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Emergency Landing at PHL

No, McCain didn't launch the missile; the Zuni missile was fired from a Phantom, and McCain was flying a Skyhawk:


Yes, she probably is a better pilot than McCain, but there's no need to defame a war hero to make your point. He didn't "almost sink" the Forrestal.
Yes you are correct, on the Forrestal , if you read his,biography he lost aircraft early in his career to some bad decisions. A few were Engine failures. The one where he was shot down, was because he proceeded to the target. I am not questioning his war record. She made it on her own He got to where,he was because his dad and grandfather were both admirals. If she would have done some of the things he did, they would have taken away her flight status , and would've never been a pilot for SWA. At least I didn't call him Songbird John like the retired Air Force General did, which is totally rude and uncalled for.
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Here's a quote from the home page of this website. Does not strike me as a dependable source of historical records or much of anything else. It's mostly to get you to assume the lotus position and pray to your navel kind of "the New World is Coming" drivel.

"Beautiful and holistic changes are occurring everywhere on Earth! All people are invited to Participate as a New Society is being born into the Light of Truth. A massive surge of positive feelings is powering a deep shift worldwide. Optimism and joy are creating peace in everyone as they are filled with an instinctive knowing of truth and humanity’s potential for loving change.

The unfolding of love and truth has been written about and spoken of by the great prophets, sages and mystics of all cultures for thousands of years, it is THE EVENT

Prepare For Change is here to connect all people, particularly those who have experienced the Light of Truth, together in loving, peaceful support of a prosperous New Society. Those who have experienced the Light of Truth know more from that brief interlude than they could learn from any teacher alive today. You, who already have this knowing, are called to action."
Here's a quote from the home page of this website. Does not strike me as a dependable source of historical records or much of anything else. It's mostly to get you to assume the lotus position and pray to your navel kind of "the New World is Coming" drivel.

"Beautiful and holistic changes are occurring everywhere on Earth! All people are invited to Participate as a New Society is being born into the Light of Truth. A massive surge of positive feelings is powering a deep shift worldwide. Optimism and joy are creating peace in everyone as they are filled with an instinctive knowing of truth and humanity’s potential for loving change.

The unfolding of love and truth has been written about and spoken of by the great prophets, sages and mystics of all cultures for thousands of years, it is THE EVENT

Prepare For Change is here to connect all people, particularly those who have experienced the Light of Truth, together in loving, peaceful support of a prosperous New Society. Those who have experienced the Light of Truth know more from that brief interlude than they could learn from any teacher alive today. You, who already have this knowing, are called to action."

I agree the website looks a little flakey but most of the info and sources for the story are not connected to the website. Why not attack the credibility of the ones who wrote the articles instead of the website that hosted it? Good luck attacking the credibility of Sydney Schanberg.
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Another version of the facts. Schanberg has been dead for 2 years. This article written last year.
Title of article:
Posts wrongly blame John McCain for deadly 1967 fire aboard USS Forrestal


I am aware Sydney Schanberg is deceased. I am also aware that he was a pulitzer prize winner and recipient of numerous other awards for his work as a journalist. I can post negative reviews of the author of the above link, but then this exchange would never end. I suppose it all boils down to whose facts you choose to believe.
Well, if it makes you feel good to bad-mouth an American hero, go ahead. It's the Donald Trump method...Tear down the other guy and then you don't feel so small and stupid.
He hasn't been a friend of the airline worker either:

John McCain’s Actions Against Aviation Labor Rights

Led the fight to impose “baseball style arbitration” on bargaining disputes to help airline management and hurt workers [S. 1327, 8/2/2001] Takes away our right to strike

Voted to block FedEx workers from forming a union [H.R. 3539, Vote #304, 10/3/96]

Believes that addressing flight attendant fatigue is “ridiculous” [Press release, “Senator McCain Statement on Lobbying and Ethics Reform Bill,” 1/4/07]

Fought to gut pilots’ pension rights [S. Amdt. 3159 to H.R. 11, Vote #231, 9/23/92]

