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Fellings on the IAM contract

Hell!I've got uniforms with more time than that.Come ***** to us after you've been around the block a few more times.
Nancy Reagen must of worked for Usairways at one point in her career. When Ron was in office, I remember she was on TV stating......"JUST SAY NO !"[:bigsmile:] I get a big kick out of some posters that make statements that are filled with words such as "could", "might", "possibily", "most likely",,blah,blah,blah......I hope most people realize when they hear these "key" words, it is just someones opinion and more times than not have nothing to do with fact.RELAX, for the most part, this mess is out of our hands, all we have is one vote each.[🙂]

If the T/A is voted down ,and I now believe this is possible,Dave Siegle will have to take some responsibility
for that. He allowed the "IAM" to load it up with "PORK" for the GRAND LODGE . BIG MISTAKE !!! We can only hope it wasn't a fatal one for US AIRWAYS.
What do i think ? Who cares!!! Ill say this ! I think alot of the crap posted on here is all egotistical little man/ im a real man kinda guy crap. I have a hard time believing that the majority of guys who are married some with kids and even those who are single and enjoy their lifestyles, would vote no in the privacy of their on home.. I heard all the barking before the rest of the unions voting and most turned out to be landslides in favor of their respective contracts. Did any of us enjoy voting for crappy contracts? you better believe it was a hard pill to swallow!!!! But when i look at my kids and think about where the food and other stuff will come from if our company goes under or my pay was cut much more than it could have been, im glad our unions were responsible and in the end voted yes to save our jobs... Again i hated every second of it but unlike in regular negotions, the obvious that could happen is unacceptable...so talk big and bad and mean as u want on these boards, but when u press yes or no i hope for maybe the first time in your lives u think of someone else instead of yourselves.. Were all in this mess together and we have some of the best darned employees in the industry! Im not willing to point any more fingers thats been done enough.. Im taking responsiblity for me my actions and words and most importantly im taking some responsibility for me and my family ! Good luck people !
Lot of debt huh brother...wife, family, career. What you say is true, but think of others before you vote! Each man's opinion is his own, so is his fate. If one has had enough, then it is enough. We all are facing this delimma my friend, 16 yrs for me. And I have had enough of this. Do not fault those of us who wish to fight, fore we do not fault you for feeling the weight of your responsiblities.
As an outsider (different union), I would like to relay a comment I heard from a ramper. Take it as you think best. His comment was most telling of the possible outcome of the vote. He believes it will pass AND that when folks go into vote, despite what they say in the break room - they will vote yes. That being said, he believes after the vote and contract is passed, "you won't find one person that said they voted yes!"

In other words - spout all the NO's you want, but when the ballot is sealed, it will be a yes. Personal lifestyle rules it seems and being able to pay your bills is the top concern.

Makes sense to this outsider, Wednesday will be intresting for sure, but not nearly as intresting as Thursday's results.
The workers voting yes are not voting to pay bills as you say, I don't think there is anyone standing up for the contract regardless of how they are voting. The contract offers no rainbow, and makes our current retirement look like GOLD.

They would be voting in fear and that type of thinking always ends up in the margins.
Master, I was judging you just making an honest heart felt comment. i right there with you, 15 yrs here and i will be fine if something happens.My point was alot of guys are saying they will vote no will in reality basically when they close that door and vote and no one will know their true vote, they will vote yes and say they will vote no. I understand your frustrations man im right there with you bud. I am trying to look at it with out anger bitterness etc when i do that then obviously i can look at it from a "pocetbook" kinda way > Even with these cuts we would all be just fine unless some of us are already over their heads as it is ..
On 8/27/2002 8:35:48 AM

Master, I was judging you just making an honest heart felt comment. i right there with you, 15 yrs here and i will be fine if something happens.My point was alot of guys are saying they will vote no will in reality basically when they close that door and vote and no one will know their true vote, they will vote yes and say they will vote no. I understand your frustrations man im right there with you bud. I am trying to look at it with out anger bitterness etc when i do that then obviously i can look at it from a "pocetbook" kinda way > Even with these cuts we would all be just fine unless some of us are already over their heads as it is ..
How can anyone not be bitter when 6.8 million dollars of YOUR money is going into the pockets of the same people who got you into this. And if 1.25 million is not a buyoff to the IAM, I do not know what is. No one ever really wins in a war, but sometimes....they have to be fought. I'm not a big drum beater, I wish we could just fix planes, earn a good living, and feel good about what we do. That it is important to the people who fly on our planes, and to our country's economy. I do not like unions much, but these corporations and the parasites that infest them are too much to bear.
Master, I agree with you to a point i really do . You wont get an argument out of me espec since i for one know hoe mgt has pittles away millions... But where does a person know when its time to stop the fight ? If these were normal negiotions and we were in normal times etc id say fight on ! But when the facts are the way they are? who looses if u vote the contract down? I have never seen a post on here with people dealing with what the aftermath will be if you get what you want? So youre ok with the company filing chapter7 ? Im not saying your wrong to feel the way u do in fact i agree with you im just wondering how far are u willing to go with the WAR? Again making friendly conversation please dont take that the wrong way ?