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Do You Still Enjoy Working At USAirways?

Do you still enjoy working at USAirways? Why or why not?

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colorado_cowboy said:
but rather YOU and YOUR cronies that need to change.

For your information firstamendment I have a plan B, I have a second job. Knowing that you and cronies don’t have the knowledge it takes to run an airline (except into the ground) and when that happens I will go along my merry way without missing a paycheck. <_<

The question isn’t whether I’m willing to change the question is, are YOU willing to change... jobs that is. :shock:
CHANGE YOU SAY, hell, this guy can't find his way out of a CORNFIELD 😛 😀 :lol:

SORRY Mod men, but pay backs are a B__I==TCH.....
I used to LOVE working for this company. I was proud to see our planes in the air and happy to do the job. I tried to do my very best every day.

Then I became very sick. The physical illness came first. Fibromyalgia, CFIDS, asthma and diabetes. It seemed to hit all at once. I was hospitalized 4 times in as many years. Did I ever get an ounce of understanding from the company? Yeah...sure. And the sun exploded, too.

Next came the mental anguish. Move my family from west to east coast. Discovered as a group, they hated us. And the company referred to us as "uneducated and overpaid." We had all the support of LaToya Jackson's bra at the Superbowl. If you sold $8 or $8 million, it didn't matter. Nobody had a good word for you. When you did something right, no one remembered; when you did something wrong no one forgot. Everyone was taking something to help them cope. If anyone was actually happy, they must have been taking vast amounts of Zoloft.

In a way, it reminded me of Camelot. Perhaps, for "one brief shining moment" we actually had something to be proud of. But that was so long ago and far away.

I am sorry the company has gone so far down the tubes. I could no longer stay because my health had deteriorated so much. I may not be making as much money, but I haven't taken a pain killer in a month and I am no longer on Effexor or Zoloft. I don't have seizures, anxiety attacks or depression. In short, I got my life back.

My very best wishes to each and every one of you. You deserve so much more than what you are getting. You are the greatest. The company sucks.
ErinSaoirseOBX said:
The company sucks.

Your avatar could be U's

Glad you made the move. I too will soon follow as well as many other sane individuals who have had enough of this place to last multiple lifetimes. It was one rough ride and glad it's ending.
ErinSaoirseOBX said:
The company sucks.
It’s not the company that sucks, we are the company… nor is it the union that sucks, we are the union. It’s the way Management runs the company and I’m not speaking of the Management team we currently have in place.

I’m speaking of the Management teams that have come and gone over the past 10 years. Their short sightedness is what sucks! Their lack of vision is what sucks! Now it’s the 28,000 employees that are still on the property that have to pay for their mistakes. THAT’S WHAT SUCKS!
First of all, let me just say hello as I'm a newbie here in these forums. I've just been reading the responses above and see that the majority of you don't really like working for US Airways.

I've had a passion for the aviation industry ever since I was 8 years old, and my favorite airline was always US Airways. I vowed to my parents that I would work for them one day, and tomorrow I get my chance. I have an interview to be a p/t fleet service agent in PHL. It's always something I wanted to do. I've worked around planes for a while at a flight school/charter company at PNE, and I loved it. I just plain enjoy being around aircraft and at an airport. I feel most at home there. It also helps me get my foot in the door to go on to bigger things. I wish I could have gone for this job earlier, but my school schedule didn't allow it, but this year I'll be a senior majoring in marketing at a school in the city that I just transferred to. My schedule pretty wide open so I figured this was the perfect time.

"The problem with Crystal Palace, is there isnt anyone there that has a passion for the airline industry. We got lots of bean counters and "Yes" men and investors from Alabama only interested in getting a return on their investment as quickly as possible. Seems the only ones who truly understand and have a strong passion for this business are the frontline employees."

This is exactly why I want to get in there. I do believe that if you start from the bottom and work your way up, you get a better sense of the company and what the employees/customers really want. I want to go in, contribute, and make a difference. I'm hoping to eventually get an internship in crystal city in the spring. I just have to get a hold of the right people. To me, it's worth pushing back my graduation for. It's almost hard to express how passionate you are for the aviation industry and how you really do care and want to make a difference without sounding like a giddy little kid. Hopefully I can convey how much I really do care about it during the interview tomorrow without sounding like a little kid.

