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Doug on CNBC 26NOV08

What a shame that someone from Corp Comm had to ask him if this were true just because someone posted it on this forum. Even if it were true, it was an insult to the family. I am sure everyone on this board has had a rumor slung about them one time in their life, but it sure was not put out on the net...think about how you and your family would feel....

Morgan has a duty to bring such matters to Doug's attention. Yes, it does make for some awkward conversation, but it's part of the job description. It is up to Doug to instruct Morgan how/if to respond. Whether or not the rumor is true is really none of our business.

I, for one, think that the personal lives of public figures (and especially family) are absolutely off limits.
Well Morgan,

Allow me to be the first to say thanks for the clarification and for setting the record straight.

Morgan, no one knows how these rumors start and it's probably the bigest negative regarding blogs and the internet in general.

Despite the blatant rumor mongering I for one am concerned about his health. He looks tired and stressed out. I may be a frequent and vocal critic of his management team, however I don't wish him any ill will.

Again thanks for letting us know.

Hey PineyBob,

I'm sure Doug appreciates your concern, I'll be sure to pass it along. I should also tell you I see him often and he looks like the picture of good health to me.


Hey PineyBob,

I'm sure Doug appreciates your concern, I'll be sure to pass it along. I should also tell you I see him often and he looks like the picture of good health to me.



By the way, It's been a while since you even got back to my query.

First of all, I echo Bob's thanks for choosing to respond and set the record straight.

I think rumors like that cross a line--regardless of whether they concern a CEO or a ramp agent.

That said, you should consider responding to customer issues and opening a dialog with customers on here with legitimate issues (underscore legitimate). Your presence here is most welcome, and I would hope you will consider becoming an official voice of the company or get someone to do so, as Fernand has done on FT.

Thanks again.
I was going to post but at this point......Never Mind. Neither side will ever get it.

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