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FA's to vote on elimination of the "Hard 40"

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Welcome to the world of entitlement cultivated by UNION propaganda.
I know it exists, it just scares me these simple minded folks occupy the planet. I'm convinced the really diehard fanatics couldn't function in the real world. Unless, of course there was a contract that spelled out their daily routine for them to follow. The best is that we now have entitled new hires on property that have never been told no by their parents or any adult in their life. Now they're becoming this extra entitled union person. It really is insane. maybe AA should start giving them participation medals just for showing up. You know, like they are paid to do!!! Nah, they'd probably complain about that too!
Just as a reminder, when we F/A's voted for seniority for the J/S it wasn't even close! Amongst those that felt it important enough of a topic to vote, it was close to 80/20 AGAINST seniority for the J/S. So for all the complainers still talking about seniority and non revving I guess it is just the minority folks that want it. There is hope that the "old" way of thinking is on the way outta here. Time for everyone to join the real world and the year 2016. As opposed to the 1950's. Although I find the "old" crowd is much much more sensible than the middle of the road miserable bunch. Which by the way, I'm in. Minus the miserable part.
IORFA said:
I know it exists, it just scares me these simple minded folks occupy the planet. I'm convinced the really diehard fanatics couldn't function in the real world. Unless, of course there was a contract that spelled out their daily routine for them to follow. The best is that we now have entitled new hires on property that have never been told no by their parents or any adult in their life. Now they're becoming this extra entitled union person. It really is insane. maybe AA should start giving them participation medals just for showing up. You know, like they are paid to do!!! Nah, they'd probably complain about that too!
Welcome to the result of the liberal movement.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Welcome to the result of the liberal movement.
Oh don't get me started brother...those beatniks with their jazz cigarettes.  Shoulda taken them out with the trash when we had the chance, maybe if that pinko softie Eisenhower had had enough guts..MacArthur would've!...now we're stuck with lazy entitled flight attendants.  A shame!  A fine shame it is!  When I was a kid a stewardess, yes, stewardess - none of this pee-cee "flight attendant" jive - was glad to get a job working for actual peanuts - they gave ya peanuts back then - and cook a full roast beef dinner onboard and serve it with a smile!  Candied yams!  Uphill in the snow - both ways!  And by jove she didn't go whining to her bosses when a hard-working businessman sauced on the whiskey she gave him gives her a well-deserved smack on the backside!  That's a classy dame what can repress her self-loathing and weakness behind a sweet smile.  Courage - it came from a bottle!  Acid rain - a kick in the gut, that's how my generation built character!  Respect - it usedta mean something!  But then the commies took gawd outta schools and made lynchin' illegal and let women own property and it all slid downhill from there.  Tradition!  When I was a boy you begged for the privilege of workin' your fingers to the bone, men put on a shirt and tie to go to the drive-in on a Friday night and you woke up wearing it Saturday morning - cigarettes were harmless!  When the banker came to our farm to repossess our land we called him 'Sir'.  Oh, and evvvverybody usedta know who's place was in the back of the bus, or far in the closet, and there were brave and righteous people to make sure they stayed there!  Global warming - ha!  I say it's about time those polar ice caps get cut down to size anyhow!  Merit badges!  Skippin' rocks! Rocket pops! Bomb Hanoi! Grand-daddy's shoe leather!
