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Employee website with wings!

Simple or complex passwords are not an issue. Use it 10 times over 2 weeks and you'll have it memorized. The true problem lies in requiring frequent password changes. THAT is when people write passwords down.
Simple or complex passwords are not an issue. Use it 10 times over 2 weeks and you'll have it memorized. The true problem lies in requiring frequent password changes. THAT is when people write passwords down.

Actually, it is.

Most humans have to annotate it for the nine times until they memorize it. Frequent changes are simply icing on the cake.
Is this web site legitimate?
It looks like a cheap phishing site
set up to intercept passwords.
OMG, I am so glad I work for a different carrier, that is EXTREMELY amateur (at best)... Who are these people??? How would this ever get approved for the "official website" ???
guys !! it's a test website. give them your feedback !! stop your bit#ing!! god . are you guys freakin serious your gonna actually complain about this? we have other very important issues we need to worry about then the damn employee website.
sorry . i just gets old sometimes. and i am a little cranky . this company does that to you from time to time .
I actually like it better than both the Hub and Compass. The only CON, is someone like myself that uses an Apple with Safari web browser, will have to download Firefox.

The latest build of Webkit works great also, said to be 3 to 5 times faster than FireFox. Webkit is the development part of Safari. This build of Webkit seems to work great with Catcrew, also. Next build may not because it is beta, therefore, use at your own risk.

If you use it, to avoid confusion, quit normal Safari because it looks just like Safari, even to the menu labels.
sorry . i just gets old sometimes. and i am a littel cranky . this company does that to you from time to time .
Don't apologize. You're right. Come on people. It's just a beta version. It's not the final product. gggeeeessssshhhh :blink:
Am I suppose to be able to log onto this BETA site, if so I cannot.

IMO they are putting way to much information on the page and it makes it hard to find what you are looking for.
Wow, modern pr propaganda for the feel-good employee! How many of you have met with the Dougmeister and gotten your questions and concerns answered?
Why Wings????

The only ones that have "wings" are pilots and flight attendants!!!

They should have just left it "theHub". If they felt the need to make the "West" feel like it wasn't "our's" they could have just changed the way it looks like they did and left the name. Better yet, leave it the f@#! alone.

Why does this retarted management feel the need to reinvent the wheel on EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they feel the need to make changes to everything start with the VP of Inflight.

The format is just okay, but they should have left the name the way it was.

I think theHub was easier to navigate though.

Why hasn't the company put anything out about this and when does theHub and compass go away???
A little Monday morning memo to the IT kids:

The “mini Airbusâ€￾ picture was widely distributed among east employees to show what we would be left with after all the cuts and furloughs a few years back. A bit of gallows humor, if you will.

Another example that Tempe lives in its own little world.
When I tried to log in with new employee number and usa**** if says sig-in elsewhere and rejects.

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