Effective Management Skills


Aug 24, 2002
I'm think about teaching a course on effective management skills. Here's my outline:

I. Micro-management
A. must be used before a project is started, and continued use during the planning stages, to prevent the project participants from getting out of hand and thinking outside the box
B. the more details, the better -- objective is to spend more time micromanaging than the participants spend actually working
C. ignore what the participants suggest or actually know; this is about your self-preservation, not productivity

II. Second-guessing
A. can be used before a project is started but must be used by the start of project implementation
B. effective technique regardless of the success of the project; there is always something to second-guess even if it's irrelevant
C. objective is to have meetings which combine micro-management and second-guessing, in order to maximize the noise-to-signal ratio of your communications as well as to solidify your self-preservation

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