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FedEx/Aeroframe Services


Sep 1, 2005
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Contract and the South
Aeroframe Services was once owned by EADS, a decent company to work for but they just couldn't get a grasp on what it takes to operate a MRO. Though they couldn't deliver an aircraft on schedule they did deliver a quality product that was paramount to what I have seen at other MRO's. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for Aeroframe Services. This place is following the footsteps of MAE and Dothan. I have only been here for a short time and have seen things that simply make me cringe. I am not very far from calling the FAA on this facility.

Though most of the issues I have witnessed have been benign they are beginning to add up to the point they are not so benign. The icing on the cake for me is the number two engine pylon of Ship N429FE. From my understanding of this there was a dented panel on the crown of the pylon forward of the pre-cooler. Fasteners were drilled out and the panel was removed. While locating and drilling the new panel there were some "extra" holes drilled. Three to be exact, two of these "extra" holes went through the radius of a web that comes up the pylon almost vertically then bends back down at a sharp angle. These mis-drilled holes were totally ignored. During the drilling of the new panel just about all the holes were blown resulting in straps being installed on the inner flanges of the supporting structure. All done with no documentation, SRM references or engineering support. Do keep in mind that this panel had to receive an OK to close from Quality Control. Also the hinged panel located just aft and to the left was damaged by a runaway rivet gun armed with a punch set. I am sure the resulting damage was out of limits but ignored as well.

Duct leak? Where? I would be willing to bet my next paycheck that one could easily be found just behind the aft bulkhead wall of the lower/fwd cargo pit. It was reported but to my knowledge never fixed. It was reported late one evening and the following morning the wall was closed. This place cannot process paperwork that fast for it to have been fixed.

I am also bothered by the, "just stick a screw in it." mentality these guys have going on here. This place has become an embarrassment to Aviation Maintenance. I am also surprised at how few A&P Mechanics are at this facility. Just about every direct I ask if he holds an A&P says not that they are an apprentice. I would like to know who the hell is training them.

Oh and how could I forget this one. This poor A&P Mechanic gets stuck installing the Lav that someone else took apart. I am working just aft of the cargo net on a seat track. He gets the lead up there and asks if anything needs to be installed before he puts the Lav in. The Lead shows him a panel that needs to go down. The Mechanic puts the panel in and installs the lav. Another mechanic comes up to install the floorboards. He starts out by laying the drainpans down. Well guess what? One of them goes underneath a small portion of the Lav. So now the Lav has to come out for a second time. The same mechanic comes back in and has to install the Lav once again. Only this time there are two huge gouges in the bottom of the Lav. This was also looked at and totally ignored.

So you Fed Ex pilots out there, beware of N429FE. Don't jump in the Lav, keep an eye on the #2 engine pylon, double check your O2 bottle pressure and keep you O2 mask handy.
So, that is where you surfaced after your stint as a SCAB at Northwest Airlines. Good luck trying to tell your new employer how to run their maintenance operation! I'll bet that you will be looking for another job soon - probably scabbing again at NWA! :lol:

Most (if not all) of the MRO's are nothing but hack shops that turn out crap - and are chosen by airlines who are only concerned with how much money they can save on each maintenance visit (something that the mechanics at the majors have known for years). To keep costs low, those places obviously cut corners on their maintenance, and pay near poverty level wages - which is probably why you see so few A/P's there.
So, that is where you surfaced after your stint as a SCAB at Northwest Airlines. Good luck trying to tell your new employer how to run their maintenance operation! I'll bet that you will be looking for another job soon - probably scabbing again at NWA! :lol:

I have no interest in telling Aeroframe Services how to run its maintenance operation. I am here as a Contractor not a direct employee. There is a big difference. As a contractor I simply do my job by the companies SOP, the MM and the customers GMM. I put in my time and go home. As far as looking for another job soon you might be right about that for I take no pride in working in a Hack Shop as you so eloquently put it, there is a good bit of truth in that though. This used to be a contractor friendly place to work but since the name has changed so has the attitude here. The turnover rate for contractors here is absurd. The direct side isn't doing much better. They do have some good mechanics here but there simply isn't enough to go around. Their apprenticeship program is a joke, "Here's your work card, now go get to work." that is about the extent of their training. Scabbing at Northwest again? That is a possibility if the strike is still going on next February. I will try to stick it out here till mid-November.

