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Interesting post, go look around the hangar for grounding cables, first one guy left them laying there on the floor then the next guy runs over the clamp and destroys it. BTW, isn’t part of moving a plane into the hangar to chock it, grnd it and pwr it? These are things we all need to do our job. How about the trucks, does anyone ever pick all the garbage out of it before or after they use it? Very few. Ladders and stands everywhere except where they belong, work benches filled with trash and an empty trash barrel right there. How about appearance? White sneakers? Sad. Do we even want to examine work ethic? Some people are very lax, not sure I want to go there. How about knowledge of the manuals? How many even bother to look. Not to just harp on the slackers, there's allot of people that are awesome professional mechanics, which do awesome work, very intelligent motivated guys.

IMHO, the company and the union will do what they are going to do, we are professional airline mechanics and as such we should do our best to be just that. Not give way to excuses or reasons as to why we should be less. In this thread I am reading allot excuses.

Flame me if you want but it's my perceprtion of what I see.
There was once a sense of pride throughout all ranks of blue-collar workers in America, where Dad taught Jr. how to change the oil in the Chevy.

Ironic, I just taught my son how to change oil and swap out the cooling fan on the Jeep this past weekend...
<_< ----- Thanks oleson! At least it wasn't a Toyota!!! :up:
Blue collar is no longer in vogue. Today the white collar criminal is revered and admired. Personally when I see a suit, I worry that I'm about to get robbed!
By the way, I love my '05 Toyota Tundra. The engine was made in Alabama and the rest in Tennesse. As oppssed to a "real" american truck like a Dodge or a Chevy that are made in Mexico by cheap labor. You'd think that would make them cost less. Price one all decked out lately? Seems like they're ripping people off. I would rather send my money to Toyota City, Japan than to greedy U.S. auto execs in Detroit. Hecho en Mexico! :lol: :lol:
VIN codes. I hope you don't have 3 at the beggining of yours! :lol: :lol:
Blue collar is no longer in vogue. Today the white collar criminal is revered and admired. Personally when I see a suit, I worry that I'm about to get robbed!
By the way, I love my '05 Toyota Tundra. The engine was made in Alabama and the rest in Tennesse. As oppssed to a "real" american truck like a Dodge or a Chevy that are made in Mexico by cheap labor. You'd think that would make them cost less. Price one all decked out lately? Seems like they're ripping people off. I would rather send my money to Toyota City, Japan than to greedy U.S. auto execs in Detroit. Hecho en Mexico! :lol: :lol:
VIN codes. I hope you don't have 3 at the beggining of yours! :lol: :lol:
<_< ----- Sorry to disappoint you Ed, but my Chevy Silverado pickup was made in Indiana! And the money I paid for it stayed right here in the U.S.A.!!!
<_< ----- Sorry to disappoint you Ed, but my Chevy Silverado pickup was made in Indiana! And the money I paid for it stayed right here in the U.S.A.!!!
What a man drives is his decision and no ones business. I like sushi and Toyota. That lid on my center console flips up and its perfect for a sushi tray! A little Sake in the tank and I'm good to go!
All kidding aside. What is disappointing is how GM and the others play up the down home, good 'ole U.S.A theme. Their truck ads are full of farmers/blue collar workers doing farmer/blue collar things. Get a couple of aging rockers (Seeger and Mellencamp) to sing for you and you complete the charade. Its the same people they put out of work when their cars aren't bought. You cannot argue that Detroit was putting out junk in the 70's, 80's and into the 90's. Instead of a Pacer or a Vega, people bought Corollas and Datsun 510's. Instead of buying the Cadillac Cimarron (Cavalier with Caddy name plate) people bought BMW's. While quality may have improved today, the damage is done. All this done by executive decision.
Meanwhile the bailout money they got went to improve and build factories in Brazil and other countries. Oh yes, we can't forget bonuses.
What a man drives is his decision and no ones business. I like sushi and Toyota. That lid on my center console flips up and its perfect for a sushi tray! A little Sake in the tank and I'm good to go!
All kidding aside. What is disappointing is how GM and the others play up the down home, good 'ole U.S.A theme. Their truck ads are full of farmers/blue collar workers doing farmer/blue collar things. Get a couple of aging rockers (Seeger and Mellencamp) to sing for you and you complete the charade. Its the same people they put out of work when their cars aren't bought. You cannot argue that Detroit was putting out junk in the 70's, 80's and into the 90's. Instead of a Pacer or a Vega, people bought Corollas and Datsun 510's. Instead of buying the Cadillac Cimarron (Cavalier with Caddy name plate) people bought BMW's. While quality may have improved today, the damage is done. All this done by executive decision.
Meanwhile the bailout money they got went to improve and build factories in Brazil and other countries. Oh yes, we can't forget bonuses.
