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Fed-up JetBlue flight attendant drops intercom F-bomb, screams, 'I've had it,' bolts plane

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The problem that I have with this isn't so much the blow-up, but swiping a beer and blowing the slide. If he had made his announcement and said "I quit", walked off the plane and called scheduling and/or a supervisor and said "I quit" I would be in full agreement. But blowing the slide is expensive and he also entered the restricted area of the ramp and probably didn't have credentials to be unaccompanied on the ramp.
🙄 Ummmmmm I'm thinking that between what was going on in his personal life coupled with the stress of the moment he probably snapped. Maybe he wasn't in his right state of mind (obviously) to do such a thing. I'm not saying I agree with his grabbing a beer and popping a slide but considering he did I'd guess there was something wrong with him. Regardless of how I set my bar (none of your business btw) I'm sure thousands around the airline world both inside agents and f/a's are giving the dude a thumbs up. Screw it. AAAAAHAHAHAA :lol: LOVE IT! ! ! ! Hmm let's see he'll be on Letterman, Ellen and maybe even a few others. 😉
Blowing a slide is expensive and dangerous. I kinda chuckled at the fact he grabbed 2 cold roadies on the way out.
I don't want to see this knucklehead on TV, it only glamorizes bizzare behavior.
Agreed. I bet it will make a few think twice before going off on the next f/a. :lol: Who knoooooows what they might do.
The problem that I have with this isn't so much the blow-up, but swiping a beer and blowing the slide. If he had made his announcement and said "I quit", walked off the plane and called scheduling and/or a supervisor and said "I quit" I would be in full agreement. But blowing the slide is expensive and he also entered the restricted area of the ramp and probably didn't have credentials to be unaccompanied on the ramp.

He did what many of us have thought about doing for years! Heck, I thought about it yesterday after 9 days of duty, 1 day off and appx. 50 hours of block time flying idiots all over the country 🙄

I know his way "out" wasn't the smartest but boy did he get his point across! As a result, maybe, just maybe, something good for the FA group will come out of it.

The crap that inflight receives on a daily basis is just unbelievable! I do believe it would have been more fun to have Police meet the flight. But its an act of God to get that to happen these days. Pilots can't be bothered, Agents can't be bothered. No one wants to do the paperwork. The end result is the FAs get the brunt of it and are told, "go home, have a drink" its over.

Thousands of FAs get verbally assaulted on a daily basis.... It needs to stop!

He's been made into a martyr and I luv it B)

Cheers to you Slater!!! :lol:
Look while I do not want to set Steve up as a HERO. Think about what brought him to this place disrespect how long will we be slinkys .The FAA and the Company have got to put more jaw power into our daily lives that say this is not about power its simply the fact . Stow your luggage, fasten your seat belt.....its just is not that HARD how many more people feel Steve pain I DO
I think he should just say he doesnt remember anything after the lovely passenger hit him in the head with his bag...

I agree with this B) A bag falling out of the overhead can literally shake the brain silly and mess up the electrical wiring for a while....I bet he went to grab an oj and mistook it for a beer, poor guy was so shaken... :blink:
I am really wondering if this happen on the Ugly Girl airline, how would these boards be reacting...just curious :unsure:
Too bad the Daily News didn't provide a link to the posts. Would love to know which forum and his apparent user name.

Steven Slater has been hauling around a lot of baggage.....In a series of posts to an online forum, a user who appears to be Slater took a swipe at passengers who try to bring on too many bags.
I still cannot understand why they REFUSE to throw the woman who was fighting over overhead space??????? He wanted to avoid the conflict but apparently Jetblue, just like all the other airlines, dont care if pax have in house fighting that puts lives in potential danger and yet its F/As who have to endure that kind of crap! I feel for the crews who have to deal with it
Asian Dramatization of the actual event... B)

Too bad the Daily News didn't provide a link to the posts. Would love to know which forum and his apparent user name.
There may not be a link, but the user name and the forum are clearly identified in the article:
"I hate to be a bag nazi when i work a flight, but I feel if I am not, then I am letting down all those who cooperate and [try] to help out as well," said a March post under the handle Skyliner747 on Airliners.net.
Slater's behavior was inexcusable. Apparently he worked for several other airlines in the past. Absolutely time for a career-change now. He should be prosecuted. Where is Gloria Allred when she is actually needed?

And to all of you who cheer his goofiness -- how would you react if during your next medical visit the nurse flips out and grabs some available drugs before compromising your safety on his/her way out the door?

Point is this Slater should be held to a higher level of responsibility given his job requirements.
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