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F/a Sicklist On The Climb!


Oct 6, 2002
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Can anyone confirm the rumor that over 2,000 F/A's are now on the sicklist? 😱
Apparently the US based f/a sick list is around 2111 as of Dec 23.
The Foreign Nationals are around 23. The following code in DECS will update you on this information if you're interested.

RF9999 SOD

ArtTang said:
Apparently the US based f/a sick list is around 2111 as of Dec 23.
The Foreign Nationals are around 23. The following code in DECS will update you on this information if you're interested.

RF9999 SOD

Garfield1966, and Operations,

You guys must be beside yourselves, with the above info
(F/a sick list)

Whats you medication of choice, FOR YOUR ANGER ????????

Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, "Booze", "Nothing at all" ???????????

I am not entirely sure why I should be beside my self. We all knew the sick list would go through the roof. There is a certain percentage of FA’s who call will call in sick when work conflicts with their home life. Crew skd does the same thing we do every year. We takes flights down to minimum, reassign anyone we can find, and make the system work. It is unfortunate for those responsible FA’s who understand that an airlines operates 365 days a year and show up for work when scheduled that they should have to suffer because of their irresponsible colleagues.

I am not angry at all. I get to go home at the end of my shift. I know the company will survive. I know that other airlines are experiencing the same irresponsible crews and employees who feel that it is their god given right to be off for the holidays. I just don’t understand why the people who do show up for work are not angrier at those who do not. Those slackers would not last a day in Crew Skd. If we found out you were abusing the sick list, we would skin you alive and then they would fire what ever was left. Especially if I was reassigned from a 2 day to a 4 or 5 day seq, but hey, if you guys are not mad why should I be?

Oh gosh, I’m so sorry. I forgot that it is all managements fault, it could never be any of our responsibility. I guess when AA was handing out profit sharing checks and the FA’s still called in sick during holidays was just an aberration of some sort.

Until someone grows a back bone and starts terminating the employees who abuse the sick list nothing will ever change.

C’est la vie
Funny thing is that the airline continues to operate. Although the sicklist is high we will get thru this and every other holiday season. This happens every year and it has yet shut down American Airlines. Happy Holidays everyone. And for those that are sick this holiday may you return to health just as soon as possible. Cheers!
and for the roughly 1000 FA's who are on the sick list when they are not sick and the god knows only how many other people on the sick list who should not be, I can only hope that you will be terminated and replaced with someone who will show up as scheduled to do his or her job.

No it will not shut down the airline. I am not aware that anyone suggested that this sick out would. It will cancel flights and it will affect passengers holiday vacations. But why should anyone care about them right. Just as long as those on the sick list get to be home with their family that is all that counts.

No it will not shut down the airline. I not aware of anyone who though this sick out would do that. It will affect people lives. When we start canceling flights, passengers will not be able to be with their friends or loved ones for the holidays. The employees who are showing up for work who deal with passengers face to face will have that much more stress, frustration and anger to contend with. OH yea, and then there is the cost to AA. But hey, as long as those on the sick list can be home with their families I guess that is all that matters.

The fact that it happens each and every year does not make it right. It just means that people are not being held accountable for their actions. You seem to accept these actions and as far as I am concerned, that makes you part of the problem. If I had to work harder because you decided not to show up for work I would do what ever I could to try and have you removed. Unfortunately people like you and those slackers on the sick list seem to be in the majority. Terms like honor, morality and ethics are alien. You folks and management are different sides of the same worn out coin. You’re both acting like spoiled children in a sand box.

According to various articles I have read union membership is down and they are loosing strength, so I guess that is a good thing. Once we get them under control, maybe we can work on getting management a cranialrectalotomy and fix corporate America. I guess I can always dream.
Garfield1966 said:
You seem to accept these actions and as far as I am concerned, that makes you part of the problem. If I had to work harder because you decided not to show up for work I would do what ever I could to try and have you removed. Unfortunately people like you and those slackers on the sick list seem to be in the majority. Terms like honor, morality and ethics are alien. You folks and management are different sides of the same worn out coin. You’re both acting like spoiled children in a sand box.

According to various articles I have read union membership is down and they are loosing strength, so I guess that is a good thing. Once we get them under control, maybe we can work on getting management a cranialrectalotomy and fix corporate America. I guess I can always dream.
Then why are you not at work right now, Garfield, volunteering your time to put together what you characterize as a system falling apart? It seems to me that, if you cared so much for AA, and were truly outraged by what you perceive to be going on, you would be at your desk, volunteering in any way possible to ensure that your fellow crew schedulers are able to cope with the situation.

YOU, in fact, seem to accept these actions yourself, and feel that your sole obligation, under the circumstances, is to whine and complain about how dishonest you think flight attendants, as a group, are.

If you had any honor, morality or ethics, you would be working round the clock, volunteering your time, to do whatever it takes to help your fellow employees.

And, since you are non-union, you won't have any of those pesky union rules to worry about. Quit slacking and get to work.
Simply, I am not at work because my shift is over. The desks are all manned and having more people standing around looking for work would be a waste. My being their will have no effect on the sick list. If everyone would just show up and do their job, we would not be in this situation in the first place.

It always amazes me that you frequently try and make it appear that I am singling out just FA’s. I count 3 times were I accused EVERYONE on the sick list when they should not be. But then, that would get in the way of your little vendetta against me huh? Lol

And I guess you are a bit slow so I’ll post this again. I have never and will never condemn an entire group of people whether it be based on race, creed, religion or profession. I am a firm believer that everyone has the potential to be an idiot, slacker or what ever. The only people who I am condemning are those people who are abusing the sick policy of AA and making life much more difficult for those of us who show up.

