EXECUTIVE ORDER ! ...... NO Deportation !

All I will say is , 2 more years and this idiot is gone. Will take many more, to rectify that idiocy ! And, nothing like f#$kin up an entire country, in the process !
"For one, we very much need in any immigration bill we need protection for people who are in this country and who have not become citizens, for example, that they are protected and legitimized and given permanent residency here. And we want to see some things of that kind added to the immigration bill."

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."
EastUS1 said:
I'm hardly anything even remotely approaching a conservative, but rather a libertarian, which permits me to observe and sometimes despair of the insanity of both multi-billion dollar political machines. I care about America and the Freedom of her people, not any highly-agendized, insane BS. Nice try though.

Keep saying that over and over.
Glenn Quagmire said:
"For one, we very much need in any immigration bill we need protection for people who are in this country and who have not become citizens, for example, that they are protected and legitimized and given permanent residency here. And we want to see some things of that kind added to the immigration bill."

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."
Would take it you believe the idea of amnesty for those who have committed other crimes, even though those crimes might have happened in the past and they were never caught!
"Amnesty for Everybody", it's only fair..........right?
southwind said:
Would take it you believe the idea of amnesty for those who have committed other crimes, even though those crimes might have happened in the past and they were never caught!
"Amnesty for Everybody", it's only fair..........right?
You have no clue who I quoted, do you?
yadadayadayda whats going to happen in 5 years when there is 5 million more of them?
I would think all you big time union supporters would be appalled by it, all they will be taking up are middle class and low level jobs for the most part.
oh that's right, it's your beloved messiah doing it so all  is good.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You have no clue who I quoted, do you?
He has no clue what you are talking about much less who you quoted. That's why he tossed out a red herring.
cltrat said:
yadadayadayda whats going to happen in 5 years when there is 5 million more of them?
I would think all you big time union supporters would be appalled by it, all they will be taking up are middle class and low level jobs for the most part.
oh that's right, it's your beloved messiah doing it so all  is good.
Surely you are not implying that this is only a recent problem. Neither party is interested in fixing the 'problem'.

When costs for goods and services go up after the 'problem' is fixed the people won't like it either. It's a symbiotic relationship in which everyone gets something and folks are willing to over look the problems as a cost of doing business.
Ms Tree said:
When costs for goods and services go up after the 'problem' is fixed the people won't like it either. 
Considering how much illegal labor has driven down wages I am willing to chance it.
Price is irrelevant when you have no income to buy goods and services because some temp agency is supplying local businesses cheap illegal labor.
Perhaps being a LEGAL immigrant, I can clarify a few 'flaws' why you can't stop illegal immigration no matter what kind of fortress you build. You do know about this, right?

A good chunk of the US territory belonged to Mexico. Now just because you took it by force, doesn't mean that Mexican don't have 'squatter' rights. You might have a sense of entitlement, but you actually don't. It's almost been 200 years and the US still can't(or chooses not to) secure its borders. This problem has existed all this time, so spare me the hypothetical outcomes.

My theory-yes it is far-fetched-is that by giving amnesty you can better control and document the illegals. This will also help stop other ethnic illegals that might pose a danger from crossing our border.
Considering how much illegal labor has driven down wages I am willing to chance it.
Price is irrelevant when you have no income to buy goods and services because some temp agency is supplying local businesses cheap illegal labor.
You might be wrong on that one. Our GDP has steadily fallen while Mexico's is on the rise. The US has had many factories migrate where it is cheap to do business. Ironically, most illegals work in the agriculture industry. In other words, your food supply where prices are rising regardless of dropping oil prices.

Price is very relevant for those of us who aren't Kennedys or Rockefellers.
signals said:
You might be wrong on that one. Our GDP has steadily fallen while Mexico's is on the rise. The US has had many factories migrate where it is cheap to do business. Ironically, most illegals work in the agriculture industry. In other words, your food supply where prices are rising regardless of dropping oil prices.

Price is very relevant for those of us who aren't Kennedys or Rockefellers.
Do you know how many billions of dollars are sent out of this country every year to family members in other countries? I am not going to give you the number because I want you to look it up.
Let's look at some of the other cost YOU pay for through tax deductions.
Add the $2600 to $8,802 dollar cost (with no complications) of delivering an "anchor baby". 
Now add the expense to educate children of illegal immigrants at $12,608 dollars per year per child for 18 years. 
Obama has called for amnesty for any child born before January 1st 2010. That would be about 4 million children.
The cost for ONLY (and there are a lot more expenses covered by the taxpayers) the 2 items listed above would be $942,984,000,000.00.
That is almost a trillion dollars over 18 years (new arrivals would make up for children starting later in their education) for only 2 items. Now tell me again how we benefit from "cheap" illegal labor.
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signals said:
Perhaps being a LEGAL immigrant, I can clarify a few 'flaws' why you can't stop illegal immigration no matter what kind of fortress you build. You do know about this, right?

A good chunk of the US territory belonged to Mexico. Now just because you took it by force, doesn't mean that Mexican don't have 'squatter' rights. You might have a sense of entitlement, but you actually don't. It's almost been 200 years and the US still can't(or chooses not to) secure its borders. This problem has existed all this time, so spare me the hypothetical outcomes.

My theory-yes it is far-fetched-is that by giving amnesty you can better control and document the illegals. This will also help stop other ethnic illegals that might pose a danger from crossing our border.
We both know that we disagree most of the time,...BUT,....allow me to congratulate you on an EXCELLENT (above)  post.
You, my respected fellow 'cooler member  are dead-on-right with your point of view !!!!
TO GLENN Quagmire;
Glenn, when you responded to southwind with,...." You have no clue who I quoted ",......... you're right Glenn.   The only reason southwind has a 'clue...that he's even BREATHING / ALIVE... is because RUSH BIMBO....tells him so !