Oh don't get me started brother...those beatniks with their jazz cigarettes. Shoulda taken them out with the trash when we had the chance, maybe if that pinko softie Eisenhower had had enough guts..MacArthur would've!...now we're stuck with lazy entitled flight attendants. A shame! A fine shame it is! When I was a kid a stewardess, yes, stewardess - none of this pee-cee "flight attendant" jive - was glad to get a job working for actual peanuts - they gave ya peanuts back then - and cook a full roast beef dinner onboard and serve it with a smile! Candied yams! Uphill in the snow - both ways! And by jove she didn't go whining to her bosses when a hard-working businessman sauced on the whiskey she gave him gives her a well-deserved smack on the backside! That's a classy dame what can repress her self-loathing and weakness behind a sweet smile. Courage - it came from a bottle! Acid rain - a kick in the gut, that's how my generation built character! Respect - it usedta mean something! But then the commies took gawd outta schools and made lynchin' illegal and let women own property and it all slid downhill from there. Tradition! When I was a boy you begged for the privilege of workin' your fingers to the bone, men put on a shirt and tie to go to the drive-in on a Friday night and you woke up wearing it Saturday morning - cigarettes were harmless! When the banker came to our farm to repossess our land we called him 'Sir'. Oh, and evvvverybody usedta know who's place was in the back of the bus, or far in the closet, and there were brave and righteous people to make sure they stayed there! Global warming - ha! I say it's about time those polar ice caps get cut down to size anyhow! Merit badges! Skippin' rocks! Rocket pops! Bomb Hanoi! Grand-daddy's shoe leather!
Make America Great Again!