely a different thing all together for someone else to do so - they don't have the right , even if you agree with them.
Glucose Intoler have you checked your blood sugar level lately; and/or your blood pressure? :up:

MOD NOTE: This poster now has 3 days to review the rules about namecalling and personal attacks.

interesting ... you know i have absolutely no idea what your reply was ....

However , given our history , i'll make some assumptions and figure what you would have said compared to what i wrote ....

i called a congressman intellectually insufficient , you probably wasted little time in pointing out that i throw bags for a living ...

after that i talked about the individual in the article having a poor grasp of what was to come in the economy ......

You continue to pillory me because my predictions are so dire , so far out there in left field ... and because i stood against your side in the contract talks for fleet ....

Our contract issues are now far behind us ... as we get closer and closer to what would have been the expiration of our contract you will see my dire predictions proven correct ... and while others cite boeing and the steel workers for successful talks ... no one will be citing anything in 2009 ..

You don't believe me when i tell you Rome is burning ... today we lost over half a million jobs ... and this is only the start ... we are not entering a recession , we are entering a depression ....

i will earn your respect , and it won't be because of anything i say to you today , but because of what you will see with the passage of time .
"Wow the voice of reason???" Read the transcript of what he said ???

It was an impromptu interview given at the airport with NO recorded transcript of the interview that I have been able to find to date. It was a sound byte that made the 6 o'clock news here locally. Maybe a little over zealous in my condemnation of his comments, and maybe even over the top to opine to a LAME "lame duck" senator - but any way you slice it was a total slam against the airline for which I and many others sacrificed a great deal to see succeed. So whatever context you may have taken it, Whatever side you might be on, a slam is still a slam. Quite frankly, whether you or others feel I was justified in doing so, it's still America and I have the right to call him on it........especially when my (although limited these days) tax dollars pay his salary.

Obviously you missed the point. :blink:

You know you have the right to criticize YOUR family, because they are YOUR family.
But it is entirely a different thing all together for someone else to do so - they don't have the right , even if you agree with them.

Come on. Enough with the backpedaling.

You misconstrued what the congressman said and went off on a misdirected tirade because of something you THOUGHT he said. All you gave us was that one line quote. If that was the gist of what he said, it sounds to me like a back handed compliment that the airline is a survivor despite great odds against it.

Listen to and understand what the congressman said already. The English he used could not be plainer. Within that one sentence (no context given,) he did NOT criticize USAirways or compare the airline to Courtney Love.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA :jerry: God you all get your skivs in a wad easily. You're like those little plastic table dudes that you push the lever and they wop each other till ones head springs out

I love it.

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