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Donald Trump Indictment

Responses becoming too stupid. Water cooler getting back to normal now I see. 👋
No one cares what you think.

Walmart needs you there is a clean up in aisle five.
Fortunately I am not seeking your approval. I don't say things because I think you care to hear them. I say things because I care to say them.

The Walmart shtick has ran it's course. It's tired. Find some new material. By the way I had a coworkers who's husband was a manager at a Walmart distribution center (they have since retired.... young). I guarantee he made more than you do.
Responses becoming too stupid. Water cooler getting back to normal now I see. 👋
CorvetteMan is one of the main polluters.

It's like Corvette and Dog are having a contest to see which one of them is the bigger idiot. Dog has a HUGE lead.
I can see Pelosi now.

You have to convict to find out what's in it.

It’s ironic. Everyone actually loves Trump. No one can help but pay attention to him. Whatever it is he has the secret sauce. He’s had that secret sauce going back 50 years. He’s the greatest master who ever lived at knowing how to command an audience attention. No one really wants him thrown in Prison because if he is they can’t write and sell books any more. There won’t be any media coverage.

They tried to shut him down and ignore him for the last two years but he’s always been back there waiting in the wings for them to open the curtains and let him perform for the masses. And this dope prosecutor in Manhattan just pulled back that curtain.

None of these schmucks that are going after him are really doing any damage. The man is 76 years old now. People have been trying and failing to cut the legs out from under this guy again for 50 years.

“Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.”


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CorvetteMan is one of the main polluters.

It's like Corvette and Dog are having a contest to see which one of them is the bigger idiot. Dog has a HUGE lead.
You want to grow up and be the moderator?

You’ve posted your same woe is me story a 1,000 times.

Look in the mirror.
Is President Biden smart enough to issue a blanket pardon to former President Trump which in turn would deflate all of his gas for the 2024 election. Of course President Biden is not smart enough to make that excellent tactical maneuver.
