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Dol Says Open The Ballots

twasilverbullet said:
Sorry to disapoint you...but we never did expect for THB to help us, THEN or NOW!! so, get over it!
What's up with you people?!!............MAN!!!! :angry: Always trying and looking for ways to cut us down!!! It can't even occur to you that maybe we wanted your john boy out for the same reasons you did! No, that would have been to easy of an explanation..........................You people are TRULY EVIL!!!!!! :angry:

DUH...I am trying to figure out how you feel I was insulting you. I want you to take a step back from the computer, and breathe...okay..another breath now. Okay read my post again. Do you feel better?

THB is not a magical savior is all I inferred. But you seem to have forgotten to take your little pill today. (I know that was nasty)
Jim, do you know offhand what unions the DOL has stepped in and decertified? I can't imagine another union that has run more amuk than APFA.
FA Mikey said:
Luckly was never gone. but in this day and age you never know, if my time is yet to come.

Jeez Mike..don't say that..there's maybe a difference of one or two people between us so don't make me start looking over my shoulder too!!! :unsure:
That was funny though when you were asked if you would come back soon..got me a bit nervous..maybe something I don't know?? LOL 😛h34r:

Skyyggoddess said:
Jim, do you know offhand what unions the DOL has stepped in and decertified? I can't imagine another union that has run more amuk than APFA.

I know that PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers) union was decertified back in 1981 for "illegal" activity--namely a strike which was forbidden by Federal law. Going back to the 1950's and 1960's the DOL and the Justice Dept stepped into the Teamsters Union mess and cleaned house. They didn't decertify the union, but just about everyone then in power was removed from office and some were jailed.

The point is that the DOL is not in the business of running unions or companies, nor do they want to be. They give an organization every possible opportunity to do the right thing by "suggesting" courses of action. It's only when the organization takes a "make me" attitude do they step in and "make you".
jimntx said:
And, a person's secretary is required to tell you the truth because??? That he was on vacation (which is true) is union business. Where he was vacationing is none of my business or yours.

If I was loyal to my boss and someone called that I knew for a fact was hostile to my boss, I would not be predisposed to volunteer information to that person. Your "love" for JW is well-known. :lol:

In any case, it doesn't really matter where he is. As you said, the votes will be counted on Thursday whether he is there or not. Let's hope that, if THB wins as a result of the ballot count, JW chooses to step down in a dignified manner, or failing that, the BOD has the good sense to do the right thing and remove him from office.

Let's not forget that the DOL has the power under Federal law to decertify the APFA as the bargaining agent for the AA flight attendants and call for a representation election. They have done it to other unions in the past, and they will do it again if they feel it is in the best interest of the affected membership.

To decertify would be a last ditch action. The DOL will undoubtedly go to court first in an attempt to force the organization to comply. If for some reason they still choose not too. Then we may first see the threats of, folllowed by the actual process. There will be very serious union actions (charges) as well, as a federal court judgment. This is no small matter. I only hope that these people know we must comply.

We have allowed the inmates to run the asylum too long. We need to take charge and action. Our future as a group and the organization as a bargaining agent depends on it. Imagine the joyful singing at CP5, if they were to learn the flight attendants had lost there right to representation. Who is going to defend the CBA through its duration? After the announcement tomorrow of the findings of the DOL. We have to make sure our base chairs know how to respond to the will of the base. That the exec committee follows through with the will of the membership. That further dragging of the feet will result in federal and possibility of civil litigation, against those who do not follow the mandates of the DOL and the membership in this matter. Certain officials at APFA must not forget (what am I saying) , must be reminded they have a fiduciary responsibility to the membership and not to john ward and his ilk.
Corinth2103 said:
Jeez Mike..don't say that..there's maybe a difference of one or two people between us so don't make me start looking over my shoulder too!!! :unsure:
That was funny though when you were asked if you would come back soon..got me a bit nervous..maybe something I don't know?? LOL 😛h34r:


If nothing else today Tim, you made feel just a little bit younger. Its times like this I dont mind being the junior one. Heck, I may even wait a day or two now to do my "just for men" hair color.
Just thought you might like to know....Juan Johnson will be observing the vote count for JW so she can properly learn how to certify ballots....
The last I read was that the DOL would count the votes on 8/11 but that if there were a change in the winner, "she" 🙂 would not be immediately installed, pending further "investigation." This made me wonder WHAT FURTHER INVESTIGATION would be needed once the recount took place?
Let's say Ward is out...(what a stretch!).
I realize that the DOL would be giving APFA an opportunity to do the right thing and clean their own house, but WHAT FURTHER INVESTIGATION are they referring to? Is it possible that they suspect election fraud here and is it also possible that
at some point, Ward may be seen taken out in handcuffs !!!?
I think they are still investigation other incidents - not just this one voting fraud.
jsn25911 said:
I think they are still investigation other incidents - not just this one voting fraud.
Correct. At the BOD meeting I was told by an Executive Committee member that the DOL was focussing in on 4 of the charges as having merit. The 16 uncounted ballots was just one of the issues.

I've got a feeling that the DOLs disposition of the other 3 charges might be influenced or contingent upon how the APFA handles the 16 ballots issue--both the counting of and the followup action. If the APFA does the right thing, the other issues might be deemed moot.

We've already messed up once by refusing to count the ballots after the DOL "suggested" in a preliminary ruling that they should be counted. We have another chance to do the right thing if counting the ballots makes THB the winner. We'll see.
jimntx said:
"... At the BOD meeting I was told by an Executive Committee member that the DOL was focussing in on 4 of the charges as having merit. The 16 uncounted ballots was just one of the issues."
jimntx said:
Are all 4 charges related to the elections ballots?
Skyyggoddess said:
jimntx said:
"... At the BOD meeting I was told by an Executive Committee member that the DOL was focussing in on 4 of the charges as having merit. The 16 uncounted ballots was just one of the issues."

Are all 4 charges related to the presidential election ballots?

Don't know. Just about everyone who lost filed a complaint with the DOL.