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Too funny! Jealousy is far from the picture! It will be nice when the next merger puts the East FA at a disadvantage when the buying company has more seniority then the PHL dinosaurs. 🙂
Actually since you're supposedly in the know and you know ever so much, you already know that Philly is not the senior base, it was PIT and CLT. I think CLT is probably the senior base now and even so the very senior people that are in Philly aren't even from there, they're either from other bases originally or they've always commuted from somewhere ie. the West coast. Funny how you call the people in Philly "dinosaurs". What is a dinosaur to you since alot of them are probably younger and more senior.

Also Sears Photo boy please explain why it will be nice when more senior people come in??? Should people in Philly be scared?? I have news the people on the East can handle others coming in senior to them just as they have their entire career, however you've clearly shown that anyone senior ito you is a threat to you.
Too funny! Jealousy is far from the picture! It will be nice when the next merger puts the East FA at a disadvantage when the buying company has more seniority then the PHL dinosaurs. 🙂

I'm going to challenge you again.

Find me a legacy airline- legacy, not the two-bits you run with- that has more relative seniority than (real) US Airways.

PHL is not senior at all. Talk about no knowlege. Read your little photocopied kool aid letter. PHL is junior. If we do ever merge, not likely, you'll be displaced there, you'll be quick called to E on the 330 and your A320 ass will cry. If you are lucky, you'll embarrass us as a LGA based Shuttle F/A for a month or two before taking your place on the furlough list that is bigger than the cheez whiz airline you came from.

You are so sad.

This one is wandering into uncharted airspace, and we'd rather not go there. Let's stay on topic and not make it personal, or closed it shall be...

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