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Sep 29, 2003
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Unions are far more than a kind of Employment insurance policy for working people. True one face of unions is that they are an organization to which dues must be paid regularly, like insurance premiums are paid to insurance companies, and that these dues buy help in the event that something goes terribly wrong on the job.

But unions are capable of accomplishing a lot more than that. Plenty of union members and union officials have learned the hard way that when workers come to think of their union as a business that provides a service rather than a group of people banding together to fight for common interests, the union (amfa) quickly loses the clout and credibility needed to defend and advance the members interests. When an employer looks and sees only a small handful of paid union staff or elected union leaders, and no one standing behind them, pretty soon the employer starts thinking that “the union†isn’t really much to contend with. And the truth is, that’s right.

You need to stop and think about the organizers for amfa! The majority are out for their own self-interest. They are the ones that continue to complain and are unwilling to fight for a cause that affects us all. Ask them what would be different if they would happen to get in? Ask them what they would do different? Ask them about the laws the Individual Legislators are fighting to destroy the working class? Ask them about the clout they would have when they go in to fight for your rights in an Arbitration case! Ask them about past Performance of other Airlines they represent? Ask them why they are allowing Farm out of Work? Ask them about local Autonomy? What does this really Mean? Unions were built on Unity! When you divide you conquer! This is exactly the reason the Companies are so successful at eliminating your position when amfa comes in!

Its all connected, Needs of the Individual are net successful in a today’s environment, Labor’s needs- decent wages, fair working conditions, Livable housing, old age security, health and welfare measures, conditions in which families can grow, have education for their children and respect in the community. That is why Individuals support labor’s demands and fight laws which help Labor, Stop and think about what amfa Organizers are saying? If you notice they create distrust of your current Union by making things up and exploiting a single issue. Than they attempt to say amfa would do different! In reality these Individuals are doing far more damage to All of Us than you can ever envision.

Look at the Past performance. Reality is they do far worse than the current union in place! They have been in existence for over 40 years and still lack the Education that is necessary to fight off the company! Look at the farm out language at the different airlines they represent! This has been destroyed! Now look at what happened during the last Negotiations at Alaska! Their retirement has been destroyed and you will slowly see this evolve into other Airlines they represent. Watch Horizon they will be next!

One example is the Legislation on foreign Maintenance! Because amfa lacks the clout in the Legislation arena, NWA was successful at sending work overseas. Eliminating union Jobs. The AFL-CIO and other Unions now have to fight twice as hard to stop this from happening. Millions of dollars is going into this that would not have been necessary.

Another example; Baseball style Arbitration. The AFL-CIO and other Unions have been fighting for years for this not to happen in the Airline Industry! Thanks to amfa they were successful at adding this to Alaska Contract the first time and now on the second Negotiations the Arbitrator virtually ruled in the Companies favor on everything that had to do with money.

The Unions representing the Airline Aviation Technician were very successful at Not allowing Heavy Maintenance to be Farmed out to Low cost centers. Again thanks to the lack of Education and Lack of experience on amfa’s part! Language was inserted in the NWA contract that virtually allowed unlimited Farm out of Heavy Maintenance work! Than amfa started inserting Language in other Airlines they represent! Once the Big Airlines got the taste, United followed thanks to the amfa organizers and American, USAir and others are pushing for this.

Learn the Facts! Get Involved! You will see Amfa is a Company Union for one purpose only! To destroy the Aviation Technician as we know it! In conjunction with Management while taking your Union dues
The twu agreed to a 17.5% paycut,loss of 5 holidays,half sick time pay,no double time,increased healthcare costs,loss of one week of vacation,B,C,D-scale wages,
gave up R+D,gave away 12,500 for most of the 3,000+ laidoff.

You call AMFA a company union? Who are you trying to fool?
The twu agreed to a 17.5% paycut,loss of 5 holidays,half sick time pay,no double time,increased healthcare costs,loss of one week of vacation,B,C,D-scale wages,
gave up R+D,gave away 12,500 for most of the 3,000+ laidoff.

You call AMFA a company union? Who are you trying to fool?
You call AMFA a company union? Who are you trying to fool

Princess I will not try to fool another, I only post the facts.
The membership voted unamiously to accept the concession package.......
No one I assure you wanted that, but the membership had a say, a voice, Its easy to claim AMFA would never give concessions, but is it AMFAs choice or the memberhsip? If AMFA would keep membership from taking concessions, what else is AMFA keeping from the membership? Back door deals?
3,000+ members didn't get to vote remember? They never got a PIN to vote! Where's our revote after DON CARTY's and ARPEY's SCAM was reveiled?
Judy You need to go back, and read the ruling. the members choose not to vote. This is a miss conception. I believe you been listening to Dan to much. Go learn the truth!

Its all connected, Needs of the Individual are net successful in a today’s environment, Labor’s needs- decent wages, fair working conditions, Livable housing, old age security, health and welfare measures, conditions in which families can grow, have education for their children and respect in the community. That is why Individuals support labor’s demands and fight laws which help Labor, Stop and think about what amfa Organizers are saying? If you notice they create distrust of your current Union by making things up and exploiting a single issue. Than they attempt to say amfa would do different! In reality these Individuals are doing far more damage to All of Us than you can ever envision.

I wanted everyone to read this carefully! Stop and think! This is exactly what is going on. I see it here and on the work floor. Amfa is tearing down Unions one issue at a time! Even in their own organization you see this! Learn the Truth and you will see the difference in representation.

Keep up the Great Job! MCI,
Princess I will not try to fool another, I only post the facts.
The membership voted unamiously to accept the concession package.......

No one I assure you wanted that, but the membership had a say, a voice, Its easy to claim AMFA would never give concessions, but is it AMFAs choice or the memberhsip? If AMFA would keep membership from taking concessions, what else is AMFA keeping from the membership? Back door deals?

Actually, the vote result was 53.3% Yes, 46.7% No:


Hardly unamiously (that's spelled unanimously , I think)

So much for "facts."
quote by MCI AFL-CIO
The membership voted unamiously to accept the concession package.......

You sir are a liar..... Tech Services voted DOWN the contract and was told by the twu that they had to accept the contract anyways!!!
"Even though ideology cannot strictly be regarded as a structrual characteristic of unions, Fiorito and Hendricks (1987a) suggest that it is inextricably enmeshed with union structure. They attribute the lack of attention devoted to union ideology in the United States to American unions' nonideological charater, or alternatively to the monolisthic adoption of "business unionism" as the dominate form of U.S. unionism."

What is union Ideology- you say?
ideal: Unions and companies have an adverse relationship!


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Look at how the TWU is falling apart right in front of us!

First they say that the concession vote was unanimous!

We all know thats a lie.

Then they said the members choose not to vote.

You guys are geeting so desperate that you are making fools out of yourselves!

Well thats nothing new I guess.