EXECUTIVE ORDER ! ...... NO Deportation !

Previous actions, good or bad, cannot be used to justify other actions.
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Ms Tree said:
To those that have the power, they seem to think the laws are fine the way they are.  Dems like it because it increases their voter base over time as new citizens get born into the country.  Republicans like it because it brings cheap labor into the country.  Most consumers like it (although they don't know it) because goods and services are cheaper.  Its a win win win all the way around.  When either party has had control of COngress and the WH neither party has made an substantive changes to the policy just as neither has done anything about campaign finance laws when they had the chance.  Each side will whine when they are not in power but wont do crap when they are.
Excellent point 'Tree, all around !
(Seems that I recollect that when (uncle) RONNIE did it in '86, EVERYTHING was hunky dory............with the Fn REPLUGS 0) !!
What ever my guy does is good, what ever your guy does is bad even if my guy did what your guy did or vice versa.
See here in the US if you sneak across the border or overstay your visa you get rewarded for breaking the law. Great message to those spending years and $$ trying to get here legally. The Obama emperor has spoken! Now lets get these undocumented dems so welfare, food stamps and a drivers license right away.
Hmmm.  How to break this to you gently.  The part in the little poster about 48,000 Americans being murdered is a statistic that was talking about murders since 2001.  If you do a search on the term "48,000 americans murdered by illegals" you will get posts dating back as far as 2006.  That's two years before Obama took office.  To be fair, the murder rate has probably not changed, but the info in the poster is just a wee bit inaccurate (I'm sure you know that due to the fact that you are so through before you post things).  
Where exactly was your righteous indignation then?   
Keep up the good work.  Excellent post as always.
Black Magic said:
See here in the US if you sneak across the border or overstay your visa you get rewarded for breaking the law. Great message to those spending years and $$ trying to get here legally. The Obama emperor has spoken! Now lets get these undocumented dems so welfare, food stamps and a drivers license right away.

Is it even remotely possible that the republicans have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo as well or is it all the dems fault in your eyes?
Ms Tree said:
....Dems like it because it increases their voter base......
No matter how bad anything is for American citizens or the nation as a whole. Got it, and thanks for fully demonstrating the "liberal" agenda in very clear terms.
Ms Tree said:
.... If you do a search on the term "48,000 americans murdered by illegals" you will get posts dating back as far as 2006.  That's two years before Obama took office.  To be fair, the murder rate has probably not changed, ...
"To be fair, the murder rate has probably not changed,.."...?  "probably"? Whew! Now THERE'S an overwhelmingly convincing "argument" if I've ever seen one. Thanks for demonstrating the mental deficiency required of a devout cult member. ;)
Per your abortive attempts to champion the mental "health" of children in gay marriages; don't you at least have some more "overwhelming evidence" you can post for us to equally laugh at here?..Or is "probably" the best you have to offer?
700UW said:
You only provide clear evidence of your manifest ignorance of actual history. That proclamation did NOTHING to free anyone, save for those enslaved in warring states that the union, by definition, didn't even control...so how were any "millions" supposedly then magically made "free" by it?
Your "bitches" at that time must refer to those soon after slaughtered by units of the yankee army, fresh from Gettysburg, that, in the wake of the grand proclamation, went into action against mass rioting (and tragically plentiful lynchings of "negroes")  in New York? Amazingly enough, it seems that a great many yankees/democrats were none-to-fond of the idea of risking their arses fighting for slaves...just sayin'...
EastUS1 said:
No matter how bad anything is for American citizens or the nation as a whole. Got it, and thanks for fully demonstrating the "liberal" agenda in very clear terms.
Does your conservative agenda prohibit you from addressing the GOP bennifits?
EastUS1 said:
"To be fair, the murder rate has probably not changed,.."...?  "probably"? Whew! Now THERE'S an overwhelmingly convincing "argument" if I've ever seen one. Thanks for demonstrating the mental deficiency required of a devout cult member. ;)
Per your abortive attempts to champion the mental "health" of children in gay marriages; don't you at least have some more "overwhelming evidence" you can post for us to equally laugh at here?..Or is "probably" the best you have to offer?
As is frequently the case, the point is just beyond your grasp. Keep trying.
Ms Tree said:
Does your conservative agenda prohibit you from addressing the GOP bennifits?
I'm hardly anything even remotely approaching a conservative, but rather a libertarian, which permits me to observe and sometimes despair of the insanity of both multi-billion dollar political machines. I care about America and the Freedom of her people, not any highly-agendized, insane BS. Nice try though.
Ms Tree said:
As is frequently the case, the point is just beyond your grasp. Keep trying.
"As is", not frequently, but VERY dependably the case; it must be observed that only the most hopeless of halfwits would, even could, offer up such a "convincing argument" as you've, sadly but predictably, again done. ;)
"the point is just beyond your grasp"? You have none, or you would be able to offer it up in something even remotely approaching coherent english, present it for general consideration, and then be able to defend your "thoughts"...but you're just a mindless drone, suffering from purely delusional notions of intellectual adequacy.
Hmm...perhaps your boy had at least a small point when referencing "the stupidity of the voters"....o-boy-mama is in it's second term, after all....and there are even some complete morons that fantasize that America leaving her borders essentially open and unguarded is somehow, in ANY way a "good thing".
Black Magic said:
See here in the US if you sneak across the border or overstay your visa you get rewarded for breaking the law. Great message to those spending years and $$ trying to get here legally. The Obama emperor has spoken! Now lets get these undocumented dems so welfare, food stamps and a drivers license right away.
A prime example of the left throwing American citizens under the bus to stack political power in their favor.
We fought to relieve ourselves of the rule of kings, and here these idiots are championing "executive orders".