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Do Not Let Our Members Read AMP Flyers - FEAR

Here is the link to the letter in PDF for everyone to read, print, and distribute.

T-shirts for Loyalty

Just click on "DOWNLOAD FILE" at the link and you too can see the Appointed TWU Orgnizer Strategy
The whole thing is to keep AMP organizers busy while the workers are going in and out, not having time to take their junk. Remind our shop stewards if they do not know an answer to a questions they are asked to tell that Brother or Sister, “I don’t know but I will get back to you”, get a name and
number and call them back with correct answer. This should give us at least the top 20 to 22 Shop Stewards out in force. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

We need our E-Board out in force on Thursday’s on the base and off site shops as you can and time allows. If possible it is great to wear matching shirts. Sam is looking into T-Shirts for our Shop Stewards and Pete Lundberg is working on cost. This is something we have done with other EBoards
thru out the TWU system on raids and has worked very well with members seeing their EBoard leading this charge. We as members are ultimately responsible for our union and leading by example will only fortify our ranks.

Thank you very much.
Linda Dill and Rick Mullings

Just a quick question here. In your above post you wrote "... and yes the Membership and Officers are well informed.".

My question to you, which might be rather difficult for you to answer but feel free to ask around for the correct answer, is how can the membership and officers be well informed when in the twu's appointed international union organizers, Linda Dill and RicK Mullings, own words " Please tell our stewards we would like to have a crowd around the AMP organizers, challenging them as to what they are doing, asking them questions, etc. The whole thing is to keep them AMP organizers busy while the workers are going in and out, not having time to take their junk.".

If you prevent the membership from getting as much information as they can get to educate themselves on the differences between the twu and AMP how can they be "well informed"? Hummm???

RICK MULLINGS and LINDA DILL will decide what the membership can read and not read. What part of "we are scared don't you understand"?
Wow, now that's sure to be just as effective as the TWU Negotiations, the AFL-CIO political agenda, and with an Unskilled Stock Clerk plus a Facilities Maintenance guy who's only skill was being the son of an A&P Inspector, the cards will continue to flow.

AMP Organizers have two of the best organizers appointed by the TWU.

Hey CIO, were these two elected to the TWU International Staff? Can they be recalled by the membership?
I would say given the appointed $80,000.00 plus they are both making now that the AMFA Drive did alright by them.
What say you CIO?

I'm telling you with confidence, Shirts and Slogans are all they know and are about the most important thing in their lives.

Show them members.

Just Sayin...

All unions have unelected staff, and in many cases they are people on union leave. Most have more staff than the TWU. But, tell me did AMFA’s membership get to vote on the $560,000 pay out in 2008 to fund Dell’s pension at a time when AMFA’s membership was cut by 2/3rds? Did the people put on the street at NWA, ATA, or Independence with no pension or one funded by the government get a chance to vote?

Heres an excerpt from the Association you are promoting. So if it’s not good enough for you now? And you have openly admitted to signing an AMP card! What is the difference?

A. National Director

The National Director shall notify the officers of all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors. He shall, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint and remove, employ and discharge, and fix the compensation of all servants, agents, and employees of the AMP other than the duly elected officers. He shall sign all notes, checks, drafts or bills of exchange, warrants or other orders for the payment of money duly drawn by the Secretary-Treasurer (as provided for in Article II, Section 6), enforce the Constitution and Bylaws, sign any agreement entered into between the AMP and any other organization has hereinafter provided; carry out any other duties the AMP may request; supervise the activities of the AMP; and shall render an Annual Report to the membership.

In Solidarity
All unions have unelected staff, and in many cases they are people on union leave. Most have more staff than the TWU. But, tell me did AMFA’s membership get to vote on the $560,000 pay out in 2008 to fund Dell’s pension at a time when AMFA’s membership was cut by 2/3rds? Did the people put on the street at NWA, ATA, or Independence with no pension or one funded by the government get a chance to vote?
Heres an excerpt from the Association you are promoting. So if it’s not good enough for you now? And you have openly admitted to signing an AMP card! What is the difference?
A. National Director
The National Director shall notify the officers of all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors. He shall, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint and remove, employ and discharge, and fix the compensation of all servants, agents, and employees of the AMP other than the duly elected officers. He shall sign all notes, checks, drafts or bills of exchange, warrants or other orders for the payment of money duly drawn by the Secretary-Treasurer (as provided for in Article II, Section 6), enforce the Constitution and Bylaws, sign any agreement entered into between the AMP and any other organization has hereinafter provided; carry out any other duties the AMP may request; supervise the activities of the AMP; and shall render an Annual Report to the membership.

In Solidarity

Tell me, where are the 150+ greivances over the 100% outsource of CFM56 Engnie work? 15+ full engines outsourced while you still claim we do ALL of our own overhaul.

In case you cannot understand the forum rules. Here is the subject of this thread. This thread is about a classic TWU organizer letter that will get many cards signed in the next few weeks. You seem to be an expert at forum rules except when you are posting. The Moderators gave you a personal debate thread, go use it instead of hi-jacking this one.

Here is the link to the letter in PDF for everyone to read, print, and distribute.
Relevant Subject Matter
T-shirts for Loyalty

Just click on "DOWNLOAD FILE" at the link and you too can see the Appointed Unelected TWU Organizer Strategy

CIO, can you come up with another one of these card signing tools for use at the end of next week? I know we can count on you!
Rolling on the floor evertime I read this...