Most (if not all) of the MRO's are nothing but hack shops that turn out crap - and are chosen by airlines who are only concerned with how much money they can save on each maintenance visit (something that the mechanics at the majors have known for years). To keep costs low, those places obviously cut corners on their maintenance, and pay near poverty level wages - which is probably why you see so few A/P's there.

I must agree that some of the MRO's are indeed Hack Shops. I would not go so far as to say most though. The problem I have though is that the good ones are located much to far from home for me. Once again you are correct about the poverty wages that keep A&P's from going direct. They are a slap in the face for an A&P Mechanic. I find it amusing that the routine cards here has a block for each step for an AMT sign-off. It cracks me up when the direct AMT's, making poverty wages breaks out their little stamp and stamps their little AMT number into the block. It is worrisome how this company hires people right off the street with no experience and puts them to work on live birds and call these guys AMT's. Then they get upset when one of these guys lets a rivet gun get loose and destroy a FO windshield. I just don't get it. That would be on Fed Ex Ship N677FE. The one that is behind schedule already and they do not understand why. The fact that it took: Three AMT's to hang about six gill liners in eight hours means nothing. The fact that it took four hours to change a brake because of SOP means nothing. The fact that first shift had to undo everything second shift did the night before because they didn't put the drain pans down means nothing. The fact that their scheduler is out on the floor playing headhunter, running off their best contractors means nothing. If you have a scheduler out on the floor running the crew, what the hell do you need a supervisor for? This once decent place to work is quickly becoming the laughing stock of the Contract A&P's.

Yes PurduePete, corners are being cut, things are being missed or flat out ignored. There is poor training and the people here are being over worked. On top of all that they repeatedly make the same mistakes over and over again. The owner of this place really does need to think about replacing his floor managers and see about getting some skilled workers in this place. If this type of work is being done in America I would really hate to see what is being done on US Registered aircraft overseas.
I have only been here for a short time and have seen things that simply make me cringe. I am not very far from calling the FAA on this facility.

So why dont you? We already know you lack the Integrity, sounds like you lack a Sack as well.

Though most of the issues I have witnessed have been benign they are beginning to add up to the point they are not so benign. The icing on the cake for me is the number two engine pylon of Ship N429FE. From my understanding of this there was a dented panel on the crown of the pylon forward of the pre-cooler. Fasteners were drilled out and the panel was removed. While locating and drilling the new panel there were some "extra" holes drilled. Three to be exact, two of these "extra" holes went through the radius of a web that comes up the pylon almost vertically then bends back down at a sharp angle. These mis-drilled holes were totally ignored. During the drilling of the new panel just about all the holes were blown resulting in straps being installed on the inner flanges of the supporting structure. All done with no documentation, SRM references or engineering support. Do keep in mind that this panel had to receive an OK to close from Quality Control. Also the hinged panel located just aft and to the left was damaged by a runaway rivet gun armed with a punch set. I am sure the resulting damage was out of limits but ignored as well.

Un fu.king believable, and you stand by and turn a blind eye? I guess Im not at all surprised considering the source.

I am also bothered by the, "just stick a screw in it." mentality these guys have going on here. This place has become an embarrassment to Aviation Maintenance. I am also surprised at how few A&P Mechanics are at this facility. Just about every direct I ask if he holds an A&P says not that they are an apprentice. I would like to know who the hell is training them.

Ive been saying it for years, you get what you pay for.

So you Fed Ex pilots out there, beware of N429FE. Don't jump in the Lav, keep an eye on the #2 engine pylon, double check your O2 bottle pressure and keep you O2 mask handy.

Instead of coming on here and revealing the Illegal maintenance being performed at your New found Gypsy job for those of us who can't verify your story, (which BTW I would tend to believe coming from a hack operation) Why are you not at the very least Informing the Fed Ex Rep. of the seriousness of this Structural Abortion?

Let me guess, you need to hold on to this job until November... :down:
So you Fed Ex pilots out there, beware of N429FE. Don't jump in the Lav, keep an eye on the #2 engine pylon, double check your O2 bottle pressure and keep you O2 mask handy.

