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Fed-up JetBlue flight attendant drops intercom F-bomb, screams, 'I've had it,' bolts plane

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Flip out, pop the door, grab 2 beers, get arrested, lose your job, go to court, get 15 minutes of fame, receive psychiatric treatment, collect unemployment, and live out the rest of your life in obscurity in Queens - Yep certainly sounds like "hero" material to me!
The problem that I have with this isn't so much the blow-up, but swiping a beer and blowing the slide. If he had made his announcement and said "I quit", walked off the plane and called scheduling and/or a supervisor and said "I quit" I would be in full agreement. But blowing the slide is expensive and he also entered the restricted area of the ramp and probably didn't have credentials to be unaccompanied on the ramp.
You and ever body else would not be talking about it
It would be a non-issue. His exit is the result of your interest
and appeal
Flip out, pop the door, grab 2 beers, get arrested, lose your job, go to court, get 15 minutes of fame, receive psychiatric treatment, collect unemployment, and live out the rest of your life in obscurity in Queens - Yep certainly sounds like "hero" material to me!

Also most likely his own tv show, millions of dollars, maybe a spokesman for another airline. Yep sounds like hero to me 🙂
But blowing the slide is expensive and he also entered the restricted area of the ramp and probably didn't have credentials to be unaccompanied on the ramp.

Better go arrest all the FAs on the ramp in LAS getting on and off the hotel shuttle then.

There may not be a link, but the user name and the forum are clearly identified in the article:
"I hate to be a bag nazi when i work a flight, but I feel if I am not, then I am letting down all those who cooperate and [try] to help out as well," said a March post under the handle Skyliner747 on Airliners.net.

If I had to read all the teenage airline CEOs posting from their mom's basement on Airliners.nut, I would go funny in the head too. 😛
Blowing a slide is expensive and dangerous. I kinda chuckled at the fact he grabbed 2 cold roadies on the way out.
I don't want to see this knucklehead on TV, it only glamorizes bizzare behavior.

Time and time again, no one is expressing anger at the 2 passengers who started all of this, esp. the one who injured him with her bag. And the fact that JB gave vouchers to everyone, including the person who violated FARs by getting up during taxi, pulling her bags out and injuring Steve is mind boggling. Everyone on my crew on my last trip gave Steve the thumbs up. We now have a new term when passengers abuse us, "getti'n the jetblues." I'm not saying what he did was right, but some of us at one point of our careers have thought about doing what he did.
With all of the great Flight Crews out there, it's a crying shame this knucklehead is going to be the poster boy for onboard conflict management. When the facts come out about what really happened on the plane and how unstable this guy was to start with, I can't imagine anyone who views themself as a service/safety professional lining up to join his fan club.
Can you imagine is next job interview? So...name a stressful work related event and how you reacted to it? :blink:
I personally agree with the company's summation of the wrongfulness of the intentional slide deployment.

As I posted earlier in this thread Mr. Slater could have quit and even made a dramatic announcement and all that would have been done from a damage point of view would be PR and dealing with the customers that had just arrived at JFK. The slide deployment was unsafe and it also costs a great deal of money to replace the slide because normally that aircraft would have been flying elsewhere and now it had to be taken out of service and the slide replaced. This equates to a significant loss to B6 due to an unconscionable and unprofessional act by a professional flight attendant.

I agree that there are rude and uncaring customers who only think of themselves. Some violate FAA directives and get up during taxi in or before the Fasten Seatbelt light is extinguished by flight deck. The FA's have options available to them to deal with these situations, including filing out company safety or flight irregularity forms. But the FA's also have a FAA duty to remain with the aircraft until all passengers have deplaned or, in the case of a continuing flight, there are sufficient FA's on board to supervise the cabin once all deplaning passengers have left the aircraft. Mr. Slater's actions have technically violated the applicable FAR's and company policies, which themselves carry the weight of FAR's when dealing with operational matters.

Mr. Slater may be a folk hero, but he is no hero of mine because of the way he comported himself in his final minutes of that flight.
Additional information to digest.


He was almost hysterical.”

All of these behaviors—impulsivity, clumsiness, confusion, disorientation, irritability, “out of character” behavior—can be head injury symptoms. When the brain gets hit, the outer regions that prevent people from doing things, like telling off customers, quitting work and activating the emergency slide to make a dramatic exit, are often the first to be affected.
Additional information to digest.


He was almost hysterical.”

All of these behaviors—impulsivity, clumsiness, confusion, disorientation, irritability, “out of character” behavior—can be head injury symptoms. When the brain gets hit, the outer regions that prevent people from doing things, like telling off customers, quitting work and activating the emergency slide to make a dramatic exit, are often the first to be affected.

It is reported on the Morning Show that he already had those injuries before the incident. I think there is more to the story.

Yes, he is in deep you know what. Hero, not in my book. The REAL Hero's were on those 9/11 flight's. He is an idiot.
"you're fired!"

That is what jetBlue must do right now and be done with this fool.

I don't care about the legal ramifications of summarily dismissing a dangerous employee.

Other employees and customers will question the wisdom of management if this circus continues....
Will JB seek to prosecute Slater for intentionally blowing a slide that is as dangerous as a gun? If their willing to seek prosecution against passengers for endangering crewmembers, then the same should be true for crewmembers endangeriing any crewmember that may have on the ground...What he did with the slide deployment was stupid stupid stupid....
Some Flight Attendant Union officials were on TV and in the news the very next day saying what a hero this knucklhead is. You would think they would be smart enough to wait for the facts to come out. Oh yeah, facts don't matter.
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