Make America Great Again!
ChockJockey said:
Oh don't get me started brother...those beatniks with their jazz cigarettes.  Shoulda taken them out with the trash when we had the chance, maybe if that pinko softie Eisenhower had had enough guts..MacArthur would've!...now we're stuck with lazy entitled flight attendants.  A shame!  A fine shame it is!  When I was a kid a stewardess, yes, stewardess - none of this pee-cee "flight attendant" jive - was glad to get a job working for actual peanuts - they gave ya peanuts back then - and cook a full roast beef dinner onboard and serve it with a smile!  Candied yams!  Uphill in the snow - both ways!  And by jove she didn't go whining to her bosses when a hard-working businessman sauced on the whiskey she gave him gives her a well-deserved smack on the backside!  That's a classy dame what can repress her self-loathing and weakness behind a sweet smile.  Courage - it came from a bottle!  Acid rain - a kick in the gut, that's how my generation built character!  Respect - it usedta mean something!  But then the commies took gawd outta schools and made lynchin' illegal and let women own property and it all slid downhill from there.  Tradition!  When I was a boy you begged for the privilege of workin' your fingers to the bone, men put on a shirt and tie to go to the drive-in on a Friday night and you woke up wearing it Saturday morning - cigarettes were harmless!  When the banker came to our farm to repossess our land we called him 'Sir'.  Oh, and evvvverybody usedta know who's place was in the back of the bus, or far in the closet, and there were brave and righteous people to make sure they stayed there!  Global warming - ha!  I say it's about time those polar ice caps get cut down to size anyhow!  Merit badges!  Skippin' rocks! Rocket pops! Bomb Hanoi! Grand-daddy's shoe leather!
Make America Great Again!
I don’t know to cry or laugh maybe both
ChockJockey said:
Oh don't get me started brother...those beatniks with their jazz cigarettes.  Shoulda taken them out with the trash when we had the chance, maybe if that pinko softie Eisenhower had had enough guts..MacArthur would've!...now we're stuck with lazy entitled flight attendants.  A shame!  A fine shame it is!  When I was a kid a stewardess, yes, stewardess - none of this pee-cee "flight attendant" jive - was glad to get a job working for actual peanuts - they gave ya peanuts back then - and cook a full roast beef dinner onboard and serve it with a smile!  Candied yams!  Uphill in the snow - both ways!  And by jove she didn't go whining to her bosses when a hard-working businessman sauced on the whiskey she gave him gives her a well-deserved smack on the backside!  That's a classy dame what can repress her self-loathing and weakness behind a sweet smile.  Courage - it came from a bottle!  Acid rain - a kick in the gut, that's how my generation built character!  Respect - it usedta mean something!  But then the commies took gawd outta schools and made lynchin' illegal and let women own property and it all slid downhill from there.  Tradition!  When I was a boy you begged for the privilege of workin' your fingers to the bone, men put on a shirt and tie to go to the drive-in on a Friday night and you woke up wearing it Saturday morning - cigarettes were harmless!  When the banker came to our farm to repossess our land we called him 'Sir'.  Oh, and evvvverybody usedta know who's place was in the back of the bus, or far in the closet, and there were brave and righteous people to make sure they stayed there!  Global warming - ha!  I say it's about time those polar ice caps get cut down to size anyhow!  Merit badges!  Skippin' rocks! Rocket pops! Bomb Hanoi! Grand-daddy's shoe leather!
Make America Great Again!

