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1-800- employee #


Aug 30, 2002
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I called the employee travel number and was surprised that my "travel has been suspended." I tried calling Tempe but get their automated recording. I called the res line and the agent verified my employee number as being "valid and active"...has anyone else had this issue? I'm assuming it's a bug that the system has and at least it is prompting for an employee travel number now.
whew! :blink:
Well I was going to start a thread about this, but since this is here I will just tag along.

The old non revenue number works again with some small differences: instead of seats available it lists booked, capacity, non-revs listed and your relative position. When you select your name it spells it out. I always liked the way it said mine, but that doesn't really matter. Once the listing is completed it gives you the record locator. I don't remember if the old system did that.

Why it had to be switched off, who knows? But I give kudos for realizing that taking agent time for this was not useful. Why has not some type of announcement been made about this? For our desert cousins, do a search here for the number or listen to Kirby's FA meeting in CLT from March. Happy trails, y'all.