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Fed-up JetBlue flight attendant drops intercom F-bomb, screams, 'I've had it,' bolts plane

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You've probably all seen this animation of what happened on the Jet Blue flight with the fed up flight attendant. Well somebody added music to it fron the song I'm fed up by Alizée. It's a must see!

🙄 Ummmmmm I'm thinking that between what was going on in his personal life coupled with the stress of the moment he probably snapped. Maybe he wasn't in his right state of mind (obviously) to do such a thing. I'm not saying I agree with his grabbing a beer and popping a slide but considering he did I'd guess there was something wrong with him. Regardless of how I set my bar (none of your business btw) I'm sure thousands around the airline world both inside agents and f/a's are giving the dude a thumbs up. Screw it. AAAAAHAHAHAA :lol: LOVE IT! ! ! ! Hmm let's see he'll be on Letterman, Ellen and maybe even a few others. 😉
Totally Agree. I don't think there is ANYONE that works in Customer Service (Airline/hotel/restaurant/retail) that didn't get a personal CHUCKLE out of Slater's actions. It all goes back to the movie "NETWORK" when the the dude yelled "I can't take it Anymore".........human beings are only going to take so much before they take out some type of retalitory measure. The female pax may have encountered 'issues' herself throughout the day but Slater will Go Down in Aviation history as The One Who Really Lost It and Did something about it. I am STILL laughing about IT! :lol:
Mr. "Blow the Slide and jump out" now wants his job back.

Story on CNN

Ladies and Gentlemen, our betting windows are now open in the outer lobby for those who wish to wager on this outcome. Early returns place odds of getting job back at 300 to 1.
Mr. "Blow the Slide and jump out" now wants his job back.

Story on CNN

Ladies and Gentlemen, our betting windows are now open in the outer lobby for those who wish to wager on this outcome. Early returns place odds of getting job back at 300 to 1.
I DO NOT think Slater has a prayer in hell's chance of getting His Job back. I can't see why JetBlue would even consider it (he obviously viloated several Company Policies) nor would the FAA allow it (security risk,unstable etc.). The best Slater could possibly hope for would be is being reassigned within the Airline "IF" they would even consider such an option. Slater may not be a BAD person, He just used POOR Judgement and this will ultimately seal His fate. People get fired everyday for a multitude of reasons but I for one DO NOT see one reason WHY JetBlue would even want him back. CLOSE The Betting Window!
I DO NOT think Slater has a prayer in hell's chance of getting His Job back. I can't see why JetBlue would even consider it (he obviously viloated several Company Policies) nor would the FAA allow it (security risk,unstable etc.). The best Slater could possibly hope for would be is being reassigned within the Airline "IF" they would even consider such an option. Slater may not be a BAD person, He just used POOR Judgement and this will ultimately seal His fate. People get fired everyday for a multitude of reasons but I for one DO NOT see one reason WHY JetBlue would even want him back. CLOSE The Betting Window!

He's a knucklehead. Any (professional) airline employee, especially flight attendants, wouldn't have anything to do with him.
Stranger things have happened. Remember, the FAA has no say unless he has been convicted of one or more of a specific list of felonies. At best, they might be able to put his rehire on hold until his current legal situation is resolved. Instability might be a factor with pilots, but it does not apply to flight attendants AFAIK. Otherwise there would a lot of f/as no longer flying.

However, if you read the entire article an internal memo from the head honcho (that just happened to leak to CNN) tends to indicate that he doesn't have a chance if the company has a say in his rehire.
He's a knucklehead. Any (professional) airline employee, especially flight attendants, wouldn't have anything to do with him.
As a very famous sportscaster would say......"not so fast My Friend" (Lee Corso/espn).......Slater just happenened To Do what M-a-n-y have contemplated doing. Now that the media blitz has died down over the incident that 'triggered' the meltdown (if you want to call it that)..........Don't You find it somewhat odd that the female pax that allegedly instigated the blow up has NEVER surfaced? In today's world (the era of "It's All about Me") why haven't WE seen the pax that created the problem in the First place? I would have thought SHE would have been spouting her mouth to every News outlet, been exhausted from extensive interviews and seen every media outlet to get HER side of the story told. There's a saying that "where there is smoke, there is fire".........and without hearing this woman's story I can only go by Slater's rendition of what happened and more than likely This Woman has much to hide in telling 'what REALLY Happened' and how Slater treated Her. I do not condone what Slater did over his disgust with the situation but I do find it Funny. And it sure as hell was worthy of making the Nightly News...........much more than the travails of that trainwreck Lindsay Lohan and whether she was 'comfortable' in her prison cell or playing nice with fellow criminals :lol: Let's just call it, All in A Day's Work.
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