Ah yes. The Golden and glorious era of the 1950's. We've lost so much haven't we. The days where a respectable man needed to where a hat and carried a briefcase. And when he came home from a long days toil he was greeted with a loving smile and a snifter of Brandy and could smell the Meatloaf cooking in the kitchen. The modest home life with the white picket fence when us white people ruled the Country and all minorities knew their place and would never dream of speaking up, talking back or sassing. What's happened to our once great society?

Can you remember the days. The days when only the well to do would be able to fly. No one would come to the airport even if they weren't fully attired. Women who flew with their husbands because there were no female executives in those days wore lovely patterned dresses and never spoke out of turn. They were happy just to be flying with the jet set. The single well groomed man was always on business and those Stewerdesses were always looking to snatch a husband before they turned 30 and were forced to leave. I say they weren't angered by the nice smack to the bum, they were waiting in anticipation for it as acknowledgement of a job well done and maybe would be asked to have a cocktail after the flight. Oh lucky them. There was no Feminism causes that grew out of that radical next generation of the 60's. No male stewardesses, no old biddies, no fat frumps. What happened to our once great society?

We really do need to make America great again. Somehow we need to get back to those good old warm and happy times.

IORFA said:
I know it exists, it just scares me these simple minded folks occupy the planet. I'm convinced the really diehard fanatics couldn't function in the real world. Unless, of course there was a contract that spelled out their daily routine for them to follow. The best is that we now have entitled new hires on property that have never been told no by their parents or any adult in their life. Now they're becoming this extra entitled union person. It really is insane. maybe AA should start giving them participation medals just for showing up. You know, like they are paid to do!!! Nah, they'd probably complain about that too!
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Welcome to the result of the liberal movement.
WeAAsles said:
Ah yes. The Golden and glorious era of the 1950's. We've lost so much haven't we. The days where a respectable man needed to where a hat and carried a briefcase. And when he came home from a long days toil he was greeted with a loving smile and a snifter of Brandy and could smell the Meatloaf cooking in the kitchen. The modest home life with the white picket fence when us white people ruled the Country and all minorities knew their place and would never dream of speaking up, talking back or sassing. What's happened to our once great society?

Can you remember the days. The days when only the well to do would be able to fly. No one would come to the airport even if they weren't fully attired. Women who flew with their husbands because there were no female executives in those days wore lovely patterned dresses and never spoke out of turn. They were happy just to be flying with the jet set. The single well groomed man was always on business and those Stewerdesses were always looking to snatch a husband before they turned 30 and were forced to leave. I say they weren't angered by the nice smack to the bum, they were waiting in anticipation for it as acknowledgement of a job well done and maybe would be asked to have a cocktail after the flight. Oh lucky them. There was no Feminism causes that grew out of that radical next generation of the 60's. No male stewardesses, no old biddies, no fat frumps. What happened to our once great society?

We really do need to make America great again. Somehow we need to get back to those good old warm and happy times.
I will let the state of our youth speak for itself.
By the way why is it I never hear a liberal discuss the sins of any other culture/group but white America?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I will let the state of our youth speak for itself.
By the way why is it I never hear a liberal discuss the sins of any other culture/group but white America?
This guy is OBSESSED with Politics. Obsession is a sickness.
WeAAsles said:
This guy is OBSESSED with Politics. Obsession is a sickness.
That is rich coming from someone who posted these links.
and this......
And I (LOVE, LOVE) the TWU/IAM Association. (BIG LOVE) Thank you Harry Lombardo, Sito Pantoja and everyone else who went to that meeting with the company.
Yeah....... I am the one obsessed.
I mean really..... you have to laugh. 
WeAAsles said:
The modest home life with the white picket fence when us white people ruled the Country and all minorities knew their place and would never dream of speaking up, talking back or sassing.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
By the way why is it I never hear a liberal discuss the sins of any other culture/group but white America?
What's wrong WeAAsles?
No answer?
At least not one your willing to admit to. 
Have a nice day. 🙂
WeAAsles said:
The modest home life with the white picket fence when us white people ruled the Country and all minorities knew their place and would never dream of speaking up, talking back or sassing.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
By the way why is it I never hear a liberal discuss the sins of any other culture/group but white America?
What's wrong WeAAsles?
You are wiling to make the comment but not defend it.
Why is that?
WeAAsles said:

That means our FA's will get another wage bump since they have an agreement in their contract regarding UAL FA's.

Congratulations again to our hard working Unionized Proffessional Flight Attendants.
That is correct. They (F/A's) were smart enough to get the "catch-up" clause in their contract, now let's see if the asso. can do the same thing because it looks like we may have something coming maybe shortly after new year and then you guys could get another bump.  ALK also has this in their agreement as a comparison by all the other airlines that they will get boosted too, and that's how they keep remaining in the upper tier of the airline wage scales.  And don't forget UPS will also come to an agreement by early 2017 as well, and they are asking for wages in the 60's so why not get that type of language or at least a revisit clause to look at wages and or benefits only. 
Again happy for you guys getting something now while still nego a JCBA. Also hoping you guys will get more later and even surpass us and UPS. Pretty sure you guys will be the last ones done due to the difficult difference in the way these two unions languages are.  Good luck.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
What's wrong WeAAsles?
You are wiling to make the comment but not defend it.
Why is that?
Zero interest in discussing my opinions or philosophies regarding Politics with you. Besides the fact you're obsessed with it and (hijack) every thread about it.

Maybe the Moderators need to do something about this again?

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