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Election 2012

Can't address my post?

If Paul were a horse, he would have been shot 12 years ago.

His fringe cadre is loud, but they can't get any votes, can they?

I can and have responded about Ron Paul and his views. You just aren't one of the lucky ones. I chose to ignore you because I can and will continue to do so. Individual Liberty means I'm not required to respond to you. So I'm not.

Now run along and fetch Doug and Scott a PBR or two. Have a nice evening troll.
I can and gave responded to most about Ron Paul and his views. You just aren't one of the lucky ones. I chose to ignore you because I can and will continue to do so. Individual Liberty means I'm not required to respond to you. So I'm not.

Now run along and fetch Doug and Scott a PBR or two. Have a nice evening troll.

Ah, typical. No substance as always. How come Ron can't win? Maybe its because his message isn't that great. Lord knows he had enough chances, and lord knows the fanboys have been voting in internet popularity polls for ever, yet, when real people vote, he loses, every...single...time. What is he now 0-150?

Not trolling, just noticing that maybe...just maybe, after 4 elections, the Paul fans should just concede and realize that he is never going to win?

BTW, nice personal attack on me and Doug and Scot, its all you have left evidently, maybe you will get your Woodward and Bernstein story someday. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ah, typical. No substance as always. How come Ron can't win? Maybe its because his message isn't that great. Lord knows he had enough chances, and lord knows the fanboys have been voting in internet popularity polls for ever, yet, when real people vote, he loses, every...single...time. What is he now 0-150?

Not trolling, just noticing that maybe...just maybe, after 4 elections, the Paul fans should just concede and realize that he is never going to win?

BTW, nice personal attack on me and Doug and Scot, its all you have left evidently, maybe you will get your Woodward and Bernstein story someday. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OOPS Ignore!
Funny, for someone that is ignoring me, you take the time to answer.

How come Paul has never won a primary?

I think Rand has more to offer than the old man and don't understand why seniors backers don't see this. He is a little more down to earth and articulate in my book.
Sparrow, Hmmm.

Numbers released today stated that 225,000/250,000 NEW jobs were created in(I believe) 1/2012.
U-R @ 8.3 %.
Gettin' close to being UNDER the magic 8% aye Sparrow ?

By Nov. 2012, Even with this Brutal economy, things will be looking fairly decent.

I forgot. Doesn't something significant happen in 11/2012 ??

Hmmm. 😀

Ms Tree,
I'm a moderate republican(conservative when it comes to fiscal) but I "slowly" see the GOP changing, meaning the young folks are getting tired of the "get us no where FAST" social issues, and i feel this upcoming election perhaps more than any other will highlight my very point.

One can only hope.

I think if you were to ask most RP supporters they would say that the general population is not smart enough to understand the issues that RP s speaking about. If they were intelligent enough to understand it, they would see the logic of what he says and he would win the office by a land slide.

It seems the apple does not fall far from the tree. The son pulled that TSA stunt a few weeks ago and stretched the truth quite a bit. Seems when you look at politicians the only ones running and getting office are the ones who are not all quite there. Normal people do not seem to want the head ache of office.
Make that three primary elections and two caucuses for a total of five defeats in a row.

OR five victories when compared to 2008 performance. He's mostly out of the single digits now.

Secondly I do think he wants to win but sometimes coming second or third gives you enough clout as convention time. You think any of the other candidates would turn down the rabid zeal of his base if he were to support someone and actively campaign for say Mitt or Newt?

He doesn't have to win. He has already managed to get his issues/concerns to the forefront. One of the reasons he has faltered is the others are adopting certain aspect of his positions, for example Newt and the Fed. He was in MN yesterday and the crowds were out the door everywhere he went. In fact the event near my home was so crowded you couldn't get in so I didn't even go over as I'd heard is was an overflow crowd as I was leaving and that was over an hour prior to his arrival.

Lastly, He his swimming upstream. No one close to power wants him elected because he represents real Hope & Change. When he goes on stage for a debate the producers mute the applause, Fox ignores him or worse. If he wasn't on to something he wouldn't be feared. When Rush Limbaugh states "Ron Paul will be the death of the Republican Party" you KNOW he's having an impact on the political climate.

We shall see how it all plays out. The revolution continues and I intend to be a part of it until I die. Face it Liberty is popular!

Truth is Treason in an Empire of Lies!
He snout if single widgets because of his opponents.

Sure they would want his followers. Who do you think Paul would endorse. Romney and Gingrich are about as opposite from Paul as you can possible get. I doubt Paul cpuld hold his nose long enough to endorse either of them.
He snout if single widgets because of his opponents.

Sure they would want his followers. Who do you think Paul would endorse. Romney and Gingrich are about as opposite from Paul as you can possible get. I doubt Paul cpuld hold his nose long enough to endorse either of them.

We shall see!

If someone is willing to give a seat at the table he will hold his nose and go forward with some type of endorsement. For Ron Paul to have maximum impact in defeat he needs to go into a convention where no one has enough delegates to win. In that situation he could even be the nominee, although a more likely scenario is that of having enough delegate support to effect the outcome. That happens and it's almost better than him getting the nomination.

Here's the dirty little secret about Ron Paul as the Republican Party Candidate. He's up to the task of running, however IMO he will be totally deserted by the big money Republicans from the East. Just as Goldwater was in 1964. I think the difference would be that despite their desertion, Dr Paul would fare extremely well but not good enough to beat Obama given the fund raising advantage Obama would have.

Dr. Paul has a HUGE mountain to climb to get to 1600 Penna. Blvd. I'd love to have him there as I do believe he is our last best hope to return to prosperity and Liberty. Right now? Looks like we might have to take what we can get to move in the direction we need to.
We shall see!

If someone is willing to give a seat at the table he will hold his nose and go forward with some type of endorsement. For Ron Paul to have maximum impact in defeat he needs to go into a convention where no one has enough delegates to win. In that situation he could even be the nominee, although a more likely scenario is that of having enough delegate support to effect the outcome. That happens and it's almost better than him getting the nomination.

Here's the dirty little secret about Ron Paul as the Republican Party Candidate. He's up to the task of running, however IMO he will be totally deserted by the big money Republicans from the East. Just as Goldwater was in 1964. I think the difference would be that despite their desertion, Dr Paul would fare extremely well but not good enough to beat Obama given the fund raising advantage Obama would have.

Dr. Paul has a HUGE mountain to climb to get to 1600 Penna. Blvd. I'd love to have him there as I do believe he is our last best hope to return to prosperity and Liberty. Right now? Looks like we might have to take what we can get to move in the direction we need to.

Well said.