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FA's to vote on elimination of the "Hard 40"

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You don't think high seniority people watching TV and playing dominoes 6 hours a day gives folks a bad image?
How about employees sleeping on the aircraft?
Think that might give folks a bad image?
In my experience "entitled" high seniority "career" employees are the ones who don't want to work but want a free hand out. Part time employees are the least of the airline workers "bad image" problems.
Think the UNION culture might have something to do with that "bad image"?
You make some excellent points
Looks like the only thing they want are the previous thresholds LAA had for vacation and sick accrual, including an employment threshold. I need to think about it a little more, but I am totally in favor of an employment threshold. The employment threshold is VERY minimal. However if you only worked that minimum, you would NOT accrue any sick or vacation. Which IS fair.
IORFA said:
Looks like the only thing they want are the previous thresholds LAA had for vacation and sick accrual, including an employment threshold. I need to think about it a little more, but I am totally in favor of an employment threshold. The employment threshold is VERY minimal. However if you only worked that minimum, you would NOT accrue any sick or vacation. Which IS fair.
Fair has nothing to do with contracts. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Fair has nothing to do with contracts.
True, but it is a job. So you must show up at least a little! At least the rumors on here of asking for sick and vacation weren't true!
What I find baffling is why those in a seniority based system, with such a static history due to minimal growth would want to prolong the residence of those on the seniority list who do not want to do the job.  It would be one thing if they didn't bid, but they DO bid, and then drop their trips out of seniority, thus preventing those junior to them to hold said trips.  I realize that LAA doesn't value seniority, but this is a patent "taking up space" issue.  
PBS has opened up a world of problems on the LUS side, and this would just contribute to them.  We have people who are bidding 110 hours and dropping to 40 now, something that has scewed our trip awards beyond recognition.  APFA isn't interested in fixing it, and the company thinks it's an APFA issue.  It's going to be barrels of fun when they bid 110 and drop to ZERO.
I am curious, what are the "world of problems" PBS has brought to the LUS side? I am not at all looking forward to PBS coming to LAA,  just want more information to get my blood pressure up!
IORFA said:
Looks like the only thing they want are the previous thresholds LAA had for vacation and sick accrual, including an employment threshold. I need to think about it a little more, but I am totally in favor of an employment threshold. The employment threshold is VERY minimal. However if you only worked that minimum, you would NOT accrue any sick or vacation. Which IS fair.
Amen.  The concept of never coming to work, but still accruing benefits is just mind-boggling to me.  I think requiring that you show up 40 hours/month in order to accrue benefits is more than fair.  After all, that's asking you to work the equivalent of 1 week in most jobs.  And, I know that one has to be on the job more than 40 hours in order to earn 40 hours flight pay, but no one kept that a secret from any of us when we were hired.  Now, I'm on my 5th career (that I'll admit to); so, I can say with personal proof...if you're not happy at American, for godsakes go do something else.
galley princess said:
What I find baffling is why those in a seniority based system, with such a static history due to minimal growth would want to prolong the residence of those on the seniority list who do not want to do the job.  It would be one thing if they didn't bid, but they DO bid, and then drop their trips out of seniority, thus preventing those junior to them to hold said trips.  I realize that LAA doesn't value seniority, but this is a patent "taking up space" issue.  
PBS has opened up a world of problems on the LUS side, and this would just contribute to them.  We have people who are bidding 110 hours and dropping to 40 now, something that has scewed our trip awards beyond recognition.  APFA isn't interested in fixing it, and the company thinks it's an APFA issue.  It's going to be barrels of fun when they bid 110 and drop to ZERO.
We don't value seniority? HA! We just don't think seniority makes the person. Load hopping just because you're senior and choosing bunks by seniority is crazy! Yes, a UA F/A told me they do that. The J/S and non revving by seniority is also an archaic idea from the past. I swear F/A's at US probably wish they could file grievances over someone dying outta seniority order! Get over seniority running your life, it isn't for everything. Join the rest of us in the 21st century.
jimntx said:
Amen.  The concept of never coming to work, but still accruing benefits is just mind-boggling to me.  I think requiring that you show up 40 hours/month in order to accrue benefits is more than fair.  After all, that's asking you to work the equivalent of 1 week in most jobs.  And, I know that one has to be on the job more than 40 hours in order to earn 40 hours flight pay, but no one kept that a secret from any of us when we were hired.  Now, I'm on my 5th career (that I'll admit to); so, I can say with personal proof...if you're not happy at American, for godsakes go do something else.
Did it.
IORFA said:
We don't value seniority? HA! We just don't think seniority makes the person. Load hopping just because you're senior and choosing bunks by seniority is crazy! Yes, a UA F/A told me they do that. The J/S and non revving by seniority is also an archaic idea from the past. I swear F/A's at US probably wish they could file grievances over someone dying outta seniority order! Get over seniority running your life, it isn't for everything. Join the rest of us in the 21st century.
Welcome to the world of entitlement cultivated by UNION propaganda.

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