To whom it may concern:

AEROFRAME Services, LLC 1945 Merganser Street Lake Charles, Louisiana 70615 Phone: (337) 312-2420 Fax: (337) 312-2425

Contact FAA
Call FAA toll-free 24 hours a day at 1-866-TELL-FAA (1-866-835-5322)

Consumer Hotline – ask questions about FAA-monitored consumer issues
Hazardous Materials – report specific violations
Whistleblower Hotline – aviation industry employees can report information relating to air carrier safety or participate in other protection activities
Maintenance improprieties
Low-flying aircraft
Aircraft incidents
Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) violations
So why dont you? We already know you lack the Integrity, sounds like you lack a Sack as well.

local, I thought we might be beyond such childish gibberish. I suppose I was wrong. Do continue reading.

Un fu.king believable, and you stand by and turn a blind eye? I guess Im not at all surprised considering the source.

No I do not turn a blind eye local. Just the opposite, you would not believe how young some of these AMT's are. Some are barely out of high school others are in their early twenties that couldn't make the grade or simply couldn't afford college. I do not blame these guys for who they are but I do try to educate them as to the proper ways of performing maintenance on aircraft. This, "just stick a screw in it" and "Who cares what it looks like, it’s going to be covered up?", mentality that is going around this place is about as ingrained as your union beliefs. Education is the key here for this facility to be a success.

Ive been saying it for years, you get what you pay for.

I think we all know this local but it is not that black and white. You can spend sixty thousand dollars on a Cadillac that not worth a shet or you can spend the same on a Lexus.

Instead of coming on here and revealing the Illegal maintenance being performed at your New found Gypsy job for those of us who can't verify your story, (which BTW I would tend to believe coming from a hack operation) Why are you not at the very least Informing the Fed Ex Rep. of the seriousness of this Structural Abortion?

Why not come here. There are several Fed-Ex members that visit this site. I am sure one will be curious enough to check into it. A simple inspection of the bottom of the Lav from the E&E Bay will show the gouges are real. Then curiosity will lead him to the AFT bulkhead of the FWD Cargo, where he will remove a single panel to reveal the duct leak. A simple inspection of the pylon crown will reveal a newly installed panel. Now this panel will have to be drilled off to see the miss-drilled holes which will take a bit of time and effort but if they wish to go that far they will find the holes as exactly described. Who knows if a mechanic doesn't read this maybe a pilot will and refuse the aircraft until the above described inspection is performed. I know that if I worked for Fed-Ex and read this I would at least look into it.

I speak with the Fed-Ex Rep on an almost daily basis and I have often voiced my opinion to him on the quality of maintenance that is being performed on his companies aircraft. On the other hand I do not point out specific incidents to him. He is fully aware of the lack of training here and the abuse his aircraft receive.

Let me guess, you need to hold on to this job until November... :down:

That is the idea. Whether I am able to last that long is a different story. My intentions are to remain here till November. Just think I could keep Fed-Ex informed of what they needed to fix when their aircraft come out of a fresh heavy C check. 😉
local, I thought we might be beyond such childish gibberish. I suppose I was wrong.

Just call'em like I see'em PTO!

No I do not turn a blind eye local.

Uh yes you do!

You can spend sixty thousand dollars on a Cadillac that not worth a shet or you can spend the same on a Lexus.

wrong analogy, the skill set required is the same. are you saying all Cadillacs are shite, and all Lexus's are not? :lol:

I speak with the Fed-Ex Rep on an almost daily basis and I have often voiced my opinion to him on the quality of maintenance that is being performed on his companies aircraft. On the other hand I do not point out specific incidents to him. He is fully aware of the lack of training here and the abuse his aircraft receive.

Then you are essentially aiding and abetting in a coverup of illegal maintenance, therefore your turning a blind eye!

My intentions are to remain here till November.

Just as I thought your meager pay check is more important than flight safety issues.

Just think I could keep Fed-Ex informed of what they needed to fix when their aircraft come out of a fresh heavy C check. 😉

ROTFLMAO :lol: :lol:
wrong analogy, the skill set required is the same. are you saying all Cadillacs are shite, and all Lexus's are not? :lol:

You are correct, same skill set but big difference in quality. I would not go so far as to say all but pretty damn close.

