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Do You Still Enjoy Working At USAirways?

Do you still enjoy working at USAirways? Why or why not?

  • YES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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If you all are going to complain so much, all you have to do is very simple. Just quit! B)
Superjames said:
If you all are going to complain so much, all you have to do is very simple. Just quit! B)
Why don't you just give more $$$ to save your kitty?
firstamendment said:
I read all these post and some of you amaze me. Many of you act like this is the first time US has been in the Sh*****. Think back in 1991 when we all thought we would go under and our stock hovered around $3 a share. I have heard the same complaints for the 15/17 years I have been working here. I am about convinced that many of you love the drama that IS US Airways. Besides Chapter 11, not much has changed at this company. I know, sad. 🙁

We have all seen more stupidity then we care to ever admit, but unless you have been here over 18 years, most of us never experienced the "US Air" that I hear many speak of. If it is the mid 80's before mergers you miss, then wow, you are way in the past. Most of the remaining 28,000 employees only know an US Airways in distress. So why put out a poll asking if you are happy working at US Airways?

The true question should be WHY ARE YOU HERE?
A. Love my job.
B. Love the airline industry.
C. Both A&B.
D. Love to complain.
E. Love playing victim.
F. Love making life miserable for everyone.
G. D,E,and F
H. Hanging on till retirement
I. I am entitled
J. I want to see us make it, by God.
K. I love the industry and I don't want to start over.

You see, enjoying working at US Airways and enjoying my job are two different things. I know of very few people who run around bragging about their employer. Southwest revers themselves on being a great company, yet a few thousand f/a's were at the end with the lack of willingness to settle a fair contract.

I have to question why these imflammatory polls keep coming up. We all know how most of you feel. The continual fanning the flames with these silly emotionally based, childish polls speaks volumes.

The question is...Do you like your job? I have a feeling many who complain not only dislike their company, but their jobs..better yet, their lives. Why not just start a thread called rant and roll...b**** all you want!!

Now, start the butchering...........
First Amendment,


I am the author of this poll and you my friend are the reason for this poll. You see it is not just a poll, it is a way to get people to express their opinions too. That is why I asked for responses. It is not meant to be inflammatory but rather thought provoking. Heck and fun too, there is nothing wrong with being childish every once in a while. But I like you post too.

Also like you.. I like the first Amendment and just in case anyone forgot:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I like your idea for a poll question it could also be asked "Why are you still here" and you could add answers

L. Full pay to the last day
M. To vote NO one last time
N. To tick off the "then just quit" crowd
O. To grind someones face in it.

Again thank you for your post I am glad my poll inspired you to respond.

Remember we cannot control how other people see things and how they post.
Be what it may be..I still truly enjoy doing my job. Its the middle and upper management that really gets me down. NO CLUE AS TO THE REAL WORLD. This airline has been in a flat spin since the day Seth S. took over for Colodny... All remember: Operation Quick Turn, Business Express just to name a few.
traderjake said:
The part I like is when the paycheck comes in the mail.

It's bigger than any other company will give me to do this job.

I go to work to make money, not to have fun or to be entertained. I try to give to people who supply the money (the customer) a reason to come back.

Some people are blinded by rage because in the past they made more.

The flying public does not care how much we used to make, nor should they.
I don't think I could have said better!
usairways_vote_NO said:
First Amendment,


I am the author of this poll and you my friend are the reason for this poll. You see it is not just a poll, it is a way to get people to express their opinions too. That is why I asked for responses. It is not meant to be inflammatory but rather thought provoking. Heck and fun too, there is nothing wrong with being childish every once in a while. But I like you post too.

Also like you.. I like the first Amendment and just in case anyone forgot:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I like your idea for a poll question it could also be asked "Why are you still here" and you could add answers

L. Full pay to the last day
M. To vote NO one last time
N. To tick off the "then just quit" crowd
O. To grind someones face in it.

Again thank you for your post I am glad my poll inspired you to respond.

