FA TA voted down

Oh, uh, why is this thread still active?

Now we know way more about s/h than we ever wanted to know...geez what kindof sharing comes next.

I'll say this s/h - your understanding of capitalism is generic and what is fed to the public. There is Capitalism where you the minions get to believe you are apart of something with your houses and your cars and then there is Capitalism where you tell the minions what to drive and what to wear and when.

Don't kid yourself into thinking/believing you're some sort of winner of this game of money. The winners circle is bred...even within that circle the allowance to not participate and live amongst the struggle of shallow useless eaters is allowed...but we always know who we are.

The "currency" is thought, not money as you believe. By spreading money evenly to the least of our fa group many lives would have changed for the better. The "currency" would have altered a negative selfish trajectory and a settlement of scores would have been accomplished. ..that thought frequency is something that carries with you far into the future of this life and the next. Oh, and that next life, will be a miserable one.

Geezus, your like a bottomless pit.... should we link some violins when you post??!!!
take a stand, good -god, man! If you are suffering that much toothy...QUIT!!!!

Scientist my asssszzzz!

Awww...did I make the poor little doggy (pitbull) mad? What is it you like to say Booo Hooo? Isn't that it? Why don't you grab a nice cup of hot coco and chill out for awhile.

I'm standing perfectly fine. I know who I am and what I'm doing. The only suffering is from fools such as yourself and it is tedious, true, but in time, some of what I've written will sink through to you and is worth the effort.

Sciences have evolved quite far these days. Many people such as myself are getting together online to create devices that utilize light and sound waves to effect changes in physical matter. I'm sorry to read that your understanding of the community is one in which the only experiements allowed happen in universities. This to me demonstrates a type of functional fixedness...mental fluidity will be crucial in the near future. Btw, you do realize that windows was started in a garage...as were many other things we use now. Furthermore, Universities have restrictions on what parameters can be used to produce a final test whereas home labs do not need to do this at all.

And yes, you should link violins, use baroque music for starters...listening to it will help you break free from your paradigm of good/bad, winner/loser. Though, you know so much already, so this is nothing new to you I'm sure.

Now go, and please widen your focus while you are at it.
Incomprehensible? You must have short memory. Pre 9/11 employment as US was IIRC around 49,000 and over the last 10 years has declined to about 33,000. Now where I went to school that means that US lost 16,000 jobs.

Also there is no evidence that 18,000 families have no income as today most familes have two incomes.

If not for TX, US Airways would be the airline version of Hostess. Sometimes you have to live to fight another day which is what TX did and now that day is at hand.

Sorry that day is not at hand. Just because a strike vote is being taken does not mean there will be a strike.49 percent voting yes on this last TA speaks volumes. The NMB would have to release us into a 30 day cooling off period before any action can be taken. The NMB made it very clear if the last TA did not pass we would be recessed! AFA put the TA out to the members with a unanimous yes recommendation , and it almost past. So why would the NMB release us to strike. No way no how! Teddy is OUT of this equation period. AFA has a local leader that helped sink it , and her days as a pres. are numbered. Again , you and others can post here all you like, but most of the membership gets it and knows the score!!!!
Sorry that day is not at hand. Just because a strike vote is being taken does not mean there will be a strike.49 percent voting yes on this last TA speaks volumes. The NMB would have to release us into a 30 day cooling off period before any action can be taken. The NMB made it very clear if the last TA did not pass we would be recessed! AFA put the TA out to the members with a unanimous yes recommendation , and it almost past. So why would the NMB release us to strike. No way no how! Teddy is OUT of this equation period. AFA has a local leader that helped sink it , and her days as a pres. are numbered. Again , you and others can post here all you like, but most of the membership gets it and knows the score!!!!

I've been hearing rumblings along the lines of even if the strike vote passes it's highly unlikely that there will be enough F/A's willing to implement CHAOS. If so then someone bet wrong at the bargaining table and now the who;e group is in limbo.
S/H, you've heard wrong. Since things have worked out the way they have, the f/as are truly hoping to be allowed to recess to the thirty day cooling off period. The f/as really want to strike.

The problem is the process has been contaminated. If the courts and the administration would just let the process go forward as designed then every labor/management dispute could be resolved quickly through mediation and strike actions (if nescessary).

I voted for both failed T/As but in order to get this resolved I would gladly go out on strike. I think I honestly speak for the majority of f/as. It is not in any f/as best interest to let this drag on for months and months. We need to be allowed to go back to the table and if that is not possible then we need to be allowed to walk, If that is what it takes to get management to reconsider.
S/H, you've heard wrong. Since things have worked out the way they have, the f/as are truly hoping to be allowed to recess to the thirty day cooling off period. The f/as really want to strike.

The problem is the process has been contaminated. If the courts and the administration would just let the process go forward as designed then every labor/management dispute could be resolved quickly through mediation and strike actions (if nescessary).

I voted for both failed T/As but in order to get this resolved I would gladly go out on strike. I think I honestly speak for the majority of f/as. It is not in any f/as best interest to let this drag on for months and months. We need to be allowed to go back to the table and if that is not possible then we need to be allowed to walk, If that is what it takes to get management to reconsider.

I can't say I disagree with you. I have some folks in your world that I stay in touch with who are equally upset as you just not as optimistic I guess.
A Condo on Lake Minnetonka, and I mean about 50 yards from the shore not a lakefront view, I mean on the lake.

I'll take my sit down Pacific Ocean view instead.

You really are an a******e and you do not always win...especially when you are in a witness protection program.

Who pays for all your perks in a witness protection program?

You, pITTbULL and CC are has beens.

CC can only say NO.

At least the PHL LECP made a video. CC only can manage a weak FB post the last day of the vote.

CC is for staying on a DOUBLE BANKRUPTCY contract until she manages to put us on a THIRD BANKRUPTCY contract.

CC will never get us anything better...she does not want to.

CC needs to go.

I did say, sit down Pacific Ocean view a*****e.

Who pays for the witness protection program?
