Garfield1966 said:
Simply, I am not at work because my shift is over. The desks are all manned and having more people standing around looking for work would be a waste. My being their will have no effect on the sick list. If everyone would just show up and do their job, we would not be in this situation in the first place.
It always amazes me that you frequently try and make it appear that I am singling out just FA’s. I count 3 times were I accused EVERYONE on the sick list when they should not be. But then, that would get in the way of your little vendetta against me huh? Lol
And I guess you are a bit slow so I’ll post this again. I have never and will never condemn an entire group of people whether it be based on race, creed, religion or profession. I am a firm believer that everyone has the potential to be an idiot, slacker or what ever. The only people who I am condemning are those people who are abusing the sick policy of AA and making life much more difficult for those of us who show up.
Feel free to come over to crew skd over the next few days. Perhaps it will give you a different perspective. At the very least you will know what you are writing about.
Again, there can never be enough people in Crew Scheduling/Crew Tracking when the operation runs into problems. Your assertion that you would be standing around "looking for work" would be a "waste" is nothing more than a cop-out. There is always plenty of work, for as many people as Crew Schedule can muster, when there are weather sessions, multiple sick calls, and other operational problems.
Regarding your argument that I "frequently try and make it appear" that you are singling out flight attendants. Needless to say, I do not have to "try." Rather, a mere cursory check of your posts over time indicate that you do, indeed, have an axe to grind against flight attendants.
Despite what you see as a vendetta, aimed at you, the only vendetta here, indeed, is yours against the flight attendants of American Airlines.
Needless to say, I do not need to stoop to name-calling and condescension, because it is my belief that these tactics, which you so aptly embrace, are the hallmarks of a failing argument.
With regard to your kind invitation to visit Crew Schedule, I can assure you that I have been there more times than you could possibly imagine, and I am well aware of what goes on there. But thanks for the offer, anyway.