EXECUTIVE ORDER ! ...... NO Deportation !

Dog Wonder said:
An "anchor baby" is a citizen, not an illegal immigrant.
An anchor baby is a citizen born from an "Illegal Alien", that shouldn't have been here in the first place, hoping that said Anchor baby keeps them in the states.
As much as I hate to agree with South I have to to say that I do not agree with the anchor baby idea. JUst because one was born here should not automatically confer citizenship. There should be additional stipulations for that to happen. I do not think that this will ever change.
Ms Tree said:
As much as I hate to agree with South I have to to say that I do not agree with the anchor baby idea. JUst because one was born here should not automatically confer citizenship. There should be additional stipulations for that to happen. I do not think that this will ever change.
Ms Tree said:
To those that have the power, they seem to think the laws are fine the way they are.  Dems like it because it increases their voter base over time as new citizens get born into the country.  Republicans like it because it brings cheap labor into the country.  Most consumers like it (although they don't know it) because goods and services are cheaper.  Its a win win win all the way around.  When either party has had control of COngress and the WH neither party has made an substantive changes to the policy just as neither has done anything about campaign finance laws when they had the chance.  Each side will whine when they are not in power but wont do crap when they are.
Did I just enter some bizarro world? That makes 2 posts in one day I agree with Ms Tree (except the part in red, read below).
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Do you know how many billions of dollars are sent out of this country every year to family members in other countries? I am not going to give you the number because I want you to look it up.
Let's look at some of the other cost YOU pay for through tax deductions.
Add the $2600 to $8,802 dollar cost (with no complications) of delivering an "anchor baby". 
Now add the expense to educate children of illegal immigrants at $12,608 dollars per year per child for 18 years. 
Obama has called for amnesty for any child born before January 1st 2010. That would be about 4 million children.
The cost for ONLY (and there are a lot more expenses covered by the taxpayers) the 2 items listed above would be $942,984,000,000.00.
That is almost a trillion dollars over 18 years (new arrivals would make up for children starting later in their education) for only 2 items. Now tell me again how we benefit from "cheap" illegal labor.
In my opinion the only way to truly fix the problem is to get rid of jus soli.
Citizenship is an extra in my opinion. Most are coming here for work to support their families.
An anchor baby is a citizen born from an "Illegal Alien", that shouldn't have been here in the first place, hoping that said Anchor baby keeps them in the states.
An "anchor baby" is a human being and a U.S. citizen, just like you and Bobby Jindal.
Ms Tree said:
Citizenship is an extra in my opinion. Most are coming here for work to support their families.
I disagree. They get all the pluses of citizenship for a fraction of the cost.
It really comes down to money.
Dog Wonder said:
Coming here for work to support their families comes down to money.
It sure does.
All of the benefits of entitlements and a fraction of the taxes.
The fact is when Reagan offered amnesty a large percentage of illegals did not want to become citizens.
It cost them too much money.
Somewhere, somebody posted the economic impact of illegal immigration has on Mexico. The fact is that were the amount of money sent home from the US decrease substantially from more secure borders the government of Mexico would be at risk of destabilizing.
While the amnesty plan is not IMO Constitutional. The relaxing of the law is likely to at least delay the rising unrest in Mexico. There is a larger geo-political picture here and that is the problem. I am philosophically an open borders guy. However, I'm also a pragmatist and I can't see a real good ending to this. Obama has put the role of POTUS at risk as well as leading to further polarization as an end result.
I also noted a bit of racism. To say that immigrants are the ones "Who pick our fruit and make our beds" is offensive as hell to me. What arrogance from a sitting President
Dog Wonder said:
An "anchor baby" is a human being and a U.S. citizen, just like you and Bobby Jindal.
And I consider a fetus a human being, yet I'm sure you support abortion!
Even SNL has turned on the Messiah!
Ms Tree said:
Most are coming here for work to support their families.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I disagree.
It really comes down to money.
Dog Wonder said:
Coming here for work to support their families comes down to money.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It sure does.
Anthropologists five thousand years from now will be stunned by the thickness of the skull on the skeleton of he Homo Tulsa.
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!"
cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
—Emma Lazarus, 1883
-Or Not- :p
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I disagree. They get all the pluses of citizenship for a fraction of the cost.
It really comes down to money.
We are getting confused here. We already want the illegals to gain citizenship? Whoa. Grant them Permanent Status because citizenship is only a privilege to vote.

The money part is that your government is pissed because they don't pay Uncle Sam his tax.