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Financial Secretary Treasurer

Who do you fell will look out for our best Interest!

  • Dennis Dorigan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jenny Proctor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dave Castellanos

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Well their has been talk about electing someone new with no Experience in this area. The local has spent alot of money to triain the incumbant. Some want to elect someone because of what they look like.

Remember this is your future dues you will be entrucsting this individual to.
Kevin stop pushing your twu cronies there is going to be a complete change and if you had any clue to what is going on AT this base you would shut your trap.
Checking it Out said:
Well their has been talk about electing someone new with no Experience in this area. The local has spent alot of money to triain the incumbant. Some want to elect someone because of what they look like.

Remember this is your future dues you will be entrucsting this individual to.
And after reading your post who in their right mind would "be entrucsting" anything to anyone that you recommend?
Bob Owens said:
And after reading your post who in their right mind would "be entrucsting" anything to anyone that you recommend?
Thanks, we were looking for an overweight spellcheck option.
Bob Owens said:
And after reading your post who in their right mind would "be entrucsting" anything to anyone that you recommend?
In typical amfa desperation and with Bob's unending quest to have the last word on everythig, he pounces on the typo! Go get'em tiger!
Who trained the incumbent Jim little ,Sonny Hall. Can you show us proff the local spent alot of money on training the incumbent. It seems in a local this size you could elect some one who doesn't need a lot of training. Just how much did we spend training the incumbent and where was he trained .
Mark, Go down to the Hall and talk with Dennis. He just got back from some training and rules have changed recently on how the pay is disbursed and when. You can expect it may take several years to come up to speed and this is critical because of the new laws that money is not spent a certain way to keep the local out of hot water with the IRS.

I hope the person that everyone is favoring is willing to spend the many hours of her own time to do the necessary training. Her platform is about how we paid to have guidance during the last transition. It will be interesting when she will not be able to do the same thing.
Checking it Out said:
Mark, Go down to the Hall and talk with Dennis. He just got back from some training and rules have changed recently on how the pay is disbursed and when. You can expect it may take several years to come up to speed and this is critical because of the new laws that money is not spent a certain way to keep the local out of hot water with the IRS.

I hope the person that everyone is favoring is willing to spend the many hours of her own time to do the necessary training. Her platform is about how we paid to have guidance during the last transition. It will be interesting when she will not be able to do the same thing.
Come on now, everyone knows that large Locals like 514 have permanent hired staff that do most of the day to day running of the Local, including bills and payroll. It wont take someone that long to come up to speed under those conditions.

I've got nothing against Dennis Dorrigan, met him a few times, seems to be a nice guy. However what really matters is how well the guy fights for you. If he is a fighter fine, but to keep some one in office because they are a nice guy and trained is not really a good reason.
Bob Owens said:
Come on now, everyone knows that large Locals like 514 have permanent hired staff that do most of the day to day running of the Local, including bills and payroll. It wont take someone that long to come up to speed under those conditions.

I've got nothing against Dennis Dorrigan, met him a few times, seems to be a nice guy. However what really matters is how well the guy fights for you. If he is a fighter fine, but to keep some one in office because they are a nice guy and trained is not really a good reason.
everyone knows that large Locals like 514 have permanent hired staff that do most of the day to day running of the Local

Everyone Bob??????????? You mean you and the ones you have managed to convince?????

but to keep some one in office because they are a nice guy and trained is not really a good reason.

Oh!!!!! That must be why they got rid of you Bob!!!! Although I've seen the way you talk about people. . . not very nice if you ask me!

Dennis is clearly the most qualified and the best choice for the job!
twuer said:
everyone knows that large Locals like 514 have permanent hired staff that do most of the day to day running of the Local

Everyone Bob??????????? You mean you and the ones you have managed to convince?????

but to keep some one in office because they are a nice guy and trained is not really a good reason.

Dennis is clearly the most qualified and the best choice for the job!
Oh!!!!! That must be why they got rid of you Bob!!!! Although I've seen the way you talk about people. . . not very nice if you ask me!

Who are you referring to when you say "they"? It was the Internmational that removed me, not my coworkers.
Kevin stop pushing your twu cronies there is going to be a complete change and if you had any clue to what is going on AT this base you would shut your trap.

This was very close, The web predicted this right!

Jenny Proctor won. She has the credentials and their was some concern if she was going on military leave. She has indicated she has no intentions of volunteering. She has committed to doing the job.
Do you think that Jenny Proctor will enforce the contract?
Good luck to Jenny. Usually women have more guts than men. Look at the flight attendants. They struck in the early 90s and voted the contract down. Most of them are women. One of the Flight Attendants Ive known since I was around 6 years old called me and said "What happened, we were counting on the mechanics to reject the contract. Thats what the word was among all the Flight attendants, the mechanics were going to reject".

I tried to explain the situation about Tulsa. I was embarrassed. The flight attendants had more guts than us.

Hopefully Jenny will take advantage of the Meany School real quick and be an assett when AMFA comes in.
Bob, you dreaming again?

Anyway, Thanks to the AFL-CIO and the TWU we have the ability to train the Officers. And yes the George Meany center will be used to train the new Officers to help better represent the Membership!

Can you tell us what Amfa offers?

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