The whole thing is to keep AMP organizers busy while the workers are going in and out, not having time to take their junk. Remind our shop stewards if they do not know an answer to a questions they are asked to tell that Brother or Sister, “I don’t know but I will get back to you”, get a name and
number and call them back with correct answer. This should give us at least the top 20 to 22 Shop Stewards out in force. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

We need our E-Board out in force on Thursday’s on the base and off site shops as you can and time allows. If possible it is great to wear matching shirts. Sam is looking into T-Shirts for our Shop Stewards and Pete Lundberg is working on cost. This is something we have done with other EBoards
thru out the TWU system on raids and has worked very well with members seeing their EBoard leading this charge. We as members are ultimately responsible for our union and leading by example will only fortify our ranks.

Thank you very much.
Linda Dill and Rick Mullings

The $160,000.00 per year Letter

This is something we have done with other EBoards thru out the TWU system on raids

CIO, how many raids per year does this worthless TWU suffer anyway? Reading this quoate makes it sound as though it is a regular happening for the TWU...

Just Sayin...
All unions have unelected staff, and in many cases they are people on union leave. Most have more staff than the TWU. But, tell me did AMFA’s membership get to vote on the $560,000 pay out in 2008 to fund Dell’s pension at a time when AMFA’s membership was cut by 2/3rds? Did the people put on the street at NWA, ATA, or Independence with no pension or one funded by the government get a chance to vote?

Heres an excerpt from the Association you are promoting. So if it’s not good enough for you now? And you have openly admitted to signing an AMP card! What is the difference?

A. National Director

The National Director shall notify the officers of all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors. He shall, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint and remove, employ and discharge, and fix the compensation of all servants, agents, and employees of the AMP other than the duly elected officers. He shall sign all notes, checks, drafts or bills of exchange, warrants or other orders for the payment of money duly drawn by the Secretary-Treasurer (as provided for in Article II, Section 6), enforce the Constitution and Bylaws, sign any agreement entered into between the AMP and any other organization has hereinafter provided; carry out any other duties the AMP may request; supervise the activities of the AMP; and shall render an Annual Report to the membership.

In Solidarity
{Of course your type of solidarity is from behind an alias.}


Your ability to read AND comprehend is embarrassing. Look at the words before what you highlighted... "HE SHALL, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS". Let me know if you need help understanding what this means.

Now, I know you read my earlier post. But just in case you were afraid to answer the first time I have copied it again here for you to ignore. 🙂


Just a quick question here. In your above post you wrote "... and yes the Membership and Officers are well informed.".

My question to you, which might be rather difficult for you to answer but feel free to ask around for the correct answer, is how can the membership and officers be well informed when in the twu's appointed international union organizers, Linda Dill and RicK Mullings, own words " Please tell our stewards we would like to have a crowd around the AMP organizers, challenging them as to what they are doing, asking them questions, etc. The whole thing is to keep them AMP organizers busy while the workers are going in and out, not having time to take their junk.".

If you prevent the membership from getting as much information as they can get to educate themselves on the differences between the twu and AMP how can they be "well informed"? Hummm???

ken way are you not pushing for AMP on the cal/ual forum

HA HA CIO I'm pretty sure that didn't answer his question. you so funny TWU
One of the most annoying things I hear from some in the labor movement is when leaders try to blame the members for their unwillingness to lead. It reinforces the perception that labor leaders are in it just for the fringe benifits and to get out of working under union negotiated terms.

I believe Informer is a dues paying member, a Grievance has been filed and he asked you a valid question, why not just answer him?

What actions other than what he has done should he do? Chain himself to the engines so they cant ship them out? Should every member be on every committee?

Why not just follow Linda Dills guidance and say "I dont know, I'll get back to you"?

Informer, I dont know the status of that grievance but I can say that the Docket is huge. Not making excuses, it is what it is. You can see the Docket and see where the Grievance is on the list off our local website twu562.org, scroll down on the RH side and click on "Arbitration Dockets". This will show you whats ahead of it but a definite timeline of when it would be heard cant be given unless its at the top of the list.
This whole AMP thing is such a waste of time. What's going to happen, they take over, force a strike and we all lose our jobs? That's a great result. More likely if they take over they'll work hard for a year to negotiate the exact same contract we just turned down.

are you aware that non union mechanics in south america and europe do ps, A checks and work cards on American Airlines aircraft? I complained about it back in 1999 and beyond. I was told by the union and the company that they were American employees and the contract was modified to read that as long as they were "american airline employees it was Ok to have the work done in south america and europe. My complaint was that they were non union or part of the TWU organization and I could not bid there so it is considered outsourcing and they said "no" it was not. These mechanics in south america make about 1/3 what we make. although other carriers do work overseas they at least declare it. This practice still goes on today and does not show on outsourcing report. what is your response to that?


why is this language in our contract at all? I motioned to remove article 43 in 2003 and I was told we were not allowed to ask for anything!

7080 Re: Part-Time Utilization
7082 During the recent negotiations, the TWU expressed a desire to prohibit the expansion of
7083 part-time employees under the Mechanic and Related Agreement. The Company
7084 recognizes that it has not utilized part-time employees historically in several
7085 classifications and very few in others. In an effort to resolve the matter, the Company
7086 does not intend to change its historical application, but at the same time must protect its
7087 contractual right in the event the operation requires its application. Therefore, the
7088 Company commits to the following:
7090 During the life of this agreement, if the Company was to add part-time positions at
7091 locations where they do not exist today, the Company will notify and discuss the plans
7092 with the International TWU prior to the implementation of the part-time positions.
7094 (

with all your great wisdom CIO explain how these are beneficial to our members?

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