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Employee Travel line question


Dec 14, 2002
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Hello everyone. I am new to this forum and I have a question regarding the employee travel line. I was trying to list for a flight and kept getting a system not available msg. This went on for a couple of hours so I called back and decided to press the option to speak to a live agent. I get an agent who works in intl res who tells me sorry I can''t help you; I work in intl awards and really have no clue on how to list you for a flight nor can I answer any employee travel related questions
My question is this: what res center handles employee travel questions? Are there res agents that just handle employee travel? Are res agents trained to answer revenue and non rev calls as well? Just wondering because I have never had an agent tell me they can''t help me or answer any questions.
So I hung up and called again and got someone in intl travel again and was told the same thing the other agent told me. Are calls being routed through to intl agents?
I eventually got through to the automated system. I just thought the whole thing was kind of weird.