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False Bravado

Light Years said:
Good post furloughedagain. :lol:


Are you willing to

*outsource A320 family flying to affiliates

*put 737s at PSA with current contract

*put the widebodies at MDA with current contract.

*dissolve the "mainline" entirely... its too expensive, particularly the pilots.

There you go. Maybe they could find profits then. Who cares about our families!
I just talked with a friend who is a pilot for SWA. I won't get into numbers, but as a 737 captain last year he MADE AS MUCH AS AN AIRBUS 330 CAPTAIN AT UAIR. I know that they don't really get much of a retirement (like we supposedly do), but even with their matching 401k deductions he made way more than a 737 captain here. The BIG issue is the productivity, something that management has control over almost exclusively. UAIR pilots could, even under the present workrules, be far more productive. They don't ask to sit around airports for 3 or 4 hours at a time, have long overnights all over the system and numerous other management offenses. The fact of the matter is, that at least as far as operations and flight crews are concerned, our east coast hub-and-spoke system is more costly to operate. Management had best understand that, as I for one will not accept sub-standard wages (at least if I get a vote) to subsidize this lousy management team (I don't care how personable Bronner is, "personable" doesn't put food on the table, send my kids to college, or pay for my old age). ONe more observation: while Dr.B may be playing the "good cop" in this scenario, it wasn't until he was on board that the tone of this whole reorganization turned ugly. Coincidence? :blink:

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