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F/C in CRJs?

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Hey jimntx let me tell you something it should have been AA pull out and leave AX in.They AX was making AAs hubs ORD MIA DFW look bad in all catagories.Ill put AX numbers against AAs anyday. :down:
The 25 options were long thought dead. They were never excercised, no written proof they existed or presented by Canadair. APA and everybody believed they were long dead. AA says now they do, a total flagrant slap in face. Guess what, arbitrator says yes too. So much for the "spirit" of the agreement.

That's the problem assuming, Mach.... They may have been long thought dead, but that's why you need to check your assumptions and turn them into facts rather than rely off urban myths...

I can't find the exact date or the terms, but from memory.... didn't AMR and ALK swap some orders a few years back, with QX taking earlier deliveries/options and AMR taking the later options/delivery commitment?

If so, then yes, it's quite likely the options were still on the books, and assumptions were made that the 25 original CRJ700's were all that were going to show up.
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