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End of April Class II Maintenance Closures

How does one of these discussion boards go from Base Closure at RENO to an old burnt down beer joint called the OWL? :cop:
Where are the 757 B checks moving to?

Miami is a good bet.
Word has it that last week or so a Audit team was in Miami evaluating head count and work load and there was mention of more overnight work. B-Check anyone? I beleive MIA had the 757 B-check before and will probably pick it back up.
The Owl burnt down years ago.

Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while...

The last time I drove by it before the fire, there was a crack house across the street and the Owl's doors were chained shut. Rumor had it that the property was seized for tax evasion...

A few of us used to have our post-shift "debrief" at the Owl. Great pizza & sandwiches, cold beer... It was a real tavern, not one of the meat market type clubs that pass for a bar these days. But even then, the neighborhood had really started to change for the worse, so we all knew it was just a matter of time before they'd shut their doors.

If you want to see it rent "Wall Street". They filmed some of the movie there.

They had all kinds of pictures on the wall from the filming -- The Owl was used for the inside scenes. The exterior shots were done at a place closer to Northern Blvd.

For those who never worked at JFK, one reason it was so popular is that it was close enough to the airport that the handheld radios worked there if you decided to go there for lunch or dinner (much the same way that the Korner House was(still is?) at ORD). They even "talked" the phone company into installing a 5 digit JFK phone extension, so you could take a phone call without anyone picking up on the fact you were off-airport. Rumor has it that many a supervisor and lead spent part or all of their shifts working from the booths there during the 70's and 80's...
How does one of these discussion boards go from Base Closure at RENO to an old burnt down beer joint called the OWL? :cop:
Sorry about that. I guess I should have sent a PM. At least the reply was shorter than normal.
How does one of these discussion boards go from Base Closure at RENO to an old burnt down beer joint called the OWL? :cop:

Because there are more facts known about the Owl than there are about the reported closures at this point?...
Miami is a good bet.
Word has it that last week or so a Audit team was in Miami evaluating head count and work load and there was mention of more overnight work. B-Check anyone? I beleive MIA had the 757 B-check before and will probably pick it back up.

The bean counters were here for a week
We put on quite a show. 😉 There was an Airbus "A" check here for about three days.
There are still about 50 guys on lay off here so any B-check would be good. Although I would rather see the 75 go to NY so my Pops can get back to work 🙂
How much time do the RENO guys have ?
How many will pack up and follow it...
We have plenty of Hanger Space and you cant beat the weather in the winter time :up:
Because there are more facts known about the Owl than there are about the reported closures at this point?...

Oh I get it now, IF one has few facts regarding the intended thread topic, then it is acceptable to change the topic to something one has some facts about?

OK, then I understand more now.

This could be an excellent way to shut down truthful but negative threads about AA. Is that what you are hired to do?
Oh I get it now, IF one has few facts regarding the intended thread topic, then it is acceptable to change the topic to something one has some facts about?

OK, then I understand more now.

This could be an excellent way to shut down truthful but negative threads about AA. Is that what you are hired to do?

Cmon and lighten up! The mention of the OWL evokes times and memories when this industry was a pleasure to be a part of. This bulletin board brings out a lot of deep feelings. I know!

So to take a brief departure from the argueing and bickering, to have the OWL brought up, is actually a breath of fresh air. And if you still insist that we keep the focus on the airline biz and employee relations, then the OWL is the quintessential airline "hot spot" where both management and union member alike came together after, and yes, during a shift at JFK.
Cmon and lighten up! The mention of the OWL evokes times and memories when this industry was a pleasure to be a part of. This bulletin board brings out a lot of deep feelings. I know!

So to take a brief departure from the argueing and bickering, to have the OWL brought up, is actually a breath of fresh air. And if you still insist that we keep the focus on the airline biz and employee relations, then the OWL is the quintessential airline "hot spot" where both management and union member alike came together after, and yes, during a shift at JFK.

I agree with you, but is it really that difficult to start a new thread called Old Memories and OWL? I am not opposed to lighter subjects, and I am not opposed to discussing the past.

I simply do not like having threads hi-jacked by issues and matters that have nothing to do with the intended subject matter.

I think this entire forum would be better served if the posted messages have something to do with the topic Title. I am not claiming that nobody should mention or discuss OWL by any means, I am simply asking that you start your own thread if that is what you desire the discussion to be about.

However, I am not the moderator or operator of this bulletin board and as always you are free to disagree.
<_< Every major Airport has it's "hot spot! "Mr. Former moderator mentioned the "Korner House" in ORD. B.O.B.--- When was the last time you were at the "Vapor Trails" at LAX? The big draw here at MCI was a place called the "Buffelo Waller"! Hate to admit it, but Beer,Pizza, and smokey taverns, have been, and will continue to be, part of what we do!!!!!! 😛
If you been to the OWL, you would know why. 😛 😛

Oh what the hell....

In Tulsa we have titty bars, swinger bars, gay bars, and pizza huts with beer.

We have Hooters, and Sports Bars.

We have union officer drunks.

We have Chicken fast food diner, where three workers were placed in the freezer and shot to death for about $175. Still the best Chicken in town.

Getting drunk after work is a common practice.

We have been unable to top the Hooter Gate ordeal at AFW but given time we will top that.

There is a wacko who runs for mayor every election cycle and rides his bicycle on the expressway to get attention. He has been hit at least once but that has not stopped him.

We do not have any professional sports, but beer drinking is allowed at the semi-pro hockey, basketball, and baseball games.

We have an old long time dance ballroom called the Cains Ballrooom that has been refurbished several times and still serves beer and music on regular basis.

The Brady Theater is very old, but still has regular concerts and one can get drunk and hear music there also.

Our high school football playoffs are so big that Skelley Stadium is where some games are played. Skelley is the home of the Tulsa Golden Hurricane college football. This stadium also hosted the Oklahom Outlaws from the USFL back in the 80's.

Tulsa is not a really big town, but we have caverns, bars, strip clubs, grill and pubs, not to mention the great Billy Sims BBQ in the suburb of Broken Arrow.

Many Tulsa suburbs have names related to American Indians Heritage.

Last week, we had a hole in a bridge on a main expressway. Large hole, nobody hurt.

AA still flies 757's in and out of Tulsa.

We have had several local soldiers killed in IRAQ.

To my knowledge Tulsa has not violated the OZONE dirty air monitor for over two years now.

Tulsa has a ZOO and an Art Museum.

There are 15 houses on the street I live on.

Let me think of few more fun facts about Tulsa and the suburbs and get back with you......

...Now I see why off topic post are so popular here. It is quite the tension release.

Later 😛
"Informer, see, don't you feel better now ??" :up:

Because of "joints" like the OWL, AND KORNER HOUSE(ORD), (I've spent $$$ in there also) It gave us all a "reprieve" from the HORRORS of the Industry that we all LOVE/HATE !!


Your RIGHT Informer !!!

Possible loss of AMT jobs is serious business, and (because it was me) , I apologise for gettin' off topic !!

One last thing Informer;
"Pizza Hut + Beer" is NOT "PIZZA and BEER"

IMHO, REAL "eye" talian THIN CRUST Pizza, can be found in and around the following cities ONLY !!

(ORD Pizza is a 'whooole nuther' animal)


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