Pointing a finger and laughing is my normal.Responses becoming too stupid. Water cooler getting back to normal now I see. 👋
Fortunately I am not seeking your approval. I don't say things because I think you care to hear them. I say things because I care to say them.No one cares what you think.
Walmart needs you there is a clean up in aisle five.
CorvetteMan is one of the main polluters.Responses becoming too stupid. Water cooler getting back to normal now I see. 👋
I can see Pelosi now.
You have to convict to find out what's in it.
You want to grow up and be the moderator?CorvetteMan is one of the main polluters.
It's like Corvette and Dog are having a contest to see which one of them is the bigger idiot. Dog has a HUGE lead.
“They” are too busy going after Trump to worry about me.