<_< -----Ed I'm glad you like your Toyota! And "Sake in the tank and your good to go" sounds just about right!----- For you! ----- I spent two years in Japan when I was in the service back in the sixties. And I understand that's been a life time ago for a lot of people. But that's just about the time the Japanese Car makers got started here in this Country. ------ If you ask a Japanese, who he works for, the literal translation, of his answer, would be "I belong to Toyota"! Back in those days, if you were hired by a big Company in Japan, you had a job for life, although I understand that practice has been sh%t caned. If you were single, you lived in Company dormitories. If Married, Company housing. Your wages were low, but you could shop in Company stores, using Company voutures to supplement your pay. You got to work in the mourning. First thing you did was, as a group, sang the Company song, did calisthenics, before going to work.----- If, and when, you went on vacation, it was arranged by the Company, traveled exclusively by Company transportation, and stayed in Japanese Hotels! --- What I'm trying to say here is they kept as much of their money as possible "in house!"---- Yes, they produce a good product! ------They do that because that product has to pass Japanese "government" quality control standards!----- What I'm saying is that the products they export, are quit often Superior in quality to the same product meant for domestic use! -----Oh, they have Unions in Japan! But you think the TWU is bought and payed for? They'll go on strike for say, four hours, and tell the Company when they are going to do it! ----- Did you know that for years Toyota circumvented our import tax laws, on their trucks, by importing them minus their beds! The beds were manufactured in California and assembled there. The purpose of this was so they could clam they were importing them as "Truck parts", not as fully assembled vehicles, therefore paying a lower import fee!---- And the bad part is we let them get away with it! ------ We've given away all our Heavy Industrial base in the name of "free trade!"----- Which is, in my opinion is a synonym for "cheap labor"! When instead we should have been pushing all this time for "Fair Trade!"---- So enjoy your Toyota, made in the USA by non-Union workers, so the big boys, in Tokyo, can enjoy driving their Cadillacs!
<_< -----Ed I'm glad you like your Toyota! And "Sake in the tank and your good to go" sounds just about right!----- For you! ----- I spent two years in Japan when I was in the service back in the sixties. And I understand that's been a life time ago for a lot of people. But that's just about the time the Japanese Car makers got started here in this Country. ------ If you ask a Japanese, who he works for, the literal translation, of his answer, would be "I belong to Toyota"! Back in those days, if you were hired by a big Company in Japan, you had a job for life, although I understand that practice has been sh%t caned. If you were single, you lived in Company dormitories. If Married, Company housing. Your wages were low, but you could shop in Company stores, using Company voutures to supplement your pay. You got to work in the mourning. First thing you did was, as a group, sang the Company song, did calisthenics, before going to work.----- If, and when, you went on vacation, it was arranged by the Company, traveled exclusively by Company transportation, and stayed in Japanese Hotels! --- What I'm trying to say here is they kept as much of their money as possible "in house!"---- Yes, they produce a good product! ------They do that because that product has to pass Japanese "government" quality control standards!----- What I'm saying is that the products they export, are quit often Superior in quality to the same product meant for domestic use! -----Oh, they have Unions in Japan! But you think the TWU is bought and payed for? They'll go on strike for say, four hours, and tell the Company when they are going to do it! ----- Did you know that for years Toyota circumvented our import tax laws, on their trucks, by importing them minus their beds! The beds were manufactured in California and assembled there. The purpose of this was so they could clam they were importing them as "Truck parts", not as fully assembled vehicles, therefore paying a lower import fee!---- And the bad part is we let them get away with it! ------ We've given away all our Heavy Industrial base in the name of "free trade!"----- Which is, in my opinion is a synonym for "cheap labor"! When instead we should have been pushing all this time for "Fair Trade!"---- So enjoy your Toyota, made in the USA by non-Union workers, so the big boys, in Tokyo, can enjoy driving their Cadillacs!
Brother, you are correct and I agree with all the points you made. Yes, the TWU is 100 times better than any company Toyota union. I'm sure you know from whom the Japanese got their work /business model. Edward Demings. Detroit laughed at him so he headed east. The rest is history. But I guess we are off topic now.
The only way the working man will ever get the dignity and respect he deserves is when we have a true revolution.
Workers of the world unite!
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