Then you are essentially aiding and abetting in a coverup of illegal maintenace, therefore your turning a blind eye!Just as I thought your meager pay check is more important than flight safety issues.

You are going to see this as you wish local, but it is not I turning a blind eye. It is the AMT's that perform such work, the leads that pass out such work when they know it is above the skill level of the AMT that they are giving it to, it is the MRO's that condone it if not force it upon these guys. It is the companies that send their aircraft to these MRO's when they know such things are going on. It is the FAA's for not having more inspections of these facilities and for letting these MRO's hire people off the street that couldn't get a job at a fast food joint to work on live aircraft and call them AMT's. Sorry local but this problem goes way above and beyond me.

I thought you might get a kick out of that, but the sad thing is, is that it is the truth. These birds should be leaving here clean but they are not.

BTW that F/O Windshield that got busted, well when I got to work this morning I heard that the new one was busted during installation this weekend. Now that’s freaking arse funny. Boy Kens Proud AMT Craft is on a roll. I'll take A&P any day.
So its someone elses responsibility to bring it to the reps attention? Take your head out of the sand PTO! Instead of being a mentor to these "young" A&Ps you are training them to look the other way. The same as you did at northwest. Yet you have the nerve to appear here under your alias and talk about it. Call the hot line wiseguy. Callers are protected. You don't have to hide. I guess its too much to expect YOU to do the right thing. After all, its only a paycheck to you.

....BTW that F/O Windshield that got busted, well when I got to work this morning I heard that the new one was busted during installation this weekend. Now that’s freaking arse funny. Boy Kens Proud AMT Craft is on a roll. I'll take A&P any day....
You aren't fit to tie Ken McTeirnans boot laces, SCAB.
While your employer and you may assign some worth to your individual A&P, all I see is you looking the other way when things are being done wrong and aircraft are flying with unairworthy repairs with your direct knowledge. To me your A&P isn't worth the paper its printed on.
You aren't fit to tie Ken McTeirnans boot laces, SCAB.
While your employer and you may assign some worth to your individual A&P, all I see is you looking the other way when things are being done wrong and aircraft are flying with unairworthy repairs with your direct knowledge. To me your A&P isn't worth the paper its printed on.

What PTO does not realize in his ignorance is that when Ken talks about AMT's he's not talking about unlicensed gophers working at some fly by night MRO. He's talking about licensed A&P mechanics.
What PTO does not realize in his ignorance is that when Ken talks about AMT's he's not talking about unlicensed gophers working at some fly by night MRO. He's talking about licensed A&P mechanics.
:lol: ...and you continue to spread your ignorance from board to board. Make up your mind 777 fixer is an AMT the same as an A&P or not? "...unlicensed gophers working at some fly by night MRO. He's talking about licensed A&P mechanics." :lol: Those "unlicensed gophers" Jackarse are AMT's. They even have their little rubber stamp to prove it. :lol:
:lol: ...and you continue to spread your ignorance from board to board. Make up your mind 777 fixer is an AMT the same as an A&P or not? "...unlicensed gophers working at some fly by night MRO. He's talking about licensed A&P mechanics." :lol: Those "unlicensed gophers" Jackarse are AMT's. They even have their little rubber stamp to prove it. :lol:

PTO you talk of someone's else's "ignorance" when time and time again your own ignorance and lies have been exposed for all to see. By the way I don't mind it when you call me "Jackarse". It means I'm starting to get under your skin. It also tells me that youy have run out of logical arguments, not that you had any before.
:lol: ...and you continue to spread your ignorance from board to board. Make up your mind 777 fixer is an AMT the same as an A&P or not? "...unlicensed gophers working at some fly by night MRO. He's talking about licensed A&P mechanics." :lol: Those "unlicensed gophers" Jackarse are AMT's. They even have their little rubber stamp to prove it. :lol:

You want to talk about ignorance?

Up until alittle over 7 months ago, you didn't even know where the term "AMT" came from.

And just how long have you been working in the aircraft maintenance field??? Nine years???

Keep babbling fool, we'll keep laughing.

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