Feel free to come over to crew skd over the next few days. Perhaps it will give you a different perspective. At the very least you will know what you are writing about.
Garfield1966 said:
Simply, I am not at work because my shift is over. The desks are all manned and having more people standing around looking for work would be a waste. My being their will have no effect on the sick list. If everyone would just show up and do their job, we would not be in this situation in the first place.

It always amazes me that you frequently try and make it appear that I am singling out just FA’s. I count 3 times were I accused EVERYONE on the sick list when they should not be. But then, that would get in the way of your little vendetta against me huh? Lol

And I guess you are a bit slow so I’ll post this again. I have never and will never condemn an entire group of people whether it be based on race, creed, religion or profession. I am a firm believer that everyone has the potential to be an idiot, slacker or what ever. The only people who I am condemning are those people who are abusing the sick policy of AA and making life much more difficult for those of us who show up.

Feel free to come over to crew skd over the next few days. Perhaps it will give you a different perspective. At the very least you will know what you are writing about.
Again, there can never be enough people in Crew Scheduling/Crew Tracking when the operation runs into problems. Your assertion that you would be standing around "looking for work" would be a "waste" is nothing more than a cop-out. There is always plenty of work, for as many people as Crew Schedule can muster, when there are weather sessions, multiple sick calls, and other operational problems.

Regarding your argument that I "frequently try and make it appear" that you are singling out flight attendants. Needless to say, I do not have to "try." Rather, a mere cursory check of your posts over time indicate that you do, indeed, have an axe to grind against flight attendants.

Despite what you see as a vendetta, aimed at you, the only vendetta here, indeed, is yours against the flight attendants of American Airlines.

Needless to say, I do not need to stoop to name-calling and condescension, because it is my belief that these tactics, which you so aptly embrace, are the hallmarks of a failing argument.

With regard to your kind invitation to visit Crew Schedule, I can assure you that I have been there more times than you could possibly imagine, and I am well aware of what goes on there. But thanks for the offer, anyway.
Garfield1966 said:
employees who feel that it is their god given right to be off for the holidays. I just don’t understand why the people who do show up for work are not angrier at those who do not.
Thanks for pointing that out, Operaations. I am indeed very angry that upper management (and their support staff) is not working today, tomorrow or Friday.

Perhaps they are "leading by example", as Arpey has mentioned.

I am further angered that I am working for less than half of what I was paid last year.
Wretched Wrench said:
Thanks for pointing that out, Operaations. I am indeed very angry that upper management (and their support staff) is not working today, tomorrow or Friday.

Perhaps they are "leading by example", as Arpey has mentioned.

I am further angered that I am working for less than half of what I was paid last year.
The quote was posted by Garfield, NOT operaations. Very interesting...
Today the sick list hit 2,222.

The previous high, system wide, rarely exceeded 1,200.

At 2,222, the sick list is approximately 13% of the available flight attendants.

It has never exceeded 9% of the active workforce in the past.

Today, there were 98 open domestic trips and 27 international.

The number of available airport standbys is severely reduced and some bases have none.

All bases, domestic and international are at Article 9 steps 7, 8 and 9 for open time coverage.

Reassignments are rampant.

Twenty two percent of the reserves are on the sick list. That is more than one in five; a figure that has previously been unheard of at American Airlines.

International crews are being reassigned to domestic as it is in worse shape.

And we are not even at December 27, the date which historically has been the one on which the sick list reaches its peak.

Thank you John Ward and the Board of Directors of the APFA for the RPA.

Merry Christmas everybody.
Curve talker, you are too funny. I have not called anyone names (unless you consider slacker a name) There is limited space in crew skd for additional folks. We only have 2 or 3 open desks as I recall. If they need over time they post it and I sign up if I can. We are not permitted to “volunteerâ€￾ our time. I tried that at 9/11 but was turned down. If we have advisements then yes we could use a few folks extra but it is usually not a big deal. I have slammed everyone equally, including my own department. Both on this board and else where. The participants on this board are primarily FA’s and those are the issues that I primarily address. I have on numerous occasions said that as a whole, most of the FA’s are most others in the work force. They are good hard working people. I have said on numerous occasions that the shortened lay over time is a bum deal and the FAA needs to be petitioned to change that. The lack of crew meals is stupid beyond description. The incompetence of management is amazing. Anyone who knows me knows I do not pull punches. I am willing to admit the short comings of all departments yet you and most others on this board have failed, as far as I can see to acknowledge even once that the sick list is a scam and that there is a problem. The fact that it has happened each and every year seems to indicate that it based more on entitlement and less on principle. My wife has been to crew skd numerous time as well, does not mean she has a clue of what’s going on. Come on up and sit on a desk for 8 or 12 or 16 hours and cover the trips while people who are obviously not sick bomb in one after the other. Then we can talk. I have done walk a miles with FA’s. I am fully aware that the new TA is a raw deal in numerous ways but this is not the way to fix it.


If you want to be off on the holidays then get a different job. If you were under some delusion that management and staff worked on the holidays when you signed up for this gig, you may want to be more careful of your choices in the future. I knew it when I signed up way back when. You are aware that this is an airline and that airlines do operate every day right?
Something just occurred to me. You are asking me to be at work more than the 8 hours of my scheduled shift and you are no asking the same of everyone else? That hardly seems fair when all I am asking is for people to show up.

Could you please point out when I slammed FA’s as a whole? I looked through most of my posts and could not find one. If I ever did what you are accusing me of, let me say I am sorry and that was not my intent. I only condemn those who I feel are abusing AA policies. Whether they are FA’s or not is irrelevant.
Many of the transatlantic flights are running on minimum crew, which is sad considering we need all the eyes and ears we can get to be vigilant in thos "code orange" holiday season.

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