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Doogie gets arrested

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It shows very very poor judgement. This clown could have rented a fancy limo. Very poor judgement indeed, how the BOD could let him get away with this is a joke. If I were a share holder I start a class action lawsuit. How many other CEO's have been arrested while sitting as an active CEO?

No wonder he makes these crazy hostle bids, ups the offer a billion, he has poor judgment, he has in the past, he has in the present he will again.

"US Airways issued an additional statement from Parker, 45, late on Friday in which the executive admitted to three other alcohol-related incidents in his twenties.

"Two involved driving under the influence (one a misdemeanor) and the third occurred in college while a passenger in a friend's car," Parker said in the statement."

Sounds like a third DUI offense to me. I don't know if AZ will count the earlier ones "in his twenties" :shock: :blink:
US Airways CEO Arrested on DUI Charge
ABC News

Parker is scheduled to appear in Scottsdale Municipal Court on Feb. 21.

See Story

From Germany (world press has now picked up on this unfortunate event)

See Story

US Airways CEO downplays early DUI offenses
The Arizona Republic

(Dawn arrives late to world news story, but she fianlly arrives)

Parker was arrested by the Dallas Police Department on suspicion of drunken driving in January 1991, when he worked for American Airlines. The then-29-year-old pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge of driving while intoxicated, and that fall he was given a probated sentence of 30 days in jail, two years' probation and a fine of $250, according to Dallas County court records. No details were available on the circumstances of his 1991 arrest.

See Story


"As it relates to my past, I admit that I was indeed irresponsible at times in my twenties. I got my wake-up call long ago as I got married, had kids, and assumed positions of responsibility at work. As I communicated to our employees earlier this morning, my mistake of last week was just that -- a mistake, not a trend and I believe that events from 15 and 20 years ago do not reflect on the person I am today.

"Once again, I am extremely sorry for the embarrassment I have brought upon US Airways. I accept full responsibility for my actions and guarantee it will not happen again. I can't do much to change what I did in my twenties but I can make sure that I handle all of this with the professionalism and integrity that I value in myself and that our employees, customers and shareholders deserve. All of our stakeholders have my commitment to do just that." (LCCG)


He'll claim to have found the Lord and become a born-again Christian, like a lot of high-profile perps do (Chuck Colson from Watergate, and Dubya, to name two hypocrites).

Or, he'll be pushed into the courtroom in a wheelchair, wearing a neck brace and an oxygen tank, just like the old mafioso are, while his attorney pleads for the mercy of the court that his client is too ill and feeble to withstand the stress of a trial.

(Judge: "But your client is only 45."

Attorney: "Your Honor, that whole Delta thing really took a lot out of him.")
OOOOH..Touch You!! I Was First!! No I Was!! No I Was First!! Give Yourself A Medal!! :eye: :eye: :eye:
For the second time, when are you going to stick to the facts that Doogie got arrested for his FOURTH Time for DUI/Alcohol incidents instead of attacking the posters?

See you can't realize there is no defending your idol Doogie, he screwed up when you finally accept the fact you will complete the first step of recognizing you are in denial.
People have to realize 4th time caught equals how many getting by? I doubt anyone is so unlucky to have been caught on the only 4 times they drink and drove.

4 times caught = how many not caught?
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