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Quality Maintenance.......right!

fatherof2 said:
I reported it to my foreman, but he was too busy checking out the admin clerk to get off his butt and see for himself!.......And if anybody is wondering, the foreman is still there and now lives with the former admin clerk! 🙄 :jerry: :jerry: :jerry:
This foreman wasn't Italian with Curly Grey Hair was he???
This foreman wasn't Italian with Curly Grey Hair was he???
U got that right , but I guess 700 proved me wrong ....... Been wrong before :shock:
Baja4U said:
This foreman wasn't Italian with Curly Grey Hair was he???
U got that right , but I guess 700 proved me wrong ....... Been wrong before :shock:
The foreman I'm talking about, left CLT almost immediately after 911! 😉
You must be talking about a utility foreman Geez, not a maintenance one.
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt! :shock:

700UW said:
You must be talking about a utility foreman Geez, not a maintenance one.
The foreman I'm talking about was a maintenance foreman in Bay 5, who was involved with an admin rep. This was in the CLT Hangar on 2nd shift, around the time that the 911 attacks occured. There was also a foreman in Bay 3 that was involved with an admin rep. Both their last name's both started with an "S". Was it one of these foreman's? Is this person at MAE now?
GeezLouis said:
The foreman I'm talking about was a maintenance foreman in Bay 5, who was involved with an admin rep. This was in the CLT Hangar on 2nd shift, around the time that the 911 attacks occured. There was also a foreman in Bay 3 that was involved with an admin rep. Both their last name's both started with an "S". Was it one of these foreman's? Is this person at MAE now?
The maint forman your talking about now works at American, name started with "J" 😱
E-TRONS said:
This goes out to all you fools who think MAE is providing quality maintenance. ...
...When assured quality and safety are governed by cost savings...look out!!

Remember that Bronner said these maintenance jobs were going to Alabama one way or the other. It's not about savings, it's not about safety... it's about EGO!
Hey guys,

Thanks for turning my serious post into the National Inquirer <_< !!

Who cares about what poodle head was up to anyway 😛h34r: ????

This FRAUD that they call quality maintenance is going to eventually have deadly concequences if left unchecked. So WTF are we going to do about it????

Anyone of you idiots that thinks otherwise should come to CLT and visit the memorial for the express crash........caused by 3rd party mtc :angry: !!!!!
People will soon realize that this company cares very little about putting out a quality product these days. Whether it be maintenence, customer service, reservations, ect...all they are interested in, is who will provide the service at the lowest cost.

The company was one filled with many hardworking persons who in the most part were very dedicated to USAirways, putting out a good product. Now they are being replaced by more and more persons who could care less about U and view it as a paycheck and a free flight once in awhile. The company was quick to point out the number of persons who showed up for their job fairs and the number who were offered employment pending pre-employment screening. I would like them to publish the number who pass all the pre-employment screening and then the number who actually stick around after they experience what actual job is really like. I doubt after a year of working nights, weekends, holidays and crummy weather a majority will not be here any longer!!!!

Just check out all the 2004 ranking and you will find U at the bottom or close to it in all the major catagories. Gee do you think we are having problems??? "Clear Skies Ahead"??? Do they even have a clue??? You get what you pay for....
AP Tech said:
People will soon realize that this company cares very little about putting out a quality product these days. Whether it be maintenence, customer service, reservations, ect...all they are interested in, is who will provide the service at the lowest cost.
The company will care when one of these planes "buys the farm!" That's one thing that baffles me is how A320, Flyboi and others on here act like it's a great thing getting the maintenance done cheaper, no matter what you have to sacrifice in order to achieve it! Peace of mind means something to me (not to mention, our maintenance costs can't be that much more now with this latest boner of a contract!) Besides, a crash would be disasterous for this outfit! Especially since it already has one foot on a banana peel and the other in the grave! Like someone mentioned earlier, I don't think this came down to lower maintenance costs, it was an ego thing! The company didn't want to settle with the IAM on the 3rd Party stuff. It will end up biting the company in the ass! Mark my words! 😉
This old axiom applies to a lot of things, but also to maintenance




usfliboi said:
How many people are sick of hearing the same kids talk about the same things...?

I don't know. Tell me.

I think a lot of people are tired of the constant call to help mgt out more.

I just watched the "Crash of Flight 191" on the History Channel. Very interesting watch. For those that don't remember, it was AA Flt 191 at OHare in 1979. It showed what faulty maintenance practices can lead to! The deaths of the 270+ should be a vigilant reminder that we NEED to be vigilant about our maintenance procedures and should not allow these jiffy lube shops from Alabama to just practice on ours or anybody elses aircraft. The mere fact is, we have been lucky and only had to scramble Fire and Rescue for the way too many emergency landings on the aircraft just coming out of heavy checks. God help us all, when our luck runs out!

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