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Doogie gets arrested

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I'll tell you what my grandma use to say about that...

It takes a weak ass man to try to find happiness in the bottom of a glass...!!

Thanks grandma

I rarely agree with 700UW, but this time couldn't agree more!

Why wasn't it disclosed earlier? What the heck was he thinking? Could he not afford a cab?

So . . . if he stays around will we be bringing back all the folks who were termed for a BAC level over the years?

All valid questions to which he owes answers.

I've just never been the type to kick someone when they're down.

He should have to pay for this bad judgment. Hopefully, during his recovery, he will realize what's really important - his family and his work.
im glad no one got hurt or killed. he should have had a taxi for him and his friends. then he wouldnt of been arrested. but his judgement sure is a lack thereof
Three beers in two hours and he blew a .08 ??

Anyway, doesn't matter because for a man of Parker's position he should not have gotten behind the wheel if he had the slightest doubt.
A CEO should know how to calculate risk/reward.

Why would he speed 20 miles over the limit?
Goofy and extremely poor judgement.

Yeah yeah yeah -- empathy to him and his family and all that stuff -- but Parker should be removed from his position if found guilty.

Like an astronaut, Parker accepted a much higher level of responsibility and thus should be held accountable.
Doug is what over 6 feet tall?

Three beers in an hour would not make him .08, sounds like BS to me.
Is that the best you can do?

He broke the law, plain and simple, read the article, slurred speech, etc...

The law is .08, that is a fact.
You don't know that yet. Innocent until proven guilty, REMEMBER?
Doug is what over 6 feet tall?

Three beers in an hour would not make him .08, sounds like BS to me.

I agree. For a guy his size, three beers in two hours would be a non-event. I can see why he offered to drive. I wonder if the .08 was an instant breathalizer? If blood was drawn, that would be the determining factor; what was the alcohol level in his blood?

But 20 over the speed limit in a flashy BMW is just dumb when you've had ANY alcohol. Why not just put a sign on the car saying "Stop me, officer!"?

As someone else pointed out, an incident like this would have huge ramifications for a pilot. Back in my younger and "foolisher" days, I would think nothing of driving a car after two beers in three hours. But, like 99.999% of the pilots out there, I would NEVER dream of operating an airplane under those conditions. Yet the big-brother government insists that they are related. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The legal limit is .08, that is legally drunk, no and if or buts, why making excuses for him?

Shows very poor judgement for a CEO.
i'm not saying it's right... but MOST of us have had a few drinks and driven. we were just lucky not to get caught.
I'll tell you what my grandma use to say about that...
It takes a weak ass man to try to find happiness in the bottom of a glass...!!
Your grandma would be proud of me then. I never seek happiness in alcohol. There's far better reasons than that for me to drink...

You know what? The guy is human. Let's give him a break--after all he is innocent until proven guilty.

I wonder if it was anyone else would it warrant a thread here?

Now the issue about waiting 9 days--that's a whole other issue.

Let's be fair about this.
Iam not defending anyone, but what does this have to do with Aviation?

This is a Airline forum not a court of public opinion.
Last time I checked he is the CEO of US Airways.

You know what? The guy is human. Let's give him a break--after all he is innocent until proven guilty.

I wonder if it was anyone else would it warrant a thread here?

Now the issue about waiting 9 days--that's a whole other issue.

Let's be fair about this.

I guess he will now release a statement on the Hub & Compass today saying how sorry and embarrassed he is.......followed by his admittance of being an alcoholic then followed by his checking into rehab.........
DP chooses to drink three beers in two hours and then he chooses to drive 20 miles over the speed limit by going 65 in a 45. This man is paid millions to make good decisions and yet he fails on a no-brainer. As a high profile person the stupidity of this amazes me. It also amazes me that other partiers on this board defend his actions. How irresponsible. I do give him credit for telling the officer what he consumed though. Unless he actually had five beers and said he had three. The outcome of this will be interesting. I wonder if he is innocent and just being hounded by the police or if maybe he actually had consumed more than he admitted. I drink and I will never have a DUI.
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