Colby said:
Okay so does the Fact that the side says UsAirways Express REALLY matter...
Fact is ... Whether it says that or not would be more important when someone is Booking the travel.... Will it say Operated by Us AirExpress on the Website?
I Mean Really.... How many Passengers pay attention to what the Side of the A/C looks like when they're sitting in the boarding area...or Going down the Jet way Boarding the Air Craft.......???
This would be like when I told a Client that they were on a 70 Pax Jet On NorthWest to go from MSP to FNT.... Yep..Operated by Mesaba...But as soon as I said JET it was ALL OKAY !!!!!
Well to this US1 it does matter. I am sick and tired of flying on a DASH, BEECHCRAFT, SAAB and even the EMB and CRJ that squeeze me into them. I am sick of the oversold statements and leaving luggage behind because the plane is overweight.
I purposely will review the flight schedule to see what type of aircraft I am flying on. And if it involves an express flight on a plane I don't care for I will reroute myself, sometimes at an inconvinence, just to avoid certain airfact types.
The EXPRESS signage should be removed from the new EMB 190. Your customers that fly as much as I do notice these things. There is no logical reason for the word EXPRESS to be on this plane.