BoeingBoy said:
There's just no getting around the fact that, absent some technological innovation, a bigger airplane has better unit costs than a smaller airplane.
SpinDoc replies:
You're correct Jim. And that is why US Airways
made a huge mistake by not purchasing 757-300
aircraft several years ago when they were
deciding on the Airbus 330 purchase. The 757-200
is nothing more than stretched version of the
737-400 and the economics with 142 seats sold
are the same as the 734. Which means that each
seat sold on the B757 over and above 142 are all
profit. The 757-300 is a stretched version of the
757-200 and holds approximately 220 pax in mixed
class configuration. It has better economics than
the A330-200 and costs less to maintain. The
fleet planners at US realy screwed the pooch
by going for the Airbus versus the Boeing which
was available for a slightly higher price tag.
They are doing the same thing with the E-170
when they could be ordering the B717 which is
available at fire sale prices and is cheaper to
operate on a per seat mile basis. I think the plan
all along was to eliminate Boeing aircraft from the
fleet so they could also get rid of senior MTC
personnel, mainly in PIT, who are trained to repair
and maintain the Boeings.