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First 2 Members of Congress to endorse Trump have been indicted on Federal Felony Charges


Jun 28, 2003
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Dallas, TX
U.S Representative Chris Collins under Federal indictment for insider stock trading. Rep. Collins was the first sitting member of Congress to endorse Trump for President.

U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter (and his wife) have been indicted on charges of illegally spending campaign funds on personal expenses, lavish vacations, etc. Rep. Hunter was the second sitting member of Congress to endorse Trump for President.

Talk about living high on the non-existent hog...
"The Hunters allegedly overdrew their joint checking account more than 1,100 times during a seven-year period, leading to more than $37,000 in overdraft charges, according to the indictment. Their credit cards were also maxed out, leading to more than $24,000 in additional charges." From Politico.
I was particularly impressed with the $600 spent to fly the family rabbit from D.C. to San Diego.

Well, I guess you can't call the Republicans inconsistent in their behavior. Is this what is meant by "Drain the Swamp?"

[Now...on the count of three]
Besides what about Hillary? Even though the U.S. House of Representatives spent more time and money investigating Hillary than they spent investigating 9/11 (without finding anything they could charge her with), she must have done something. She's a Democrat for crissakes! And the Donald would never call anyone crooked without reason, now would he?
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Yes Jim, there are some Republicans that are part of the "swamp". That's why many feel we are will overdue for "term limits" on those elected to Congress. Both Democrat, and Republican!
U.S Representative Chris Collins under Federal indictment for insider stock trading. Rep. Collins was the first sitting member of Congress to endorse Trump for President.

U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter (and his wife) have been indicted on charges of illegally spending campaign funds on personal expenses, lavish vacations, etc. Rep. Hunter was the second sitting member of Congress to endorse Trump for President.

Talk about living high on the non-existent hog...
"The Hunters allegedly overdrew their joint checking account more than 1,100 times during a seven-year period, leading to more than $37,000 in overdraft charges, according to the indictment. Their credit cards were also maxed out, leading to more than $24,000 in additional charges." From Politico.

Well, I guess you can't call the Republicans inconsistent in their behavior. Is this what is meant by "Drain the Swamp?"

[Now...on the count of three]
Besides what about Hillary? Even though the U.S. House of Representatives spent more time and money investigating Hillary than they spent investigating 9/11 (without finding anything they could charge her with), she must have done something. She's a Democrat for crissakes! And the Donald would never call anyone crooked without reason, now would he?

Who was worse? Trump, Clinton or Obama and their 'friends'?

You know Jim, if Hillary hadn't played games during Benghazi hearings, none of this would have ever seen the light of day......"What private server"
trump filled up the swamp and must be drinking from it. I know you realize this Jim but Hillary lost but that's about all they can focus on when trump and his cabinet have had so many corruption problems. We did not see this level of corruption with Obama. The best thing trump did was pick Sessions for AG. Sessions has at least some integrity and knew he had to recuse himself from the russia investigation after he lied about meeting with russians. Imagine if we did not have this investigation to find out all the illegal things going on. Now the next thing they usually say is what does tax fraud have to do with russia. Well in manafort's case he hid some the income he got from his treason, oh, I mean 'consulting' work, but my reply would be what did Monica Lewinski have to do with Whitewater? I am sure most of the conservatives here did not care that Bill was impeached for lying about Monica during a real estate investigation. The what does tax evasion have to do with russian collusion should stop.
LOL.....Sessions was in the same room with 300 other people and covertly met with some some 'Russian' under one of the dinner tables......

Podesta does the same treasonous acts to fill his pockets ala Ivan......then there's the Hillary Uranium One with her hand out for help at State......

Whitewater preceded the Hummer investigation by about three years....
I know you realize this Jim but Hillary lost but that's about all they can focus on when trump and his cabinet have had so many corruption problems.
I know. I was just beating them to the punch. The "Yeah but Hillary" prayer is all they have left as they cry themselves to sleep. So I thought maybe I could pre-empt them from wasting more computer memory with that tired pseudo-argument. I tried the "Newsflash! Obama is no longer the President and Hillary didn't get elected" approach. But, alas. It was not to be so. They can only chant that one Collect from the Book of Common Complaining.🙄
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I know. I was just beating them to the punch. The "Yeah but Hillary" prayer is all they have left as they cry themselves to sleep. So I thought maybe I could pre-empt them from wasting more computer memory with that tired pseudo-argument. I tried the "Newsflash! Obama is no longer the President and Hillary didn't get elected" approach. But, alas. It was not to be so. They can only chant that one Collect from the Book of Common Complaining.🙄