Remember we cannot control how other people see things and how they post.
Well, here here...And with that, have a great 4th...all of you!!
The problem with Crystal Palace, is there isnt anyone there that has a passion for the airline industry. We got lots of bean counters and "Yes" men and investors from Alabama only interested in getting a return on their investment as quickly as possible. Seems the only ones who truly understand and have a strong passion for this business are the frontline employees. But those in power dont want to hear any of our "whinning" or "crying". There is no longer any mutual respect or trust. Its a shame what a bad bunch of managers and executives can do to a proud company. And they still refuse to accept the responsibility or accountability for their bad decisions. Its all the fault of those damn frontline workers who are all overpaid and underproductive.
WestCoastGuy said:
The problem with Crystal Palace, is there isnt anyone there that has a passion for the airline industry. We got lots of bean counters and "Yes" men and investors from Alabama only interested in getting a return on their investment as quickly as possible. Seems the only ones who truly understand and have a strong passion for this business are the frontline employees. But those in power dont want to hear any of our "whinning" or "crying". There is no longer any mutual respect or trust. Its a shame what a bad bunch of managers and executives can do to a proud company. And they still refuse to accept the responsibility or accountability for their bad decisions. Its all the fault of those damn frontline workers who are all overpaid and underproductive.
I know...Are you ready to change? Are you?
WestCoastGuy said:
The problem with Crystal Palace, is there isnt anyone there that has a passion for the airline industry. We got lots of bean counters and "Yes" men and investors from Alabama only interested in getting a return on their investment as quickly as possible. Seems the only ones who truly understand and have a strong passion for this business are the frontline employees. But those in power dont want to hear any of our "whinning" or "crying". There is no longer any mutual respect or trust. Its a shame what a bad bunch of managers and executives can do to a proud company. And they still refuse to accept the responsibility or accountability for their bad decisions. Its all the fault of those damn frontline workers who are all overpaid and underproductive.
You are RIGHT ON! There are lots of us who still enjoy the job we do, but boy, do we hate what has happened. It's a love/hate workplace we are in now. There are some who will do an outstanding job until the last day....there are others who will do as little as they can get away with until the last day. This creates more of a love/hate relationship. The stress of "what is going to happen next" is really taking its tole. I'm not sure that this isn't part of 'the plan.' Turn the working force against each other....they don't care what they think of CCY! (If this is the plan....it has worked!) One labor group against the other....even words and mind games being played with each other within the same work group.
...Let's see, the orig thread asked, Do you still enjoy working at US? YES! ... when I am working with my customer...and dont have time to think about our companies management or some of my fellow employees and what they both are doing or not doing! 😉
air chief said:
Be what it may be..I still truly enjoy doing my job. Its the middle and upper management that really gets me down. NO CLUE AS TO THE REAL WORLD. This airline has been in a flat spin since the day Seth S. took over for Colodny... All remember: Operation Quick Turn, Business Express just to name a few.
I believe it as "Operation High Ground" and "Business Select" but your point is well taken.
I use to enjoy my job, the stories, the problem solving, the commendations, my coworkers etc. This company is beginning to make it impossible to do a good job specifically because they don't believe in customer service. I try to do my best and considering what little I have left to work with - my best usually isn't good enough with the customer.

That said - I try to make the best of my job and enjoy my coworkers. Everything else is crap. And may I add that most I work with are tired, stressed, and ready for it to end.

Happy 4th

LET FREEDOM RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
firstamendment said:
I know...Are you ready to change? Are you?
I am a very small cog in a very large wheel. Where as you firstamendment appear to have some say in what direction that wheel turns.

I go to work everyday and do the best damn job I possibly can and you have the nerve... the audacity to come onto this board and tell me and my peers that we need to change.

Change needs to be instituted at the top, so firstamendment it appears its not me that needs to change but rather YOU and YOUR cronies that need to change.

For your information firstamendment I have a plan B, I have a second job. Knowing that you and cronies don’t have the knowledge it takes to run an airline (except into the ground) and when that happens I will go along my merry way without missing a paycheck. <_<

The question isn’t whether I’m willing to change the question is, are YOU willing to change... jobs that is. :shock:
Superjames said:
If you all are going to complain so much, all you have to do is very simple. Just quit! B)
I have to much time to quit. 😛
Move your kitty if you want us to stroke your p.... :shock:

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