He hasn't been a friend of the airline worker either:
John McCain’s Actions Against Aviation Labor Rights
Led the fight to impose “baseball style arbitration” on bargaining disputes to help airline management and hurt workers [S. 1327, 8/2/2001] Takes away our right to strike
Voted to block FedEx workers from forming a union [H.R. 3539, Vote #304, 10/3/96]
Believes that addressing flight attendant fatigue is “ridiculous” [Press release, “Senator McCain Statement on Lobbying and Ethics Reform Bill,” 1/4/07]
Fought to gut pilots’ pension rights [S. Amdt. 3159 to H.R. 11, Vote #231, 9/23/92]
Opposes bargaining rights for U.S. flight crews flying abroad [ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000]
Would not support bargaining rights for FAA workers [Refused to cosponsor S. 2201, 2006]
Voted against the Employee Free Choice Act card check legislation [H.R. 800, Vote #227, 6/26/07]
Backs companies that fire or replace lawfully striking workers [ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000; S. 55, Vote #121, 6/16/92]
Sent thousands of aviation manufacturing jobs overseas by voting for trade deals with Japan [S.J. Res. 113, Vote #175, 9/13/89; S. Amdt. 101 to S.J. Res. 113, Vote #67, 5/16/89; S. Admt. 102 to S.J. Res. 113, Vote #66, 5/16/89]
Opposed rehiring unemployed PATCO workers fired by Ronald Reagan [Molinari Amdt. to H.R. 5205, Vote #267, 7/30/86]
Bush Administration called a bill providing unemployment benefits for laid-off airline workers “excessive” [Crawley, John, “Bush Opposes GOP-Led Plans for Airline Aid,” Reuters, 4/3/03]
McCain agrees: voted against jobless benefits for laid off airline workers [S. Amt. 1855 to S.1447, Vote #293, 10/11/01]
In 2006, McCain pushed George Bush’s agenda to allow foreign interests to takeover U.S. airlines [S. Amdt. 3619 to H.R. 4939, 4/26/06]
Bragged about his legislation to double foreign investment in U.S. airlines [S. Amdt. 3619 to H.R. 4939, 4/26/06; ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000; S.1628, 8/2/1991]
Wants to allow foreign airlines to fly between U.S. cities, saying “I believe that the U.S. policy on cabotage should be relaxed.” [ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000]
Voted to allow foreign cargo carriers to operate in U.S. [H.R. 2115, Vote #453, 11/17/0]
Backed Eastern Airlines’ bankruptcy plan, which avoided labor negotiations and destroyed 43,000 jobs [H.R. 1231, Vote #276, 10/26/89; H.R. 1231, Vote #273, 10/26/89; H.R. 1231, Vote #222, 10/3/89]