I do really understand everyone's frustration with the company, and hopefully I'll get a chance to change that one day. Hopefully I'll become a part of the US family soon and get a chance to meet some of you at PHL. Also, if anyone has any tips for me concerning the job or anything I should be aware of, I'm all ears! :up:
I do believe that if you start from the bottom and work your way up, you get a better sense of the company and what the employees/customers really want.

That is what this company's management team has never understood. NEVER. I wish you the best of luck and if the company manages to somehow survive, it will be people like yourself that someday turn things around, but my only advice is to learn to swim with the sharks and dont let them eat you alive.
colorado_cowboy said:
I am a very small cog in a very large wheel. Where as you firstamendment appear to have some say in what direction that wheel turns.

I go to work everyday and do the best damn job I possibly can and you have the nerve... the audacity to come onto this board and tell me and my peers that we need to change.

Change needs to be instituted at the top, so firstamendment it appears its not me that needs to change but rather YOU and YOUR cronies that need to change.

For your information firstamendment I have a plan B, I have a second job. Knowing that you and cronies don’t have the knowledge it takes to run an airline (except into the ground) and when that happens I will go along my merry way without missing a paycheck. <_<

The question isn’t whether I’m willing to change the question is, are YOU willing to change... jobs that is. :shock:
Obviously you do not frequent US Aviation or you would know I am not management. Some of you crack me up the way you go off on someone who doesn't believe like you.

And I, as an employee, can have whatever nerve I care to have and whatever opinion I care to have..and I will honor you the same way.
I have tried working in the "real world" IT SUCKS..... this place isnt that bad.
cavalier said:

Your avatar could be U's

Glad you made the move. I too will soon follow as well as many other sane individuals who have had enough of this place to last multiple lifetimes. It was one rough ride and glad it's ending.
What a pussy!

What is your position with this company and can you tell us all where you get your stockpile of Prozac?
US Airways, pilots mull
offer's cost savings

US Airways and Air Line Pilots Association negotiators could not agree Thursday on the cost savings represented by ALPA's offer to give up 12.5 percent in wages, said the union's chairman. The two sides "need a consensus" over total savings which also takes into consideration total flying hours, said Bill Pollock, chairman of ALPA's US Airways unit. The troubled airline seeks to cut pilot costs by $295 million a year. Negotiations continue in Pittsburgh today "until talks break off or we reach a tentative agreement," said union spokesman Jack Stephan.
Separately yesterday, the Allegheny County Airport Authority reported passenger traffic at Pittsburgh International Airport fell 2.9 percent in May from April because of continued declines by US Airways, the airline's main tenant. The total number of passengers in May was 1,194,921, down 3.4 percent from May 2003, when 1,236,929 people passed through the airport, according to the authority statistics released Thursday. The decrease largely was caused by a 7.4 percent drop in passengers in May -- 941,537 from 1,016,775 in May 2003 at US Airways, the authority said. Combined, traffic from US Airways and US Airways Express was down 6.8 percent while traffic for all other carriers was up 20.8 percent, the authority said.
Just a little update. I got hired yesterday by US Airways to be on the ramp at PHL. :up: Took my physical capacity test and my drug test, and I just called to start my 10 year background check. I think you needed a 201 on the physical capacity test and I got a 225. Weird thing is there was this guy who was a lot bigger than me who actually failed that test. The guy at NovaCare said what most people don't realize is that you have to try your hardest because the machine responds to how much you're pulling/pushing.

Anyhow know how soon training starts after you're hired? I'm really looking forward to it!
firstamendment said:
Obviously you do not frequent US Aviation or you would know I am not management. Some of you crack me up the way you go off on someone who doesn't believe like you.

And I, as an employee, can have whatever nerve I care to have and whatever opinion I care to have..and I will honor you the same way.
Well, First Amendment and Colordado Cowboy...I frequently read both of your posts whenever I see them, and I enjoy what I read from the 2 of you. Both of you make alot of sense...at least to me.... We are fellow employees and granted we have our own agendas...but what I have read from the both of you...you have one thing in common...no make that 2...Both are U employees and both care about the outcome of this Company.

And for all the folks who come on here and say that the folks at U only whine, complaine, #### and moan and hate their jobs. NOT!!!!

I know I am here to voice my concerns, and to learn what others have to contribute. I don't hate my job, I hate what is being done to the employees. :angry:

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