Opposes bargaining rights for U.S. flight crews flying abroad [ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000]

Would not support bargaining rights for FAA workers [Refused to cosponsor S. 2201, 2006]

Voted against the Employee Free Choice Act card check legislation [H.R. 800, Vote #227, 6/26/07]

Backs companies that fire or replace lawfully striking workers [ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000; S. 55, Vote #121, 6/16/92]

Sent thousands of aviation manufacturing jobs overseas by voting for trade deals with Japan [S.J. Res. 113, Vote #175, 9/13/89; S. Amdt. 101 to S.J. Res. 113, Vote #67, 5/16/89; S. Admt. 102 to S.J. Res. 113, Vote #66, 5/16/89]

Opposed rehiring unemployed PATCO workers fired by Ronald Reagan [Molinari Amdt. to H.R. 5205, Vote #267, 7/30/86]

Bush Administration called a bill providing unemployment benefits for laid-off airline workers “excessive” [Crawley, John, “Bush Opposes GOP-Led Plans for Airline Aid,” Reuters, 4/3/03]

McCain agrees: voted against jobless benefits for laid off airline workers [S. Amt. 1855 to S.1447, Vote #293, 10/11/01]

In 2006, McCain pushed George Bush’s agenda to allow foreign interests to takeover U.S. airlines [S. Amdt. 3619 to H.R. 4939, 4/26/06]

Bragged about his legislation to double foreign investment in U.S. airlines [S. Amdt. 3619 to H.R. 4939, 4/26/06; ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000; S.1628, 8/2/1991]

Wants to allow foreign airlines to fly between U.S. cities, saying “I believe that the U.S. policy on cabotage should be relaxed.” [ALPA Presidential Survey, Air Line Pilot, February 2000]

Voted to allow foreign cargo carriers to operate in U.S. [H.R. 2115, Vote #453, 11/17/0]

Backed Eastern Airlines’ bankruptcy plan, which avoided labor negotiations and destroyed 43,000 jobs [H.R. 1231, Vote #276, 10/26/89; H.R. 1231, Vote #273, 10/26/89; H.R. 1231, Vote #222, 10/3/89]
A person's politics and their actions in defense of this country are two different things entirely. One has nothing to do with the other. I don't agree with a lot of McCain's actions as a U.S. Senator. I'm a yellow-dog Democrat. But, not even his most serious misstep--picking Sarah Palin as a running mate--in any way takes away from his military service to the country. My brother served honorably in the U.S. Army for over 20 years. I don't agree with close to 100% of his political views, but he served honorably.
His daughter is a doctor on active service in the U.S. Army and his son is currently on his 5th tour of duty in Afghanistan. Their politics don't give me warm fuzzies either, but their politics and their service to the country don't in any way cancel out or support each other.

Oh, in listing McCain's missteps, you mentioned his support of cabotage for foreign airlines. I suppose you have expressed your strongest objections to the fact that TWA and Pan Am had cabotage rights in Europe from the end of WWII until the 1980's.

Funny how competition is a good thing between companies as long as my company is winning. Of course, since the foreign airlines were never granted cabotage rights in the U.S., we'll never know how well the foreign and domestic airlines would have competed. But, we are wandering off-course topic-wise.
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Well, if it makes you feel good to bad-mouth an American hero, go ahead. It's the Donald Trump method...Tear down the other guy and then you don't feel so small and stupid.

" Let's only believe good things about McCain and put all those icky bad things out of our mind because he was a war hero." He may have been or he may not have been. It depends on whose "facts" are true. And here I was thinking that SJW and snowflake thinking was something new. You must have been a founding father of the movement.
If he's a hero then so should every other POW that fought in the Vietnam War.
He got hero status for his recognition after he came home and stepped into politics. How many other Vietnam POW's
got the same status? I'm not doubting or debating McCain's military career and his hero status. Just stating my point of view.

A quote from a Vietnam song from Paul Hardcastle's 19.

"Perhaps the most dramatic difference between
World War II and Vietnam was coming home
None of them received a hero's welcome"


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