LOL.....try Hillary jerking off Trey Gowdy for 33,000 Alex.
I know. I was just beating them to the punch. The "Yeah but Hillary" prayer is all they have left as they cry themselves to sleep. So I thought maybe I could pre-empt them from wasting more computer memory with that tired pseudo-argument. I tried the "Newsflash! Obama is no longer the President and Hillary didn't get elected" approach. But, alas. It was not to be so. They can only chant that one Collect from the Book of Common Complaining.🙄

It's crazy how one corrupt man has such a hold on so many people who are probably good-hearted most of the time. It is disturbing that this man is totally evil. Maybe we can look to religious scriptures. There are some people in them that have this kind of power. Hint: the good people in them don't have affairs and lead hordes of people to the dark side. It won't be long now. Pecker from the Enquirer turned today or it was announced today and he supposedly had a safe of full of documents about how many people he paid off. He allegedly used hundreds of thousands of his foundation or campaign money to pay Cohen. They said on the news his kids are even being investigated because of the new information. Best thing he can do is pull a Nixon and resign under the terms that he will be pardoned. Terrible for the country short-term but he is corrupt and should resign or be impeached. There is another manafort trial coming to and this one will be more about collusion. If Democrats re-take the House, which I am sure they will, Pelosi will help move things along. How can one corrupt man fool so many people? Had to ask it again.
Hillery and Bernie made the Trump vote possible.
They divided their own party with their obsession to be POTUS regardless of the will of the pepple...
They both suck and still do.
If that is all the DemoRats have, then expect another defeat.
Remember, if Trump is impeached, he may not have to leave office (Clinton), and if he does, do you really think giving Pence that power is any better?

Think about it...
Just my 2 cents...😎
Let's not confuse impeachment with removal from office. They are not synonyms. The U.S. House of Representatives would first have to file a Bill of Impeachment which would specify the wrong-doing of Trump that in the mind of the House warrants his removal from office. To impeach the President is simply charging him with 1 or more offenses (aka High Crimes and Misdemeanors). The U.S. Senate would then have to take that Bill of Impeachment (I don't think they are allowed to amend it in any way--everything will be straight up or straight down.) and hold a trial in which the U.S. Senate--all 100 sitting Senators would serve as the jury and a two-thirds super majority (67) would have to vote Trump guilty in order to remove him from office.

Here's where it gets interesting. Sen McCain instructed his doctors to cease treatment, but he did NOT resign his post as Senior Senator from Arizona. So, technically all 100 Senate seats are occupied. Thus, the number 67 guilty votes required. I think we can all do the math that removal from office is highly unlikely. With (currently) 49 Democratic senators, ALL 49 Democrats and a minimum of 18 Republican senators would have to vote guilty. Considering that not one of those wimps has shown a speck of backbone thus far, I don't think that many would man up for a guilty vote--regardless of what's in Pecker's safe at the National Enquirer.
The Arizona governor will appoint a Republican to serve the remainder of McCain's current term which ends in 2020. Arizona law requires that the successor be of the same party as McCain. (If McCain had been a Democrat, the governor would have to appoint a Democrat.) The governor who is Republican has ruled out appointing himself to the post. It is believed he will select someone whose appointment would honor McCain's service to the state and the country. (Let's hope.) McCain's widow Cindy has even been mentioned as a possibility. In any case the "impeachment" math still stands.
Let's not confuse impeachment with removal from office. They are not synonyms. The U.S. House of Representatives would first have to file a Bill of Impeachment which would specify the wrong-doing of Trump that in the mind of the House warrants his removal from office. To impeach the President is simply charging him with 1 or more offenses (aka High Crimes and Misdemeanors). The U.S. Senate would then have to take that Bill of Impeachment (I don't think they are allowed to amend it in any way--everything will be straight up or straight down.) and hold a trial in which the U.S. Senate--all 100 sitting Senators would serve as the jury and a two-thirds super majority (67) would have to vote Trump guilty in order to remove him from office.

Here's where it gets interesting. Sen McCain instructed his doctors to cease treatment, but he did NOT resign his post as Senior Senator from Arizona. So, technically all 100 Senate seats are occupied. Thus, the number 67 guilty votes required. I think we can all do the math that removal from office is highly unlikely. With (currently) 49 Democratic senators, ALL 49 Democrats and a minimum of 18 Republican senators would have to vote guilty. Considering that not one of those wimps has shown a speck of backbone thus far, I don't think that many would man up for a guilty vote--regardless of what's in Pecker's safe at the National Enquirer.
"Guilty"? "Manup"?...........Really? Is this still the United States? Are you putting yourself up as judge and jury? From what I've heard, Trump hasn't broke any laws. So what's this all about? Wishful thinking? Or leftest hystaria?
"Guilty"? "Manup"?...........Really? Is this still the United States? Are you putting yourself up as judge and jury? From what I've heard, Trump hasn't broke any laws. So what's this all about? Wishful thinking? Or leftest hystaria?
Just progressive spank bank material,they’ll all wind up looking even more stupid than usual