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Do Not Let Our Members Read AMP Flyers - FEAR

One of the most annoying things I hear from some in the labor movement is when leaders try to blame the members for their unwillingness to lead. It reinforces the perception that labor leaders are in it just for the fringe benifits and to get out of working under union negotiated terms.

I believe Informer is a dues paying member, a Grievance has been filed and he asked you a valid question, why not just answer him?

What actions other than what he has done should he do? Chain himself to the engines so they cant ship them out? Should every member be on every committee?

Why not just follow Linda Dills guidance and say "I dont know, I'll get back to you"?

Informer, I dont know the status of that grievance but I can say that the Docket is huge. Not making excuses, it is what it is. You can see the Docket and see where the Grievance is on the list off our local website twu562.org, scroll down on the RH side and click on "Arbitration Dockets". This will show you whats ahead of it but a definite timeline of when it would be heard cant be given unless its at the top of the list.

Bob, What can you tell us about what generated the CFM56 grievances since you are on the Negotiating Committee. With looking at our current agreement Article #1 has been unchanged since 2001 and there has not been any problem with retaining our OH work here in Tulsa. I've always been of the opinion that our Scope language is strong and superior to that of the Industry even after the 2003 concessionary agreement that allowed us to keep our work in house. What was the trigger for the outsourcing of the CFM56 from Tulsa? The only thing that comes to mind for me was the "June 2009 proposal" from the Union to the Company. What can you tell us about the Union Negotiating Committees position on their version of Article #1....The Unions former position on Article #1 reminded me of the NW/AMFA agreement and we all know what happened to them don't we.....With you as a negotiator from the line I can see that you would have preferred this instead of the current ASM letter percentage adjustment that was part of the TA. The former position of the Union on Article 1 has been retracted and is now only viewed upon as a supposal from the Union to the Company... I was against this proposal because I was of the opinion it could have been used for "location specific targeting for outsourcing", specific to OH....What was your position on this Bob? Did this create the outsourcing of the CFM56?
This whole AMP thing is such a waste of time. What's going to happen, they take over, force a strike and we all lose our jobs? That's a great result. More likely if they take over they'll work hard for a year to negotiate the exact same contract we just turned down.

And we all know how the TWU "Stength in Numbers" philosophy has worked so well for us since 1983.
I think I will join the Get Rid of the TWU Committee next week.
You know I have been sitting on the side lines during this AMP Campaign, but you are about to make another Die Hard Organizer with answers and tactics that are fit for stooges and idiots.

"Ah hell Informer", I can't wait...LOL

I remember you standing in the lobby holding hands with your little friends.... :blink:
"Ah hell Informer", I can't wait...LOL

I remember you standing in the lobby holding hands with your little friends.... :blink:

Your post is so intelligent I cannot graps it's meaning. Can you repeat from a lower IQ position so I can get a handle on it? Thanks
Your post is so intelligent I cannot graps it's meaning. Can you repeat from a lower IQ position so I can get a handle on it? Thanks

Sorry, I should've been more specific. Don't you remember when you were a die hard AMFA supporter and held hands with your fellow cowards in the lobby at the TWU/AMFA debates?

LOL.... 😀
I don’t know who you think I am, Informer, but I am certainly not Rick Mullings and I have never worked in facilities maintenance or been on International staff. I do know Rick and, unfortunately, he has been out of touch for more than a week because his daughter went into surgery for brain cancer. Before you start throwing stones! Get involved and you would have known this!

In Solidarity,

Careful cio. Don't give too many clues as to your true identity. The twu certainly wouldn't want someone to reveal themselves.

Now, once again... why are twu international officer positions NOT elected on by the full membership? Pointing to a web link is cowardice in my eyes regarding this question.


{I'd say "In solidarity" but gosh darn it, I don't use an alias.}
No I don't remember holding hands with anybody other than my wife. You must have had one of those moments discussing homosexuality that your friends have told me about, where you claim everyone has a little bit of that within them... 😛

Well if no hand holding how about getting your ass handed to you from Mr. Luby? Many of us seen this also along with the lobby thing...LOL 😛
Well if no hand holding how about getting your ass handed to you from Mr. Luby? Many of us seen this also along with the lobby thing...LOL 😛

Hmmm, I thought Luby was made to leave the meeting.

Enough of your playground music and behavior.

Back to keeping the thread open and on topic.

The whole thing is to keep AMP organizers busy while the workers are going in and out, not having
time to take their junk. Remind our shop stewards if they do not know an answer to a questions they
are asked to tell that Brother or Sister, “I don’t know but I will get back to you”, get a name and
number and call them back with correct answer. This should give us at least the top 20 to 22 Shop
Stewards out in force. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

We need our E-Board out in force on Thursday’s on the base and off site shops as you can and time
allows. If possible it is great to wear matching shirts. Sam is looking into T-Shirts for our Shop
Stewards and Pete Lundberg is working on cost. This is something we have done with other EBoards
thru out the TWU system on raids and has worked very well with members seeing their EBoard
leading this charge. We as members are ultimately responsible for our union and leading by
example will only fortify our ranks.

Thank you very much.

In Solidarity
Linda Dill and Rick Mullings
TWU International Organizer’s
Hmmm, I thought Luby was made to leave the meeting.

Enough of your playground music and behavior.

Back to keeping the thread open and on topic.

Are we through kicking each other in the ass? If so, I was wondering if you noticed my post #36 within this thread. Bob has yet to respond to my theory, so I would only assume that your "FEAR is true" that Bob doesn't care about Overhaul....
Are we through kicking each other in the ass? If so, I was wondering if you noticed my post #36 within this thread. Bob has yet to respond to my theory, so I would only assume that your "FEAR is true" that Bob doesn't care about Overhaul....

Sorry about that I missed it.

I never said I knew anything about the grievance, still dont, if I had I would have answered Informer. I dont recall any discussion of the grievance at negotiations either. If it was mentioned in passing then I forgot.

Informer asked a question, "what is the status?" If its still on t he docket that would be an answer, if it was withdrawn that too would be an answer, what I saw was avoiding the question and accusations.
In case anyone has lost track of the topic here.

Don't miss out reading and sharing this letter with your co-workers

The Rick Mullings - Linda Dill Letter

The letter is a perfect example of why the twu is a bad union for AMTs at AA. The twu does NOT want the membership to be beeter informed so they can make an educated decision. The twu is NOT democratic and this shows why. A dictatorship makes decisions for you.

Thank you Linda and Rick for the extra AMP cards signed because of your fearful letter. Oh, the flyer about being decertified garnered a bunch more too. Keep up the good work.


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